Respiratory control and arterial blood gases Flashcards
The medulla in respiratory control
The medulla is the centre that generates the depth and pace of breathing- contains inspiratory and expiratory groups of neurones.
Also contains- The ventral and dorsal respiratory group.
Pneumotaxic centre
A neural centre located in the pons which helps to control maintain inspiration and expiration.
It relays information to the dorsal respiratory group in the medulla.
Dorsal respiratory group
Neural centre in the medulla composed of:
Nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS)
The NTS relays information to the ventral respiratory group.
It controls muscles in ventilation through the phrenic and intercostal nerves:
External intercostal muscles.
Ventral respiratory group
Neural centre in the medulla composed of:
Nucleus ambigualis
Nucleus retroambigualis
Relays information to the dorsal respiratory group
Controls accessory muscles in ventilation via the phrenic nerve:
Internal intercostal muscles
Efferent nerves in ventilation
Control inspiratory muscles:
Diaphragm controlled by the phrenic nerve (C3-5).
Internal and external intercostal muscles controlled by T1-T11
Accessory neck muscles (sternocleidomastoid and the scalene muscles) are controlled by C11, C3-8 respectively.
Peripheral chemosensors in respiration
Composed of afferent nerves connecting to chemoreceptors.
Chemoreceptors are located in the aortic and carotid bodies.
Responds to high levels of CO2 and H+. Only changes ventilation when PaO2 drop is very significant, below 90%.
Nervous control of sternocleidomastoid
Cranial nerve 11 (CNXI)
Efferent nerve that controls the accessory muscle in inspiration.
Nervous control of scalene muscles
Cranial nerves 3-8 (CNIII-VIII)
Control the accessory muscles involved in inspiration.
Expiratory nerves
Thoracic nerves: supplies internal thoracic muscles and the abdominal wall.
Lung stretch receptors
Connected to vagus nerves.
Sense when lungs (alveoli) are over stretching and terminates that.
C-fibre neurones
Neuron activated by oedema and senses bradykinin.
Involved in controlling respiratory behaviour
Irritant receptors
Detect punctuate mechanical stimuli- objects that push on the tissue of the respiratory tract.
Stimulates coughing reaction.
Normal pH range
Normal PaCO2
36-44 mm Hg
Normal HCO3-
22-26 mmol/L