Respiratory Flashcards
list the bedside tests in respiratory?
Sputum examination
Peak Expiratory Flow
Pulse oximetry
what happens to the FEV1/FVC in restrictive and obstructive airway disease?
Normal, 75-80%
>70% normal
<70% predicted
pneumonia can be classified as what?
Community aqcuired
Hospital acquired
immunocomprimised pt
clinical features of pneumonia?
Symptoms: fever, rigor, malaise, anorexia, dyspnoea, cough, purulent sputum, pleuritic chest pain
Signs: pyrexia, cyanosis, tachyponeic, tachycardic, signs of consolidation, pleural rub
how is severity assessed in pneumonia?
Resp rate >30/min
BP <90 systolic +/- 60 diastolic
>65yrs of age
how many points does each element of CURB65 score?
1pt for each
0-1, antibiotic/ home treatment
2, hospital therapy
3, severe pneumonia consider ITU
complications of pneumonia?
respiratory failure, hypotension, atrial fibrillation, pleural effusion, empyema lung abscess, septiceamia, pericarditis/ myocarditis, jaundice
repeat CXR/CRP in thsoe not responding to treatment to look for complications/progression
which is the most common bacterial pneumonia?
pneumococcal pneumonia
which pneumonia occurs as an epidemic every 4yrs?
mycoplasma pneumonia- presents insidiously with flu like symtpoms followed by dry cough
complications include skin rash, stevens johnson syndrome,
which population goups are more likely to suffer klebsiella pneumonia?
diabetics, alcoholics, elderly
particularly affects upper lobes
which pneumonia causes a bilateral cavitating bronchopneumonia?
staphylococcal pneumonia: may complicate influenze infection or occur in elderly/young, IVDU, those with underlying disease
hwo is leionella pneumonia diagnosed?
urine antigen/ culture
which pneumonia colonizes in water <60C?
legionella pneumonia
(typical in pools/ air conditioning)
which respiratory illness is acquired from infected birds (typically parrots)?
chlamydial psittaci
headache, fever, dry cough, patchy consolidation on CXR
which pneumonia commonly presents in the imunocompromised patient?
pneumocystitis pneumonia
dry cough, fever, bilateral crepitations, exertional dyspnoea
which organsism is responsile for pneumocystis pneumonia?
pneumocystis jiroveci
what is empyema?
pus in the pleural space
suspect if a pt with resolving pneumonia presents with recurring fever