Respiratory 2 - Sleep Disorders and ARDS Flashcards
When is home monitoring appropriate in OSA IX?
When there is a high pre-test probability for OSA
What are features of non-rem sleep?
Portal of entry is non-rem sleep
Defined electrically but not sensed
Reduced ability to interact with environment
persistence of vigilance for 1st 20 mintues
associated with transient jerks
What are features of sleep progression?
Progress through stages of non-REM sleep
REM sleep occurs in 90-110 minutes - 4-6 eps/night
each progressively longer
associated with dreaming
What effect does duration of sleep have upon vigilance?
reduced vigilance if 6hrs/night for 8 days
reduced vigilance if 4hrs/night for 5 days
What is the relationship between sleep and weight gain?
8 hrs/night
Increased inflammatory markers in
What is the mechanism of sleep apnoea?
Sleep onset Apnoea Decreased O2, Increased CO2, Decreased pH Arousal Resumption of airflow
What are predisposing factors for sleep apnoea?
Airway muscle - drugs, sleep
Pharyngeal size - uvula, obesity, tumours, male, hypothyroidism, acromegaly
Tissue compliance - obesity
Airway obstruction - nasal resistance, asthma
What are complications of arousal in sleep apnoea?
Sleep fragmentation Unrefreshing sleep Excessive somnolescence Personality disorders Memory loss
What are symptoms of sleep apnoea?
Snoring Reported apnoea restless sleep nocturnal choking unrefreshing sleep headache excessive daytime sleepiness
What are gas exchange complications of sleep apnoea?
Pulmonary vascoconstriction - pulmonary HTN and RHF
Systemic vasoconstriction - systemic HTN
Cardiac instability - bradycardia - arrest
Erythropoiesis - polycythemia
Hypothal-pit-gonad - reduced sexual activity
How is sleep apnoea severity graded?
Apnoea+Hypopnoea index (AHI) and O2 Saturation AHI 85 = mild AHI 20-40 and SpO2 min >80 = moderate 40-60 and >70 = mod-severe >60,
What is obesity hypoventilation?
BMI >30 and PaCO2 daytime >45. 10-20% of patients with OSA Higher in hospitalised patients Worse outcomes in term of ICU time, LoS and mortality Manage with CPAP/BiPAP
How does treating OSA reduce mortality?
MVAs Stroke Heart failure AMI Sudden death
What is the relationship between mortality and OSA?
AI >20 - 38% mortality at 8 yrs vs 4% with AHI
What is the relationship between OSA and MVCs?
OR for MVC if >=10 AHI - 6.3 (Adjusted for confounding factors)
Treatment with CPAP drops this rate to zero.
What are guidelines for driving and OSA
Should not drive if sleepiness scale 16-24, daytime sleepiness when driving, motor vehicle crashes caused by sleepiness.
What is the relationship between OSA and stroke?
Positive correlation - OSA blunts hypercapnic vasodilatation and increases levels of fibrinogen and PAI-1
What is the relationship between OSA and HTN?
Increasing AHI leads to increased risk of hypertension.
AHI is also lineraly related to blood pressure, and persistat after adjustment for BMI.
What are vascular mechanisms for OSA?
sympathetic overactivity endothelial changes vascular reactivity oxidative stress metabolic syndrome
What is the relationship between OSA and insulin resistance?
Increased DM with OSA
Impaired kinetics of glucose/insulin
Moderate sleep fragmentation (wakening/hypoxia) - reduces insulin sensitivity by 20-25%
OSA patients have higher HbA1c compared to diabetics without OSA
OSA is a risk for peripheral neuropathy in diabetes
What are general measures in the management of sleep apnoea?
Weight loss -> improvement in airway size
VLCD shown to reduce AHI, as do diet and behavioural measures.
Bariatric surgery also reduces AHI
Avoidance of alcohol and sedatives
Advice about driving
What are alternatives in patients who do not tolerate CPAP?
UPPP - apnoea cure in only 50%, improves snoring in 90%
Mandibular splints (mild moderate severeity = effective)
? geniglossus stimulators