Respiratory Flashcards
Lung Functions
Gas exchange
pH maintenance
Warm/humidify air
Gas Laws & Equations
Ideal Gas Equation
Boyle’s Law
Dalton’s Law
Fick’s Law
Ideal Gas Equation
P = 1/V
Boyle’s Law
P1V1= P2V2
Dalton’s Law
Partial pressure of gas = Patm * % of gas in atmosphere
Partial pressures of gases in atmosphere. Gases go down their partial pressure gradient.
In atm O2=21% N2= 79%
Fick’s Law of Diffusion
Diffusion = Area * ∆Pressure * Diffusion Coefficient
Diffusion Coefficient = Solubility
Atmospheric pressure
Alveolar pressure
Intrapleural pressure
Transpulmonary pressure
anything that opposes flow
R = 8lη or R ∝ lη r4 r4
Flow, Resistance, and Pressure
F ∝ ∆P
F ∝ 1/R
F ∝ ∆P/R
Describe the generation of a pressure gradient between the atmosphere and the alveoli.
During inspiration , the diaphragm contracts , flattens , and expands thoracic cavity.This increase in volume decreases pressure inside the lungs and encourages air to enter lungs because the Patm is higher. When Plungs and Patm equalize , no more air enters. The diaphragm relaxes , decreasing volume and
increasing pressure ,forcing air back out into the atmosphere until pressure is equalized
Define the pressures of various compartments of the respiratory system.
Alveolar pressure :pressure within the alveoli .
Cycles from 0 f- atm) to f) as air is forced out into blood or exhalation.
Intrapleural pressure : pressure within the pleural cavity between the visceral 1-parietal layers. Always (-)
Transpulmonary pressure : difference between alveolar pressure and intrapleural pressure.
Explain the importance of negative pressure in the pleural cavity.
The pleural cavity is considered a potential space because it is really 2 membranes with fluid in between them ( water between 2 microscope slides). This reduces friction but increases surface area to keep the lungs inflated however without a negative pleural pressure ,
the lungs would not stay inflated.
Describe how flow, resistance and pressure gradients are related and how changes in one will affect the others.
F ∝ ∆P
F ∝ 1/R
F ∝ ∆P/R
Increase Pressure increase flow
Increase resistance decrease flow
Ability of lungs to expand/stretch
Extent of expansion for each unit increase in transpulmonary pressure
Determined by elastic forces
Compliance = ∆Volume ∆ Pressure
Ability of lungs to “recoil”
Opposite of compliance
Both needed for efficient respiration
Elastic forces
Elastin and collagen fibers
Surface tension of fluid in lungs
Define compliance and elastic forces in the lungs.
compliance is the ability of the lungs to expand /stretch
Compliance = ∆Volume
∆ Pressure
Elastance is the opposite of compliance :
the ability of lungs to recoil
Reduces surface tension in aveoli
Surface tension
Attraction of water molecules at air/water interface
Will result in collapse of alveoi
Secreted by Type II alveolar cells
Contains phospholipids and proteins
Law of LaPlace
T = P * r/2 or P = 2T/r
P = pressure required to prevent alveolar collapse (at rest)
T = surface tension
r = radius
The smaller the radius, the larger the pressure required to prevent collapse
Pressure required to
prevent alveoli #1 from
Pressure required to
prevent alveoli #2 from
Give the role of surfactant.
surfactant is a thin, soapy material that reduces surface tension in alveoli . It is secreted by type 2 alveolar cells .
Surfactant also helps to overcome the Law of Laplace ( smaller radius requires larger pressure to prevent collapse)
Pulmonary Ventilation
Ventilation: movement of air
Pulmonary ventilation:
Total pulmonary ventilation = ventilation rate * tidal volume
TPV is a measurement of effectiveness of ventilation
Dead Space
Volume of air inhaled, but that does not participate in gas exchange
Anatomical dead space
Air in trachea, bronchi (conducting airways)
Alveolar dead space
Alveoli that are not well perfused
Alveolar Ventilation
Volume of fresh air that reaches exchange areas of blood
AV = VR * (VT - DS)
Alveolar Ventilation = Ventilation Rate * (Tidal Volume - Dead Space)
Define alveolar ventilation and compare it to pulmonary ventilation.
TPV = VR ✗ VT of ventilation (measures the effectiveness)
tidal volume
AV = VR ✗ (VT - DS) *
DS = 150mL
Define dead space and explain its effect on alveolar ventilation.
Dead space is volume of air not reaching alveoli for perfusion (doesnot participate in gas exchnage). increase DS decrease Alveolar space and decrease diffusion =150ML
The Lungs as a Blood Reservoir
Normally ~9% of blood (~450ml) is in lungs
Can range from ~225-900ml, depending on body’s needs/pathology
Ventilation/Perfusion Ratio
Normally, air coming into lungs contains enough O2 to fully oxygenate blood as it flows through
Ventilation/Perfusion ratio (V/Q) should be close to 1
To maintain this:
Blood vessels around poorly-oxygenated alveoli constrict (due to hypoxic conditions)
This sends blood to better-oxygenated areas