Respiratory Distress Syndromeor Hyaline Membrane Disease Flashcards
Incidence and severity depend on
inversely proportional to gestational age and birth wt
Respiratory Distress Syndrome Contributing factors
Neonates younger than 37 weeks
Weight less than 2500g
Maternal diabetes (will lead to sever RDS cause of congenital heart disease / the insulin inhibit surfactant production)
Cesarean delivery without preceding labour ( no steroid less surfactant)
Fetal asphyxia (cause neurological manifestation and acidosis which affect the function of surfactant)
Second part of twins
White infants
Secondary surfactant deficiency may occur in infants with the following
Pulmonary infections e.g. group B Strep (same clinical pic. And x-ray بنمشي ال premature على antibiotic )
Pulmonary hemorrhage PDA , sepsis
Meconium aspiration pneumonia inhibit surfactant function pulmonary hypertension
Oxygen toxicity; barotrauma or volutrauma
to the lungs
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (cyanosis / respiratory distress/ scaphoid abdomen) space occuping lesion pulmonary hypertension
Factors decrease the risk of RDS
Use of antenatal steroids
Pregnancy-induced or chronic maternal hypertension ( stress condition inc. steroids)
Prolonged rupture of membranes ( before delivary 18-72 h بحمي من RDS & sepsis بس اذا كان chronic rupture oligohydration lung hypoplasia)
Maternal narcotic addiction (stress condition )
surfactant production begins at
surfactant production begins at 24-28 weeks of gestation, and gradually increases until full gestation
Surfactant composition
Surfactant is a complex lipoprotein composed of 6 phospholipids and 4 apoproteins.
Lipids 90% of lung surfactant
Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine DPPC (Lecithin) ( during pregnancy ) is functionally the principle phospholipid Protein 10% of lung surfactant Consists of small proteins Hydrophobic protein SP-B and SP-C Hydrophilic proteins SP-A and SP-D
Protein of Pulmonary Surfactant
SP-B (most important )
Required for normal pulmonary function
Mutation result in deficiency SP-B Can cause severe lung disease that is lethal in perinatal period
Promotes formation of phospholipid film lining of alveoli
Human with SP-C deficiency develop interstitial pulmonary fibrosis in early childhood
SP-C deficiency do not cause respiratory distress at birth
SP-A and SP-D
They are host defense of the lung
Kill bacteria
Kill viruses
They have carbohydrate recognition domain allows coating, and phagocytosis of virus and bacteria
difference between RDs and TTN
TTN (disease of full term & post term baby with mature lung )المشكلة fluid in the lung )benign disease
Usually improve while RDS deteriorate within 48h with good prognosis
Oxygen requirement is less in TTN
Prominent perihilar streaking
Fluid in the fissures
Small pleural effusions may be seen
Patchy infiltrates have also been described
Progressive signs of respiratory distress include the following
Tachypnea Hypoxia Cyanosis Expiratory grunting (from partial closure of glottis) Subcostal and intercostal retractions ? Nasal flaring ? Extremely immature neonates may develop apnea and hypothermia
Treatment of RDS
Oxygen - Maintain Pao2 50-80mmHg
Spo2 88-92%
Infection control
Curosurf Warnings
Curosurf: if transient episodes of bradycardia and decreased oxygen saturation occur
Discontinue the dosing procedure and initiate
measures to alleviate the condition
Curosurf: produces rapid improvements in lung oxygenation and compliance that may require immediate reductions in ventilator settings and Fio2 (may lead to pneumothorax
Side effects of Animal-DerivedSurfactant
Transient hypoxia
Acute airway obstruction
Transient full in blood pressure and cerebral blood flow (لازم نسيطر عالضغط لأنو ممكن يصير rupture of vesseles )
Slight increase in risk of pulmonary hemorrhage
No long-term effect on babies
Fewer pneumothorces with slightly reduced mortality
rate compared to infant treated with synthetic surfactant
Potential sensitization to animal proteins
Prevention of RDS
Intubation of infant born at or before 30 weeks gestation in the delivery
Prophylactic natural surfactant therapy is administrated through the ET as soon as the infant is stable after intubation
Do not delay surfactant for CXR
No CXR is necessary to confirm proper tube placement
Antenatal Steroids should be given to any pregnant women at 24 to 34 weeks of gestation with intact membranes at high risk for preterm delivery.
After administration of surfactant and if the infant is active and exhibit spontaneous respiratory effort :
extubation and stabilization on CPAP rather than continued intubation and M.V
Acute complications
Alveolar rupture
Intracranial hemorrhage and periventricular leukomalacia
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)
Pulmonary hemorrhage
Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and/or GI perforation
Apnea of prematurity
Chronic complications
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)
Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP):
Neurologic impairment