Respiratory Flashcards
Function of Respiration
-Primary function of respiration is gas exchange. In mammals, gas exchange occurs in the lungs. During inspiration, air rich in O2 is inhaled in the lungs. During expiration, CO2 produced during the oxidative processes of the body is exhaled from the lungs. Both gases are transported by the blood. Therefore, both the cardiovascular system and the respiratory system are involved with supplying body cells with O2 and eliminating their waste product CO2.
The Respiratory Tract
- Air flows through a series of air passages that connect the lungs to the nose and mouth. Inhaled air passes over a complex series of surfaces when it goes through the nose: the nasal septum and the nasal turbinates. These surfaces clean the air of big dust particles/
- From the nose, warmed and moistened air flows through the common passages for air and food, the pharynx, and then continues through the larynx. Air finally reaches the periphery of the lungs via the trachea and bronchi
- The lungs and the airways share the chest cavity with the heart, the great vessels, and the esophagus. The airways consist of a series of tubes that branch and become narrower, shorter, and more numerous as they penetrate into the lungs. The trachea divides into 2 main bronchi, each of which divides into lobar and segmental bronchi. The right main bronchus has 3 lobar bronchi (the right lung has 3 lobes) while the left main bronchus divides only 2 bronchi (left lung only 2 lobes) The segmental bronchi divide further into smaller branches. The smallest airways without alveoli are the terminal bronchioles.
Pathway/Subdivisions of the conducting airways and terminal respiratory Units.
Trachea –> Bronchi –> bronchioles –> terminal bronchioles –> Respiratory bronchioles –> alveolar ducts –> alveolar sacs
-Thin cellular sheet attached to the thoracic cage interior (parietal pleura) and, folding back upon itself, attached to the lung surface
Visceral Pleura
forms two enclosed pleural sacs in thoracic cage
-pressure in the pleural space is negative
-In the pleural space there is a small amount of fluid, nothing else
-intraplueral fluid lubricates the movement of the lungs
Conducting Airways
- consist of the airways from the mouth and nose openings, all the way down to the terminal bronchioles. These airways conduct air from the atmosphere to the respiratory part of the lungs
- do not contribute to gas exchange and are thus said to compose the anatomical dead space
Respiratory Zone
- the respiratory part of the lungs begins where the terminal bronchioles divide into respiratory bronchioles, which have some alveoli opening into their lumen.
- Beyond the respiratory bronchioles are the alveolar ducts lined with alveoli
- the alveolar region of the lungs is the site of gas exchange, and is called the respiratory zone.
- because of such abundant branching of airways, the respiratory zone makes up most of the lungs
- the smallest physiological unit of the lungs (distal to the terminal bronchioles) is the acinus
Functions of the Conducting Airways
4 main
- Defense against bacterial infection and foreign particles: the epithelial lining of the bronchi has hair-like projections called cilia. The epithelial glands secrete a thick substance, mucous, which lines the respiratory passages as far down as the bronchioles. Foreign particles stick to the mucous and the cilia constantly sweep the mucous up into the pharynx. This is called the MUCOCILIARY DEFENSE SYSTEM
- Warm and moisten inhaled air
- Sound and speech are produced by the movement of air passing over the vocal cords
- Regulation of air flow: smooth muscle around the airways may contract or relax to alter resistance to air flow.
Function of the Respiratory Zone
- site of gas exchange between the air in the alveoli and the blood in the pulmonary capillaries.
- there are roughly 300 mil alveoli in the human lungs, and each alveolus may be associated with as many as 1k capillaries.
Two types of Circulations in the Lungs
- Pulmonary circulation: brings mixed venous blood (blood that comes from differnt body organs w/ different metabolic activities) to the lungs allowing for the blood to get oxygenated, then back to the left heart
- Bronchial circulation: supplies oxygenated blood from the systemic circulation to the tracheobronchial tree (this circulation allows for the airways to get oxygenated.
- venous blood from the airways to the arteries. Venous blood that came from the cells or the airways mixes with oxygenated blood, goes to heart
- slight waste
Three alveolar cell types
- Epithelial Type I and II cells: Alveoli are lined by epithelial type I and II cells. Together, all the alveolar epithelial cells form a complete epithelial layer seal by tight junctions. Little is known about the specific metabolic activities of type 1 cells. Type II cells produce pulmonary surfactant, a substance that decreases the surface tension of the alveoli
- Enothelial cells: Consitute the walls of the pulmonary capillaries. These cells may be as thing as 0.1 micron
- Alveolar macrophages: These removes foreign particles that may have escaped the mucociliary defense system of the airways and found their way into the alveoli.
-elevates sternum.
External Intercostal muscles
- contract, they lift the rib cage. So do the parasternal intercartilaginous muscle
external Oblique
- contract for expiration
Inspiratory Muscles
- Main muscle is the diapragm.
- in addition the external intercostal muscles and the parasternal intercartilaginous muscles and neck muscles may assist. Their major contribution occurs during high levels of ventilation. Contraction of these muscles is also apparent during sever asthma and other disorders that obstruct the movements of air into the lungs.
- It is innervated by the phrenic nerves from the cervical segments 3, 4, and 5. Contraction of the diaphragm causes its dome to descend and the chest to expand longitudinally. At the same time, its contraction elevates the lower ribs because of the vertically oriented attachments of the diaphragm to the costal margins. Contraction of the external intercostal muscles also raises the ribs during inspiration. As the ribs are elevated, the anterior-posterior and transverse dimensions of the chest enlarge.
Expiratory Muscles
- is passive during quiet breathing as a result of the recoil in the lungs and chest wall. It becomes active at higher levels of ventilation, or in pathogical states.
- muscles involved: internal intercostal muscles and the abdominal muscles.
Summary of events during inspiration
Diaphragm and intercostal muscles contract –> thoracic cage expands –> intrapleural pressure becomes more negative (sub-atmospheric) –> transpulmonary pressure increases(dif. in pressure) –> lungs expand –> alveolar pressure becomes sub-atmospheric –> air flows into alveoli.
Summary of Events during expiration
Diaphragm and external intercostal muscles stop contracting –> chest wall moves inwards –> intrapleural pressure goes back towards preinspiratory value –> transpulmonary pressure goes back towards preinspiratory value –> lung recoil towards preinspiratory volume –> air in lungs is compressed –> alveolar pressure becomes greater than atmospheric pressure –> air flows out of the lungs
- spirometer is used to measure tidal volume, vital capacity, inspiratory capacity, expiratory reserve volume, and inspiratory reserve volume
- cannot be used to measure functional residual capacity, total lung capacity or residual volume
Tidal Volume (TV)
Amount of air inhaled or exhaled in one breath during relaxed quiet breathing
- Typical value: 500 mL
Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV)
Amount of air in excess of tidal inspiration that can be inhaled with maximum effort
-typical value: 3000 mL
Expiratory Volume (ERV)
Amount of air in excess of tidal expiration that can be exhaled with maximum effort
-typical value: 1,200 mL
Residual Volume (RV)
Amount of air remaining in the lungs after maximum expiration; keeps alveoli inflated between breaths and mixes with fresh air on next inspiration
-typical value: 1200 mL
Vital Capacity (VC)
Amount of air that can be exhaled with maximum effort after maximum inspiration (ERV + TV + IRV); used to assess strength of thoracic muscles as well as pulmonary function
-typical value: 4,700 mL
Inspiratory Capacity (IC)
Maximum amount of air that can be inhlaed after a normal tidal expiration (TV + IRV)
-typical value: 3,500 mL
Functional Residual Capacity (FRC)
Amount of air remaining in the lungs after a normal tidal expiration (RV +ERV)
-typical value: 2,400 mL
Total Lung Capacity (TLC)
Maximum amount of air the lungs can contain (RV + VC)
Functional Residual Capacity (FRC) measurement
- can be measured by helium dilution. Let C1 be the helium concentration in the spirometer of volume 1 and let the subject breath of to FRC. Then, open the valve and ask the subject to breath in and out from the spirometer. After equilibrium with the subjects lungs, the conc. in the spirometer is C2. Since the total amount of helium is conserved, we have
C1 x V1 = C2 x (V1 + FRC)
FRC = (C1 x V1 / C2) - V1