Respiratory Agents Flashcards
How do the SNS and PNS affect the pulmonary system?
- SNS:
- B2 adrenoceptors cause relaxation/dilation of smooth muscles in blood vessels, bronchi, the uterus, bladder, and other organs
- done by increasing cAMP
- stimulation of the vagus nerve leads to bronchoconstriction and increase in mucus secretion
- M3 receptors are most important pharmacologically
- found on bronchial smooth muscle
- mediate bronchoconstriction by activating IP3 which increases intracellular Ca
- mediates mucus secretion
How do non adrenergic, non cholinergic nerves affect the pulmonary system?
- relax airway smooth muscle by releasing NO and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)
What different parts of the asthma disease process do the drugs effect? (flow chart)
B2 agonists
- B2- reverse the bronchospasm caused by the histamines and prostaglandins released
- glucocorticoids- inhibit the chronic airway inflammation and hyperactivity
- **It is important to address both the inflammation and bronchoconstrictive aspects of the disease

What are the advantages of inhalation drug therapy?
What are the different delivery methods (3)?
- Advantages:
- high local concentration of the drug in the bronchial tree, where it is needed
- enhanced pulmonary effects
- minimized systemic effects
- drug onset is rapid, useful for acute attacks
- high local concentration of the drug in the bronchial tree, where it is needed
- delivery methods:
- MDI- only 10% makes it into lungs
- dry powder inhalers (DPIs)
- Nebulizers
What are the anti-inflammatory drugs used to treat asthma?
how often are they taken?
which one is most effective?
- Taken daily for long-term control
- inhaled corticosteroids (glucocorticoids)
- most effective preventative treatment for asthma
- Cromolyns
- leukotriene inhibitors
- Anti- IgE antibodies
- inhaled corticosteroids (glucocorticoids)
what effect does it have?
- MOA- suppress inflammation by altering genetic transcription
- target: glucocorticoid receptor alpha in cytoplasm of airway epithelial cells
- increases transcriptions of genes for B2 receptors and responsiveness
- increases trans of genes for anti-inflammatory proteins
- decreases trans of genes for pro-inflammatory proteins
- induces apoptosis in inflammatory cells (eosinophils, TH2, lymphocytes)
- indirect inhibition of mast cells over time
- reverses bronchial hyperreactivity
- used as suppressive therapy, does not change the progression of the disease NOT A CURE
What are the different corticosteroids that may be used to help with asthma?
- Inhaled:
- Budesonide (MDI, neb, or DPI)
- Beclomethasone
- Triamcinolone
- Fluticasone
- IV (status asthmaticus)
- Hydrocortisone
- Methylprednisolone
- PO (acute exacerbation, but limit time course)
- Prednisone
- Prednisolone
- *These patients may need stress dose steroids, but NOT if the steroids they use are inhaled
How much of any MDI reaches the airway?
What are some side effects of inhaled corticosteroids?
- Adrenal suppression (mild compared with IV/PO routes)
- oropharyngeal candidiasis
- Hoarseness
- Delayed growth in children
- Osteopenia/osteoporosis
- encourage vit D, Ca, and weight bearing exercise
What are side effects of IV/PO systemic corticosteroids?
- Minor when taken acutely (<10 days), can be severe if used long-term
- myopathy/weakness
- adrenal suppression (taper, do not stop suddenly)
- increased infection risk
- suppression of growth and development
- PUD- increased risk with NSAIDS
- weight gain, edema, hypokalemia
- hyperglycemia- may need to increase insulin dose in DM
Principle use?
- MOA: Stabilizes pulmonary mast cells
- inhibits antigen-induced release of histamine and the release of inflammatory mediators from eosinophils, neutrophils, monocytes, etc…
- inhibits immediate allergic response to an antigen but not the allergic response once it has been activated
- Principle use: Prophylactic therapy of bronchial asthma
- can help prevent exercise induced bronchospasm
- does not releive an allergic response after initiation- not a rescue inhaler
- Administration via inhalation- 8-10% enters systemic circulation, poor oral absorption
- taken 4 times daily
What are the SE of Cromolyn?
- Side effects are rare and it is the safest of all anti-asthma medications
- cough and/or bronchospasm
- Laryngeal edema
- angioedema
- urticaria
- anaphylaxis
- route: Inhaled
- MDI or neb
What are Leukotrienes?
- Leukotrienes are made from Arachidonic Acid (AA) when inflammatory cells are activated
- C4, D4, and E4 promote bronchoconstriction, eosinophil infiltration, mucus production, and airway edema
- Inhibitors reduce these effects
What are the Leukotriene inhibitors?
How effective are they?
- Zileuton (Zyflo)
- Zafirlukast (Accolate)
- Montelukast (Singulair)
- efficacy:
- Less effective than inhaled glucocorticoids
- not effective in treatement of acute attacks
What do you have to monitor?
- MOA- lipoxygenase inhibitor which blocks the biosynthesis of leukotrienes from AA
- produces bronchodilation, improves asthma symptoms, shows long-term improvement in PFT
- Pharmacokinetics:
- low bioavailability, low potency
- Hepatotoxic- monitor LFTs once/month early in tx
- SE:
- neuropsychiatric issues- depression, anxiety, agitation, hallucinations, suicidal thinking and behavior
- CYP450 interactions
Montelukast (Singulair)
- MOA- Leukotriene receptor antagonist that blocks the mechanism of bronchoconstriction and smooth muscle effects
- prevents leukotrienes from binding to leukotriene-1 receptor
- Uses
- used to treat asthma in pts <1 year
- prevents exercise induced bronchospasm >15 years old
- treats allergic rhinitis
- Effects:
- improve bronchial tone, pulmonary function, and asthma symptoms
- SE similar to placebo
- 99% PB
- Undergoes extensive metabolism by CYP450
- minimal drug interactions
When is it used?
- Anti-IgE antibody- Humanized mouse monoclonal antibody
- Target: Prominence of IgE mediated allergenic responses in asthma
- binds to IgE in the blood inactivating it (IgE levels decrease for a year)
- decreased amt of circulating IgE prevents binding of IgE to mast cells
- Down regulation of receptors d/t less circulating IgE
- Only administered to pts who fail all other treatments because there are SO many SEs
- $10,000 per year
- SQ, pt must be monitored at hospital, can’t be given at home
- 1/2 life of 26 days
- SE:
- injection site reactions
- viral infection
- URI and sinusitis
- pharyngitis
- H/A
- CV complications- get an EKG
- possible increased risk of cancer
- May trigger anaphylaxis
- monitor for 2 hours after 1st 3 doses
- monitor for 30 minutes after all later doses
How do bronchodilators treat asthma?
What are the bronchodilators used?
- Provide symptomatic relief but do not alter the underlying disease process (inflammation)
- usually a pt requiring a bronchodilator will also be on glucocorticoid treatment for inflammation
- Bronchodilators:
- beta- adrenergic agonists (most effective in asthma)
- anticholinergics
- methylxanthines
Beta Adrenergic receptors:
What is the primary effect?
- Beta adrenergic receptors are coupled to G-proteins
- they activate adenlyl cyclase which increases the production of cAMP, causing bronchodilation
- Decreases intracellular Calcium and increases membrane K conductance
- Primary effect: dilate the bronchi by a direct action on the B2 adrenoreceptors
- results in smooth muscle relaxation and bronchodilation
- inhibits mediator release from mast cells
- increases mucous action of cilia

What are the Beta adrenergic agonists selective to?
What are the short acting agents?
What are the long acting agents?
- Selective to B2
- 200-400x more strongly than to B1
- Short acting
- albuterol
- levalbuterol- even less B1 binding, but more expensive
- Long acting
- Salmeterol
- terbutaline- IV/PO
Beta adrenergic agonists
administration route
- Onset 15-30 minutes
- Good for use as a rescue inhaler
- administered via:
- inhalation or aerosol
- powder or nebulized
- orally or injected (SC)
- Short or long acting
What are the side effects of Beta adrenergic agonists?
- *SE are minimized by inhalation delivery
- tremor
- increased HR
- vasodilation
- metabolic changes
- hyperglycemia
- hypokalemia (increased K conductance into cell)
- hypomagnesemia
- With high doses of oral drugs:
- angina, tachydysrhythmias
What is the preferred Beta adrenergic agonist?
How is it administered?
- Albuterol
- administered via MDI
- 2 puffs, q 4-6 hrs
- 100 mcg/puff
- Nebulizer 2.5-5.0 mg in 5 ml of saline
- DOA_ 4-8 hours
What are the other Beta adrenergic (Beta2 selective) agonists used to treat asthma?
- Metaproterenol-Alupent
- beta2 agonist
- not to exceed 16 puffs/day
- longer lasting than albuterol
- Bitolterol
- longer asting
- CV side effects are rare
- Daily metered dose is 16-20 puffs/day
- each dose is 270 mcg
- Beta 2 selective adrenergic agonist
- Used to treat asthma
- administration:
- SC peds: 0.01 mg/kg; adult: 0.25 mg q 15 min
- MDI 16-20 puffs/day- 200 mcg/puff
Salmeterol or Formoterol
what makes it last longer?
What is it used for?
- Long acting B-agonist
- Has a lipophillic side chain that resists degradation and binds to receptor tightly
- DOA is 12-24 hours
- Good for prevention NOT acute flare
- BLACK BOX WARNING: may increase risk of fatal asthma attack
- should always be given with a steroid as well
What are the long acting beta agonist/steroid combo drugs?
- Available combination drugs:
- Fluticasone/Salmeterol (advair)
- Budesonide/Formoterol (symbicort)
- Indicated for long-term maintenance in adults and children
- convenient, but limited flexibility with dose
- reduces symptoms, reduces the risk of exacerbation, and helps reduce steroid dose
- Not recommended for initial treatments- many pts only need a glucocorticoid
- BLACK BOX WARNING: increased risk of asthma related death
Clinical applications?
- Class: phosphodiesterase inhibitors
- MOA: unclear; possible inhibition of phosphodiesterase isoenzymes (Type III and IV) which prevents cAMP degradation in airway smooth muscle as well as in inflammatory cells
- possible adenosine receptor blockade at A1 and A2 receptors
- may also have anti-inflammatory effect
- Drug effect: airway relaxation and bronchodilation
- Clinical applications:
- asthma
- Theophylline (prototype), Aminophylline
What are the problems with Methylxanthines?
- Multiple side effects and a narrow therapeutic index
- TI plasma level of 10-20 mg/ml
- Toxic >20 mg/ml
- wide 1/2 life variation; smokers metabolize 50% faster
- Susceptible to drug-drug interactions (CYP450)
- Cimetidine, Cipro, and antifungals (CYP450 inhibitors) increase plasma levels
- phenobarb and phytoin can decrease levels
- Caffeine is also a methylxanthine and can increase levels and promote CNS and CV toxicity
- Metabolized in liver and excreted in kidney
- Sustained release only
What are the SE of methylxanthines?
- Almost always at toxic levels
- Cardiac arrhythmias
- N/V
- irritability
- insomnia
- sz
- brain damage
- hyperglycemia
- hypokalemia
- hypotension
- death from CV collapse
Anticholinergic bronchodilators
- MOA: competative antagonists at muscarinic acetylcholine receptors
- promote smooth muscle relaxation and decreased mucus gland secretion by antagonizing endogenous Ach
- M3 is most important
- Uses
- treatment of COPD
- second line treatment of asthma

- Naturally occurring alkaloid
- formally considered 1st line treatment for asthma
- 1-2 mg diluted in 3-5 ml of saline via nebulizer
- Highly absorbed across respiratory epithelium, causing systemic anticholinergic effects
- tachycardia, nausea, dry mouth, GI upset
- Highly absorbed across respiratory epithelium, causing systemic anticholinergic effects
Ipratroprium bromide (atrovent)
- Quanternary ammonium salt derivative of atropine
- does not easily absorb across pulmonary epithelium compared to atropine
- MOA: antagonizes the effect of endogenous acetylcholine at M3 receptor subtypes
- MDI 40-80 mcg in 2-4 puffs
- Onset: 30-90 minutes
- DOA: 4-6 hours
- Quaternary ammonium salt
- Long acting anticholinergic
- Not significantly absorbed across the resp. epithelium
- FDA approved for COPD
How is initial treatment of asthma determined?
Goals of asthma treatment?
How can this be achieved chronically?
- Stepwise therapy
- step chosen for initial therapy is based on pre-treatment classification of asthma severity
- moving up or down a step is based on ongoing assessment of asthma control
- Goals: to reduce impairment and risk
- reduce exposure to allergens and triggers (dust mites, pets, mold, cockroaches)
- other factors: tobacco smoke, wood smoke, household sprays
What should you do for acute exacerbation in the OR?
- This requires immediate attention
- Goal is to relieve airway obstruction and hypoxemia and normalize lung function as quickly as possible
- initial therapy:
- oxygen
- systemic glucocorticoid to reduce inflammation
- nebulized high dose SABA
- nebulized ipratroprium
- Try ketamine before epi
Are steroids very helpful in COPD?
- Not really, sometimes a trial will be done, but they arent usually very useful
- Bronchodilators might work better, but only show modest improvement
What drugs are usually used to treat COPD?
- Usually started on one agent and then will add another if one is not enough
- Long acting inhaled beta 2 agonist (salmeterol)
- long acting anticholinergic (tiotropium)
- Inhaled glucocorticoid (budesonide) is last choice
- If using two agents, usually LABA and steroid
What is the new drug used to treat COPD?
- Roflumilast (Daliresp)- a selective phosphodiesterase type 4 inhibitor that appears to reduce exacerbations
- MOA: increases cAMP levels resulting in reduced cough, inflammation, and mucus
- SE: diarrhea, weight loss, loss of appetite, nausea, HA, back pain, depression