Respiratory Flashcards
3 causes of dry cough
- Post-nasal drip
- Asthma/ COPD +/- wheeze
- Reflux
What does the following coughs suggestive of:
1. Purulent sputum
2. Foul-smelling, dark coloured sputum
3. Pink frothy sputum
4. Hemoptysis
- Purulent sputum - bronchiectasis/ lobar pneumonia
- Foul-smelling, dark coloured sputum - lung abscess with anaerobic organism
- Pink frothy sputum - from the trachea, occur with pulmonary edema
- Hemoptysis - pneumonia, malignancy, TB, bronchiectasis, pulmonary infarction
Severity of dyspnoea (Class I-IV)
- Class I—dyspnoea on heavy exertion
- Class II—dyspnoea on moderate exertion
- Class III—dyspnoea on minimal exertion
- Class IV—dyspnoea at rest
Duration of onset of dyspnoea for PE/ pneumothorax?
It comes suddenly
What significant hx to ask in the past medical hx for respiratory presentation? (2)
- Any previous infection - pneumonia, tuberculosis, exacerbation of chronic bronchitis
- Any previous abnormal imaging - CT/ CXR
Drug classes that can potentially cause Dyspnoea (4)
- OCP - PE
- Cytotoxic agents - ILD
- Beta-blockers/ aspirin - bronchospasm
- ACEi - cough
What occupational history should be explored in patient with dyspnoea?
- Possible exposure to dusts in mines and factories (e.g. asbestos, coal, silica, iron oxide, tin oxide, cotton, beryllium, titanium oxide, silver, nitrogen dioxide or anhydrides) and if ventilators/ equipments provided to reduce the workplace exposure
- Work or household exposure to animals, including birds (e.g. Q fever or psittacosis)
- Exposure to mouldy hay, humidifiers or air-conditioners, which may also result in lung disease (e.g. hypersensitivity pneumonitis)
- Exposure to spray painting and wood dusts, which may provoke occupational asthma that typically resolves on weekends or on holidays
Significant family hx conditions for dyspnoea (4)
- Emphysema
- A1-antitrypsin deficiency
- Asthma
- Cystic fibrosis
4 signs to look for in hand examination
- Clubbing - carcinoma of lung, chronic lung suppuration and interstitial lung disease
- Cigarette staining
- Wasting of muscle - Compression and infiltration by a peripheral lung tumour of a lower trunk of the brachial plexus
- Palm crease pallor - Anaemia
3 types of sputum
Purulent, Mucoid, mucopurulent
Causes of hoarseness
- Laryngitis
- Vocal cord tumour
- Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy (e.g. from an apical lung cancer) 4. 4. Gastro-oesophageal reflux.
- Tracheal tug
- Forced expiratory time test
- Tracheal tug - the finger resting on the trachea feels it move inferiorly with each inspiration - sign of over expanded lung
- Forced expiratory time test -maximum inspiration, then exhale forcefully:
* Normal is 3 seconds or less.
* A forced expiratory time of 9 seconds or more is strongly suggestive of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a smoker.
Inspection of chest wall (5)
- General deformities - kyphosis, scoliosis
- Scars - thoracic operation, chest drains from pneumothorax / pleural effusion
- Erythema/ thickening from radiotherapy of lung/lymphoma
- Subcutaneous emphysema
- Prominent veins: sign of SVC obstruction
Unilateral reduction of chest wall expansion cause (5)
- Pulmonary fibrosis
- Consolidation
- Collapse
- Pleural effusion
- pneumothorax
Bilateral reduction of chest wall movement cause (3)
- Diffuse gross abnormality