Respiratory Flashcards
What are the cut-offs for pulmonary arterial (PA) systolic and mean pressures that define pulmonary hypertension (PH)?
PA systolic > 30mmHg, PA mean >20mmHg
List the 5 disease classes which can lead to pulmonary hypertension.
ACVIM consensus
Group 1 (pulmonary arterial hypertension) – primary diseases of the vasculature. E.g. idiopathic, familial, drugs/toxins, congenital heart disease (systemic-to-pulmonary shunts), HWD, veno-occlusive disease, persistent PH of newborns.
Group 2 (pulmonary venous hypertension) – left-sided heart disease & chronic increases in LA pressure. Valvular or myocardial dz. MOST COMMON in dogs.
Group 3 (PH associated with lung diseases or hypoxemia) – obstructive pulmonary disease, interstitial lung disease, alveolar hypoventilation, sleep apnea, chronic exposure to high altitude, developmental abnormalities.
Group 4 (PH associated with chronic thrombotic or embolic) – obstruction of proximal or distal PAs, non-thrombotic embolism (HWD or other parasites, neoplasia, foreign material – catheter or coil)
Group 5 (systemic & other disorders) – compression of pulmonary vessels, lymphadenopathy, neoplasia, fibrosing mediastinitis, granulomatous disease, others (histiocytosis, sarcoidosis, lymphangiomatosis)
Bronchial collapse occurs most commonly in which regions?
L cranial & R middle bronchi
Bronchial collapse occurs most commonly in which regions?
L cranial & R middle bronchi
Thoracic radiographs most sensitive for the diagnosis of airway collapse in which regions of the lungs?
Sn for the detection of bronchoscopically identified collapse was highest for radiography at the trachea, left lobar bronchi & right middle bronchus. But relatively low Sp.
What clinical sign can epiglottic entrapment of the soft palate cause?
Reverse sneezing
How to calculate estimated systolic PA pressure from echo?
Measure TRV max
Modified Bernoulli equation:
Pressure gradient (aka estimated systolic PAP) = 4 x (TRVmax)^2 in mmHg
ACVIM consensus panel’s definition (cut-offs) for pulmonary hypertension in dogs?
TR PG cut-off of >46 mmHg (TRVmax >3.4 m/s)
Defined as moderate PH historically
Specific treatment for PH targets which 3 pathways?
ACVIM consensus.
NO, endothelin & prostacyclin pathways
These mediate pulmonary arterial/arteriolar vasoconstriction (secondary to endothelial injury).
What is a rare disease to be suspected if a dog with pulmonary hypertension develops pulmonary oedema after sildanefil treatment? How does this occur?
ACVIM consensus
Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease or pulmonary capillary hemangiomatosis.
Also caution when administering PDE5-i in dogs with LHD & congenital shunts.
Reactive” or “responsive” pulmonary arteries (or arterioles) have an unpredictable response to tx. Increased right sided CO, acutely increases pulmonary VR to the LA»_space; subsequently increase LA & thus pulmonary venous and capillary pressures»_space; pulmonary oedema.
What anti-neoplastic drug may be considered as an adjunct treatment for refractory PH in dogs & MOA? What evidence is there to support its efficacy?
ACVIM consensus
TKIs (e.g. toceranib, imatinib) - cause PA vasodilation by inhibiting action of PDGF (by inhibiting phosphorylation of PDGF-receptor TK). Used in people, little data in dogs, but imatinib reduced PAP in dogs with PH 2’ to LHD in 1 study.
List the broad clinical signs of respiratory disease in dogs and cats
- Sneezing
- Reverse sneezing
- Nasal discharge
- Open mouth / postural breathing
- Audible respiratory sounds
- Stridor
- Stertor
- Wheezes?
- Crackles?
- Coughing
List the various abnormal respiratory sounds and describe how they help localise respiratory disease
- Stertor - soft palate / nasopharynx
- Stridor - inspiratory noise, continuous - larynx
- Wheeze
- low pitched versus high pitched
- large airway versus small airway
- Monophonic versus polyphonic
- large airways vs smaller/multiple airways
- low pitched versus high pitched
- Crackles
- Loudest end inspiratory
- Indicate alveolar or bronchiolar disease
- Decrease / absent sounds
- Pleural space
- Dorsally reduced sounds - air
- Ventral reduced sounds - fluid
- Pleural space
List the various imaging modalities to assess the respiratory tract.
Together with their major indication and limitation
- Radiography
- General assessment of heart size and lung/airway changes. Assess symmetry of the nose.
- Nasal studies limited by complexity of the structure and difficulty identifying early lesions
- Computed tomography
- Indicated for nasal and thoracic imaging - Ideal for thoracic studies due to spatial definition, contrast and speed of acquisition
- The need for sedation / general anaesthesia is the biggest limitation in thoracic investigations
- Primarily indicated for assessment of nasal disease and other fixed soft tissue changes
- Thoracic investigation limited by movement and bony change may be underestimated
- Fluoroscopy
- Dynamic airway disease and swallowing studies (pharyngeal and oesophageal function)
- Limited by patient compliance primarily
- Ultrasonography
- Assessment of extra-luminal soft tissue structures. Descriptions of changes have been reported for laryngeal paralysis (insensitive for laryngeal collapse)
- Limited by tissue/air interface and tissue/bone interface artefacts
- Nuclear Imaging
- Global assessment of lung perfusion and lung ventilation (IV versus nebulized technetium) including V/Q scans
- Most sensitive for identifying PTE
- CAn be used for assessment of mucocilliary clearance
- Cumbersome and requires patient isolation
- Poor spatial resolution
List the options for sampling of the respiratory tract
Nose, large airways and lower airways
- Nasal swab
- Nasal flush
- Nasal biopsy
- Transtracheal wash
- Bronchial brushing
- Bronchoalveolar lavage
- Transthoracic needle aspirate or biopsy
- Surgical biopsy
List major pros and cons of the various nasal sampling techniques
- Nasal swabs
- Cell collection is often superficial inflammation and cannot aid in distinguishing the underlying cause
- Cultures typically respresent normal flora or secondary infection and do not identify a causual organism
- Samples can be collected for PCR to test for viral / bacterial disease with some utility
- Highly beneficial in diagnosing nasal cryptococcosis in cats
- Nasal hydropropulsion
- Large samples may be obtained
- Minimal equipment required
- May relieve obstruction
- Care must be taken to avoid aspiration
- Biopsy (guided or blind)
- Can be guided by endoscopy or CT for smaller lesions
- Blind samples can be useful for larger lesions
- Samples can be obtained for histopath or culture
- Bleeding is the major risk.
Discuss and compare sampling techniques from the lower airways.
Tracheal wash samples vs BAL vs endobronchial brush samples
- Tracheal wash
- samples can be obtained via transtracheal approach or via a cuffed ET tube
- Generally indicated for sampling from large airways or when there is diffuse disease.
- TTW can be performed in an awake animal with preserved coughing reflex
- TTW dogs >15 kgs
- Sample volumes are typically small
- Cannot be utilised if there is skin contamination
- Bronchoalveolar lavage
- Requires general anaesthesia
- +/- endoscopic guidance. Necessary for targeted sampling of lobar disease
- Sample at least two sites if there is diffuse disease
- Fluid can be submitted for cytology, routine culture, fungal culture, mycoplasma culture or PCR.
- VQ mismatch and hypoxia are common and usually self-limiting and managed by oxygen supplementation
- Endobronchial Brush (or needle) samples
- Requires general anaesthesia and bronchoscopy
- Requires endoscopic brush and needle instruments
- Can provide information on focal lesions
- Good at detecting inflammation in larger airways
- lymphocyte numbers may be underestimated
- Clinical implication of the results has yet to be fully ellucidated
Discuss the pathogenesis of Tracheal Collapse
- Multifactorial and likely degenerative
- Congenital forms do occur also
- Primary cartilage factors causing intrinsic weakness
- Suspected reduction in glycosaminoglycans and chondroitin sulfate
- Tracheal cartilage weakness leads to flattening of the rings and widening of the dorsal membrane
- Secondary factors capable of causing progression
- Obesity, Irritant inhalation, Periodontal disease, Respiratory infection, ET intubation?
- Chronic obstruction can contribute to the degeneration including pulmonary fibrosis in WHWT
- Controversial if concurrent or subsequent airway inflammatory disease is relevant to the pathogenesis of airway collapse
- Worsening collapse can lead to further oedema and inflammation which may precipitate further degeneration or at least perpetuate the cough.
List the options for pulmonary function testing in dogs and cats
Mechanical function
- Spirometery - only for tidal volume measurement
- Tidal breathing flow volume loops
- Barometric whole body plethysmography
- Lung compliance
- Lung resistance
Pulmonary gas exchage
- Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
- Oxygen Tension based indices
- Pulse oximetry
- End tidal capnography
Discuss the various forms of eosinophilic airways disease proposed in dogs
- Eosinophilic Bronchitis
- Mildest form of the disease
- Airway hyperaemia with no to mild mucus accumulation
- Radiographs may appear normal (17/28 - 61%)
- Peripheral eosinophilia is rare
- Eosinophilic Granuloma
- Bronchiectasis and nodular masses common on rads
- Radiographs uniformly abnormal
- Mucus exudation and inspissated mucus expected
- BAL eosinophilia almost universal
- Septic suppurative inflammation uncommon
- Bronchiectasis and nodular masses common on rads
- Eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy
- BAL eosinophilia is almost universal
- 60% have peripheral leukocytosis
- Parasitic airway diseases that cause airway eosinophilia
- Lung worm (Angiostrongylus Vasorum)
- Heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis)
- oslerus osleri, capillaria aerophila, others
Eosinophilic airway disease
What is the proposed pathogenesis of eosinophilic airway disease?
- Unknown
- Presumed hypersensitivity reaction to inhaled allergen
- Increase in CD4+ T cells and decrease in CD8+ T cells in BALF
- Activated Th2 cells may accumulate at sites of inflammation
- Th2 cytokine expression not different from control?
- Transcription of MCP-3, eotaxin-2, eotaxin-3 has been shown in dogs with EBP.
- Eotaxin release is induced by IL-4 and IL-13
- Eotaxin binds to C chemokine receptor 3 (CCR3)
- Eotaxin stimulates recruitment of eosinophils
- Pulmonary damage is in part mediated by increase collagenolysis and proteolysis
- matrix metalloproteinase produced by epithelial cell and macrophages increases collagenolysis
- markers of increased ECM turnover or collagen type III production are increase - procollagentype III amino terminal propeptide
- PIIINP increased in EBP and pulmonary fibrosis
Describe the aetiology and pathogenesis of primary ciliary dyskinesia
- PCD is the result of dysmotility of cilia
- Cilia abnormalities are ultrastructural and electron microscopy is required for diagnosis
- Ineffective clearance of mucus from airways is a hallmark
- Dysfunction of the monocilia on the embryonic node can lead to randomisation of left/right body symmetry
- ~40 human genetic PCD causing mutations have been identified
- Usually autosomal recessive inheritance
- Gene has been identified in Old English Sheepdog and Alaskan Malamutes
Cilia abnormalities
Note the normal cilia structure together with the various abnormalities seen in patients with PCD
Motile cilia: Microtubule backbone - axonema. The axonema comprises nine microtube doublets surrounding a certal pair. Arising from the doublets are inner and outer dynein arms together with a radial spoke. There is a nexin-dynein regulatory complex (nexin link)
PCD patients can have the following cilial defects:
- abnormal or absent inner dynein arms
- abnormal or absent outer dynein arms
- Defects in radial spokes
- Defective nexin links
- General axonemal disorganization
- microtubule transposition
Define Bronchiectasis
- An abnormal and permanent dilatation and distortion of subsegmental airways