What is respiratory distress syndrome mainly caused by? It is largely seen in which patient group?
Surfactant deficiency
Largely in preterm infants: rare if over 32 weeks gestation
What is the function of surfactant in the lungs? Which three hormones increase production and what decreases production?
Reduces surface tension in alveoli, preventing alveoli from collapsing
- Stimulated by cortisol, thyroxine, prolactin,
- Inhibited by insulin (Think: diabetic mother)
What type of delivery is associated with increased risk of respiratory distress syndrome?
Cesarian section
List a key symptom that if it occurs within four hours of birth should raise a red flag for respiratory distress syndrome
What investigations should you consider in a baby who you think has respiratory distress syndrome (cyanosis, tachypnoea, grunting)? What do you expect to see?
- SpO2 monitoring and blood gases
- CXR: bilateral, diffuse groundglass appearance (generalised atelectasis), air bronchogram
What is shown in this x-ray?
Air bronchogram: air-filled bronchi (dark) being made visible by opacification of surrounding alveoli. Almost always caused by pathologic airspace/alveolar process, in which something other than air fills alveoli
Outline the treatment of respiratory distress syndrome
- Intubation and administration of surfactant (extremely pre-term) or nasal CPAP
- Antibiotics: penicillin and gentamicin until congenital pneumonia excluded
- Nutrition: IV fluids until stable then gastric tube feeds + slow increase as tolerated. If unstable start parenteral nutrition after 24 to 48 hours
- Closely monitor oxygen requirements
Which infection can both mimic and coexist with RDS? How do you treat this?
Congenital pneumonia: penicillin and gentamicin
What is the prognosis of RDS? What can around 15% of cases go on to develop?
Majority have a good recovery
- Mortality is 5 to 10% and depends on severity and gestation
- Bronchopulmonary dysplasia may develop in 15% of cases and is inversely proportional to gestational age
How can you prevent respiratory distress syndrome prenatally?
- Corticosteroids: given to mother 1 to 7 days before birth. Decreases incidence and mortality by 40%
- Treat coexisting morbidity is that inhibits surfactant production e.g. hypothermia, acidosis, infection