Respiratory control and arterial blood gases Flashcards
Rhythm generator in medulla
Inspiratory/expiratory groups of neurones
Modification by pneumotaxic centre
in the pons
Respiratory depression
Opiates/narcotics, alcohol,
anaesthesia, and other sedatives
- Cerebral diseases: ex. cerebral
vascular accident
Chemosensing via
Peripheral and central afferent nerve inputs
Peripheral chemoreceptors
Carotid and aortic bodies
Carotid body: bundle of cells just outside the bifurcation of carotid arteries
Peripheral chemoreceptors action
Respond to hypoxia»_space; CO2 and H (which are largely sensed in medulla)
In normal conditions, increase in ventilation occurs (only) when PaO2 drops significantly
Carotid and aortic bodies provide back up for each other
Central chemoreceptors
Clusters of cells scattered throughout the hindbrain
Sense PaO2 and [H+] (indirectly sensing plasma PaCO2)
Pneumotaxic centre
Dorsal respiratory group
Ventral respiratory group
Nucleus parabrachialis medialis
Nucleus tractus solitarius
Nucleus ambigualis
Nucleus retroambigualis
Efferent nerves - inspiratory
Diaphragm: phrenic nerves, C3-C5 External intercostal muscles: thoracic nerves, T1-T11 Accessory muscles in the neck: sternocleidomastoid (XI cranial nerve) and scalene muscles (C3-C8)
Efferent nerves - expiratory
Abdominal wall
Internal intercostal muscles
Approach to ABG interpretation
Step 1: Examine the pH, PCO2 and HCO3 – are they abnormal? If so, does the patient have an acidemia or alkalemia?
Step 2: Determine the primary process
Step 3: Calculate the anion gap and base excess
Step 4: Identify the compensatory process (if one is present)
Step 5: Determine if a mixed acid-base disorder is present
Step 6: Generate a differential diagnosis
Respiratory acidosis: high PCO2 (> 44)
Metabolic acidosis: low HCO3-(< 22)
Respiratory alkalosis: lowPCO2 (< 36
Metabolic alkalosis: high HCO3- (> 26)
CO2 in blood
When CO2 elimination is insufficient, retained CO2 (“CO2 retention”) will drive the equation to the right, thereby increasing [H+] and decreasing the pH.
That’s why CO2 is called a “volatile acid” and why CO2 retention is called a respiratory acidosis.
Calculate anion gap
Metabolic acidosis: addition of acid OR loss of bicarbonate
If addition of acid, the process is called an anion gap metabolic acidosis
Anion gap - GOLD MARK
Main causes: Glycols (ethylene and propylene), Oxoproline, L-lactate, D-lactate, Methanol, Aspirin, Renal failure, and Ketoacidosis
Non-anion gap (metabolic) acidosis
Renal tubular acidosis (RTA)
All types result in urinary loss of bicarbonate and a hyperchloremic acidosis
Base excess
The relationship between a metabolic acidosis/alkalosis and bicarbonate levels is not linear
Base excess/deficit is a measure of a metabolic disturbance
Base excess is the dose of acid to return bloodto normal pH (7.40) under standard conditions (37C and a PCO2 of 40 mm Hg)
Base deficit is the dose of alkali to returnblood to normal pH
Compensating acid-base disturbances
Respiratory acidosis ……………………….……. Retain HCO3
Respiratory alkalosis ……………………….……. Reduce HCO3
Metabolic acidosis ………………………….…….. Reduce CO2 (hyperventilation)
Metabolic alkalosis (HCO3 > 14 mmHg) ….. Retain CO2 (hypoventilation)
Mixed disorder
two or more primary acid-base disturbances
Mixed disorder clues
The anion gap should be similar in value to the reduction in bicarbonate; this calculation is called the “gap of the gap”
An anion gap is present but the pH is alkalemic
Incomplete compensation for any primary process. Note, “complete compensation” does not result in a normal pH, but it gets close.
Generate differential diagnosis
Metabolic Acidosis
- Anion gap metabolic acidosis: GOLD MARK
- Non-anion gap metabolic acidosis: RTA, GI loss, Cl- administration, acetazolamide
Metabolic Alkalosis Increased aldosterone (thiazide diuretic use, ‘contraction alkalosis’); vomiting; other causes
Respiratory Acidosis
- Retention of CO2: increased dead space; weakness
Respiratory Alkalosis
- Hyperventilation due to pain or anxiety, respiratory centre abnormalities; pregnancy; hypoxaemia including from high altitude
Gas exchange at alitutude
Barometric pressure decreases with increasing height
Normal response to high altitude
Hypoxemia mediated hyperventilation (peripheral chemoreceptors)
Hyperventilation increases alveolar ventilation with a decrease in PaCO2 (respiratory alkalosis)
Reducing PACO2 leaves more space for oxygen in the alveoli
PaCO2 then decreases ventilatory response to hypoxia (central chemoreceptor response to PaCO2)
Hyperventilation decreases and PaO2 falls
Renal compensation (excreting HCO3-) returns acid-base balance to normal
Compensation for alkalosis returns CSF pH to normal and after 1-2 days, overall response to hypoxia recovers