Respiratory Flashcards
indication for chest drain in pts with pleural effusion
turbid/cloudy aspirate
aspirate pH <7.2 in association with ?pneumonia
characteristic pleural fluid findings, what is the cause
low glucose
raised amylase
heavy blood staining
low glucose: Rheumatoid arthritis, TB
raised amylase: pancreatitis, oesophageal perf
blood: mesothelioma, PE, TB
what is Light’s criteria?
exudate if >1 of:
pleural protein / serum protein >0.5
pleural LDH / serum LDH >0.6
pleural LDH > 2/3rds upper limit of normal serum LDH
paraneoplastic features of squamous cell lung cancer
PTH-related protein secretion -> hypercalcaemia
ectopic TSH production
hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy (HPOA)
paraneoplastic features of small cell lung cancer
Lambert-Eaton syndrome
what is the marker for COPD disease progression
FEV1 >80% - mild 79 - 50% - mod 49 - 30% - severe <30% - very severe
Mx of acute asthma
100% O2
neb salbutamol and neb ipratropium
IV magnesium sulphate 1.2-2g IV over 20mins
IV salbutamol
Mx of primary pneumothorax
air rim <2cm and not SOB - ?d/c
if failed, chest drain
Mx of secondary pneumothorax
if >50 and SOB +/or rim >2cm –> chest drain
aspiration if 1-2cm rim
all pts should be admitted for 24hours and given O2
alpha-1 antitripsin deficiency
inheritance - which chrom?
lack of protease inhibitor
autosomal recessive - chrom 14
panacinar emphysema worse in lower lobes
liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma
Mx of alpha-1 antitripsin deficiency
stop smoking
supportive: physio, bronchodilators
IV A1AT concentrates
volume reduction surgery, transplant.
pathology and features of Kartagener’s syndrome
primary ciliary dyskinesia
dextrocardia or sinus inversus
recurrent sinusitis
when should HIV patients get PCP prophylaxis
when CD4 count <200
oral co-trimoxazole
features of PCP
dyspnoea dry cough fever few chest signs pneumothorax is a common complication
Ix in PCP
CXR - bilateral intersitial pulmonary infiltrates
exercise induced desaturation
bronchiolavage needed as sputum often fails to show PCP (silver stain)
Mx of PCP
IV pentamidine if severe
steroids if hypoxic
indication of thrombolysis in PE