Respiratory Flashcards
what are the functions of the respiratory system?
-provides O2 and elimates CO2
- protects against microbial onfection
- regulates blood pH
- contributes to phonation
- contributes to olfaction
- is a reservior for blood
order that air goes down
nasal/oral cavity- pharnyx - larynx - trachea - two primary bronchi - bronchi - bronchioles - terminal bronchi - respiratory bronchioles - alveolar ducts - alveolar sacs
divisions of the lungs
trachea - primary bronchi
c shaped cartilage + smooth muscle
plates of cartilage + smooth muscle
smooth muscle only
conducting zone
NO gas exchange, NO alveoli
- leads gas to gas exchanging regions of the lungs “anatomcial dead space”
trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, terminal bronchioles
Respiratory Zone
Where GAS EXCHANGE happens ( has ALVEOLIS)
respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alevolar sacs
how the airways change as you go to another generation of branching
diameter and length decrease
number and total surface area increase as you go down (for gas exchange)
what are alveolis?
tiny, thin walled capillary rich sac in the lungs where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place
Type I alveolar cells
line the alveolar walls
- continuous mono-layer of flat epithelial cells
Type II alveolar cells
produce surfactant
- detergent like substance that reduces surface tension of alveolar fluid
- progenitor cells ( can differentiate into Type I cells)
how does the transfer of O2 and CO2 occur ?
occurs by diffusion through the respiratory membrane (very thin)
what are the steps of respiration?
- ventilation: exchange of air between the atmosphere and alveoli by bulk flow
- exchange of O2 and CO2 b/w alveolar air and blood in lung capillaries by diffusion
- transport of O2 and CO2 through pulmonary and systemic circulation by bulk flow
- exchange of CO2 and O2 b/w blood in tissue capillaries and cells in tissues by diffusion
- cellular utilization of O2 and production of CO2
i. pump muscles (respiratory muscles)
- makes changes in pressure/volume in lungs
INS: diaphragm, external intercostals, parasternal intercostals
EXP: internal intercostals, abdominal muscles.
ii. Airway muscles
- keep upper airways open
INS: tongue protruders, alae nasi, muscles around airways (pharnyx, larynx)
EXP: pharnyx, larnyx
iii. accessory muscles
facilitate respiration during exercise
INS: sternocleidomastoid, scalene
active during inspiration (contracts)
- seperates lungs from abdominal content
- increases the volume of the thorax
external intercostal muscles
contract and pull ribs upwards to increase the lateral volume of thorax
- bucket handle motion
parasternal intercostal muscles
contracts and pulls sternum forward to increase anterior posterior dimension of rib cage
- pump handle motion
sleep apnea
-reduction in upper airway patency during sleep
when your upper airway muscles go to rest, so there is a reduction in muscle tone
or caused by anatmocial defects
what is filtering action and where does it occur
In the conducting airways, it is lined by a superficial layer of epithelial cells which are:
Goblet cells - produce mucous
ciliated cells
how does the filtering action work
- Goblet cells produce mucous which traps inhaled materials (its sticky and dense)
- cilia movements downward or upward (depending on where it is) to eliminate the mucous + materials through esophagus
what do macrophages do in alveoli?
filtering action
- act as a last defense as it phagocytizes foreign particles
pulmonary fibrosis
caused by silica dust or asbestos kills the macrophages
pulmonary function test to determine the amount and the rate of inspired and expired air
- measures pressure
Tidal volume
- the volume of air moved IN or OUT of the respiratory tract during each cycle
Inspiratory Reserve Volume
the additional volume of air that can be forcibly inhaled following a normal inspiration to the maximum inspiration possible
Expiratory Reserve Volume
the additional volume of air that can be forcibly exhaled following a normal expiration. expiring to the maximum voluntary expiration
Residual volume
the volume of air remaining in the lungs after a maximal expiration
- it cannot be expired no matter the effort
can’t be measured with a spirometer!!
Vital capacity
the maximal volume of air that can be forcibly exhaled after a maximal inspiration
Inspiratory capacity
the maximal amount of air that can be forcibly inhaled
Functional residual capacity
the volume of air remaining in the lungs after a normal expiration
- cannot be measured with a spirometer
Total Lung Capacity
the volume of air in the lungs at the end of a maximal inspiration
- cannot be measured with a spirometer
total/minute ventilation
total amount of air moved into the respiratory system per minute
= tidal volume X respiratory frequency
Alveolar ventilation
= amount of air moved into the alveoli per minute
Depends on anatomical dead space ( 150ml, so 350ml is left for gas exchange)
given by the difference of the tidal volume and the anatomical dead space multiplied by the frequency
how much mL is dead space
150 mL
how much is tidal volume
500 mL
anatomical dead volume
Part of the volume of air that enters the lungs does not reach the alveoli/conductive zone
Stays in the region where no gas exchange occurs until the next respiratory cycle
Remains constant regardless of breath size
How does the breathing pattern affect alveolar ventilation?
increased DEPTH of breathing is more efficient in increasing alveolar ventilation than increasing breathing RATE (shallow and fast is bad, don’tget any alveolar ventilation)
the forced expiratory volume in 1 sec
forced vital capacity
- the total amount of air that is blown out in one breadth after a maximal inspiration as fast as possible
proportion of the amount of air that is blown out in 1 second
obstructive pattern
shallow breathing due to difficulty in exhaling all the air from the lungs (air comes out more slowly than normal)
- FEV1 is significantly reduced, so FEV1/FVC is reduced (<0.7)
Restrictive pattern
have trouble fully expanding their lungs with air - restricted from fully expanding
FEV1 and FVC are reduced, so FEV1/FVC is almost normal (slightly higher)