Respiratory Flashcards
Berlin Criteria
- Acute onset
- Respiratory failure not primarily due to hydrostatic oedema
- Bilateral opacities on lung radiograph
- paO2:FiO2 < 300
- Prone nursing
- Low tidal volume ventilation @ 6ml/kg
Home NIV indications in MND
VC < 50%
SNIP < 30cm H20
Low max insp pressure (MIP) - diaphragm and inspiratory muscles
Low max exp pressure (MEP) - abdominal and expiratory muscles
Imp in QOL and survival if commenced before bulbar dysfunction but prophylactic NIV before above indications worsens prognosis
Predictors of NIV failure
Acidosis < 7.25
Marked onset new hyperaemia
Respiratory distress signs with RR > 25
Non-pulmonary organ failure
Samters Triad
Aspirin intolerance
Nasal Polyps
Rx with Leukotriene antagonists
Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillus
Found in the soil, dust, water, vegetation (like dead leaves or compost piles),
- Chronic asthma with brown mucus plugs
- Recurrent pulmonary infiltrates
- Very high total IgE > 1000
- Positive skin test to aspergillus antigens
Rx with steroids, Mepolizumab (anti-IL5) and anti-fungals (Itraconazole)
Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangitis (EGPA)
- Churgg Strauss Vasculitis with granulomas
- Tissue and skin eosinophilia
- Asthma
- Cardiac involvement common
- Renal involvement rare
- 40% pANCA positive
Asthma Diagnosis
FEV1/FVC < normal
Reversibility > 12% or 200ml
Anti-IgE Immunotherapy
Step 1 Asthma Management
PRN low dose ICS + Formoterol
+/- PRN SABA every-time ICS is used
Step 2 Asthma Management
Commence controller if using reliever > 3 times/week;
Daily low dose ICS
PRN low dose ICS + formetarol +/- SABA
PRN LTRA when SABA taken
Step 3 Asthma Management
Daily low dose ICS + LABA
Daily low dose ICS + LTRA
Daily medium dose ICS alone
PRN Low dose ICS + formetarol
Step 4 Asthma Management
Medium dose ICS + LABA
High dose ICS alone +/- Tiotropium
PRN Low dose ICS + formetarol
Step 5 Asthma Management
High dose ICS + LABA
PRN Low dose ICS + formetarol
PRN PO corticosteroids
Definition well-controlled Asthma
day symptoms < 2 x weekly
night symptoms < 2 x monthly
Over lasy 4 week period
Mepolizumab & Benralizumab MOA
Binds IL-5 receptor for treatment of eosinophilic asthma. Effective in those with eosinophil levels > 150 regardless of IgE Level
Dupilumab MOA
Binds IL4 & IL13 receptor for Asthma and severe eczema
Alpha-1 anti-trypsin
Basilar pan-acinar emphysema
Associated with;
- hepatic cirrhosis and HCC
- panniculitis of skin
- Bronchiectasis
- Check alpha-1 antitrypsin level if COPD < 45 yrs old, FHx or absence of RF
mMRC dyspnoea score
Dyspnea only with strenuous exercise = 0
Dyspnea when hurrying or walking up a slight hill = 1
Walks slower than people of the same age because of dyspnea or has to stop for breath when walking at own pace = 2
Stops for breath after walking 100 yards (91 m) or after a few minutes = 3
Too dyspneic to leave house or breathless when dressing = 4
GOLD classification
A - < 1 exac/year, mMRC 0-1, CAT < 10
B - < 1 exac/year, mMRC > 2 , CAT > 10
C - > 2 exac/year, mMRC 0-1, CAT < 10
D - > 2 exac/year including hospitilisation, mMRC > 2, CAT > 10
Youngs Syndrome
Bronchiectasis, chronic sinusitis and Azospermia due functional blockage of the sperm in the caput epididymis, which is usually enlarged and palpable in the scrotum. Can occur later in life
Pseudomonas strains with worse outcomes
AUST-01 in Melbourne
AUST- 02 in Brisbane
Smoking related ILD
- Respiratory bronchiolitis associated with ILD
- Desquamating interstitial pneumonia
- Pulmonary Langerhans cell histocytosis
- Women 30-40
- Spontaneous PTX
- Chylous effusions
- CT showing cystic disease
Idiopathic interstitial pneumonias
- Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
- Non-specific interstitial pneumonia
- Acute interstitial pneumonia
- Crypotogenic organising pneumonia