Respiratory Flashcards
Define lung abscess
A lung abscess is a well-circumscribed infection within the lung parenchyma.
What is the most common cause of a lung abscess?
Aspiration pneumonia
What are the features of a lung abscess?
similar features to pneumonia but generally runs a more subacute presentation symptoms may develop over weeks systemic features such as night sweats and weight loss may be seen fever productive cough often foul-smelling sputum haemoptysis in a minority of patients chest pain dyspnoea signs dull percussion and bronchial breathing clubbing may be seen
What kind of productive cough (sputum) is associated with a lung abscess?
Foul-smelling sputum
What CXR appearances are associated with a lung abscess?
fluid-filled space within an area of consolidation
an air-fluid level is typically seen
What is the management of a lung abscess?
If unresolved consider percutaneous drainage
Which lung cancer is associated with ectopic secretion of ACTH?
Small cell lung cancer
What syndromes are associated with small cell lung cancers?
Paraneoplastic syndrome
syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion (SIADH), Lambert-Eaton syndrome and Cushing’s syndrome.
What would a high-dose dexamethasone test reveal in small cell lung cancers (ectopic ACTH secretion)?
Not suppressed cortisol or ACTH
What is the definition of stage 1 hypertension?
135/85 mmHg
What is the management of steroid-responsiveness COPD?
In a patient with a large pleural effusion what is the first-line investigation performed after a CXR?
A pleural aspirate is often the first step to determine the origin of a pleural effusion. Several markers are tested including pH, protein levels, glucose and amylase. Samples of pleural fluid are also sent for microscopy, culture and sensitivity and cytology if there is a concern regarding malignancy.
What is the most common finding in asbestos-related lung disease?
Pleural plaques
Are pleural plaques a concern?
No - benign
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is associated with what type of crackles?
Fine-inspiratory crackles
What is the definition fo asbestosis?
A pneumoconiosis in which diffuse parenchymal lung fibrosis occurs because of prolonged exposure to asbestos
What is the definition fo mesothelioma?
An aggressive tumour of mesothelial cells - occuring within the lung pleural
What is the presentation of asbestosis?
Insidious onset of shortness of breath and a dry cough
Pleuritic chest pain - Acute asbestos pleurisy (Years after first exposure)
What is the presentation of a mesothelioma?
Shortness of breath Chest pain (Dull, diffuse, developing) weight loss Fatigue Fever Night sweats Bone pain Abdominal PIUN
What examinatin findings are seen in a mesothelioma?
End-inspiratory crepitations
What is the examination of a meothelioma?
- Occasional palpable chest wall mass
- Finger clubbing – due to underlying pulmonary fibrosis
- Recurrent pleural effusions
- Signs of metastases: Lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly, bone tenderness
- Abdominal pain
What CXR findings are associated with asbestos-related disease?
Reticular nodular shadowing and pleural plaques
Diffuse pleural thickening
Bilateral lower zone
What CXR findings are seen on a mesothelioma?
Pleural thickening/effusion and bloody pleural fluid
What is the general management for asbestos related lung disease?
Prevention of exposure and smoking cessation
What is pnuemonia?
An infection of the distal lung parenchyma
What is the most common causative organism for community acquired pneumonia?
Streptococcous pneumoniae
What is the most common caustive organism in infective exacerbations of COPD?
• Haemophilus influenza
Jelly-currant sptum is associated with what type of causative organism pneumonia?
Klebsiella pnuemoniae
What colour sputum is streptococcus pnuemoniae?
What are the risk factors for pnuemonia?
Age Smoking Alcohol Pre-existing lung disease Immune deficiency Contact with pneumonia
What is the presentation of pneumonia
Fevers Rigours Sweating Malaise Sputum Breathlessness (Dyspnoea) Pleuritic chest pain
Describe the cough associated with bacterial pnuemonia?
Mucopurulent sputum
Describe the sputum associated with atypical pnuemonia?
Scant or water sputum
What are the symptoms of atypical pneumonia?
Diarrhoea/abdominal pain
What additional antibiotic is associated with the management of atypical pneumonia?
Examples of atypical pneumonia
Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Legionella pneumophilia
What are the examination findings with pneumonia?
Crackles (Coarse crepitations on the affected side)
Decreased breath sounds (Bronchial breathing)
Dullness to percussion
Reduced chest expansion
What CXR changes are seen in pnuemonia?
Evidence of consolidation (new shadowing)
Pleural effusion
Klebsiella pneumonia affects which lobes?
Affects the upper lobes
Which scoring criteria are used to assess the severity of pneumonia and subsequent managemetn?
What urea parameter scores a point in pneumonia using the CURB-65 score?
Urea >7mmol/L.
What parameters are assessed in the CURB-65 score?
Urea >7 mmol/L
Respiratory rate > 30/min
BP: <90 mmHg or diastolic <60 mmHg
Age > 65 years
What is the initial management of pneumonia?
Oral amoxicillin
• IV cefuroxime/cefotaxime/co-amoxiclav and erythromycin (>1 Marker)
A score of 0-1 on the CURB score equates to what management?
Discharge home with antibiotics
A CURB-65 score of 3-5 warrants what management?
Refer to HDU/ICU
A CURB-65 score of 2 warrants what management?
Consider hospital referral
What is the supportive management for pnuemonia?
Oxygen Paraenteral fluids for dehydration shock Analgesia Chest physiotherapy Nebulised saline CPAP, BiPAP or ITU care for respiratory failure
What is pneumothorax?
Defined as an accumulation of air within the pleural space.
What is tension pneumothorax?
Air is continuously entering the pleural space under positive pressure without exiting during expiration
What is the management of tension pneumothorax?
Emergency needle decompression
What is a spontaneous pneumothorax?
In individual with normal lungs (Tall, thin males), caused by a rupture of a subpleural pleb
What are the risk factors for pneumothorax?
- Smoking
- Tall and slender build
- Male sex
- Young age
- Marfan’s disease and Ehler’s-Danlos syndrome)
What is the presentation of. pneumothorax?
Sudden onset breathlessness or chest pain (pleuritic in nature)
Shoulder tip pain in secondary pneumothoraxx
Distress with rapid shallow breathing
What are the examination findings associated with a pneumothorax?
Reduced chest expansion
Hyper-resonance to percussion
Ipsilateral decreased breath sounds
Ipsilateral hyperinflation
What additional examination findings are seen in a tension pneumothorax?
Tachycardia Hypotension Cyanosis Distended neck veins Tracheal deviation away from the side of the pneumothorax
What is the management for a moderate pneumothorax >2cm?
Aspiration using a large bore cannula or cathter with a three-way tap
What is the management of a pneumothorax if an aspiration fails?
Chest drain with water seal
Define a pulmonary embolism
A pulmonary embolism is defined as a thrombus within the pulmonary vasculature resulting in an occlusion , predominantly because of DVT
What is the most common cause of a pulmonary embolism?
DVT (95%)
What are the risk factors of a pulmonary embolism?
Surgical patients Immobility Obesity OCP Heart failure Malignancy
What is the presentation of a moderate PE?
Sudden onset dyspnoea Cough Haemoptysis Pleuritic chest pain (Localised on one side of the chest) Signs of concurrent DVT
What is the presentation of a large PE?
Acute right heart failure
Sudden death
What are the examination findings seen in a moderate PE?
Pleural rub
Low saturation oxygen
What scoring system is used to assess the probability of a PE?
Well’s Score
What parameters are assessed in the Well’s Score?
Clinically suspected DVT PE is most likely diagnosis Recent surgery (4 weeks) Immobilisation Tachycardia History of DVT or PE Haemoptysis Malignancy
A low probability well’s score = what investigation?
D-dimer blood test
What is D-dimer?
fibrin degradation product – highly sensitive, poor sensitivity
How does a CTPA reveal a PE?
Direct visualisation of thrombus in the pulmonary artery.
What is the most common ECG finding in a PE?
Sinus tachycardia
Right axis deviation
What axis deviation is associated with a PE?
Right-axis deviation
What classical ECG pattern is associated with a PE?
S1Q3T3 pattern
What other investigation can be performed to diagnose a PE if a CTPA is contraindicated?
VQ scan
What is the management of a PE in a stable patient?
Anticoagulation with UFH or LMWH heparin
Change to oral Warfarin therapy (INR2-3) for 3 months
How long should Warfarin be administered for post-PE?
3 months with target INR-2-3
What is the management of PE in an unstable patient?
Thrombolysis with tPA + UFH herpain
Embolectomy if contraindicated
What is the prophylactic management of PE?
Graduated pressure stockings and heparin prophylaxis
What is Sarcoidosis?
A multisytem granulomatous disorder of unknown aetiology
Accumulation of lymphocytes and macrophages forming non-caseating granulomas in the lungs
What is the lung presentation of sarcoidosis?
Fever, malaise, weight loss, bilateral parotid swelling, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly.
Lungs • Breathlessness • Cough (usually unproductive) • Chest discomfort • Reduced exercise tolerance • Ronchi (Bronchospasm due to airway sensitivity)
What are the Msk presentation of sarcoidosis?
- Bone cysts (dactylitis in phalanges)
- Polyarthralgia
- Myopathy
What dermatatological findings are seen in sarcoidosis?
- Lupus pernio
- Erythema nodosum
- Maculopapular eruptions
How is sarcoidosis staged in CXR?
Stage 0: May be clear
Stage 1: Bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy
Stage 2: Stage 1 with pulmonary infiltration and paratracheal node enlargement.
Stage 3: Pulmonary infiltration and fibrosis alone
Stage 4: Extensive fibrosis with distortion.
What is Stage 0 sarcoidosis on a CXR?
What is Stage 1 sarcoidosis on a CXR?
Bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy
What is stage 2 sarcoidosis on a CXR?
Bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy w pulmonary infiltration and paratracheal node enlargement
What are the three most common causes of bilateral hilar lymphandeopahty?
What is Stage 3 sarcoidosis on the CXR?
Pulmonary infiltration and fibrosis alone
What is stage 4 sarcoidosis on the CXR?
Extensive fibrosis with distortion
Which markers are raised in sarcoidosis?
Serum ACE
LFT raised ALP and GGT
What would a 24-hour urine collection reveal in sarcoidosis?
Hypercalciuria Due to abnormal calcium and Vitamin d regulation from granulomatous macrophages
What scan is used in sarcoidosis to detect areas of inflammation in the parotids and the eyes?
Gallium-67 scan
What results are found in pulmonary unction tests in sarcoidosis?
Reduced FEV1 and FVC
Restrictive lung disease
What is the essential diagnostic investigation for sarcoidosis of the lung?
Transbronchial lung biopsy
What is the management for sarcoidosis?
Oral corticostreoids (Prednisolone)
What is the management of lupus pernio in sarcoidosis?
Chloroquine or methotrexate
What is TB?
A granulomatous disease caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis
What is primary TB?
An initial infection acquired by inhalation from the cough of an infected patient
What is miliary TB?
Results when there is haematogenous dissemination
What type of bacteria is TB?
Acid-fast bacillus which proliferates and survives after alveolar macrophage phagocytosis
What is formed in TB?
A granuloma with caseous necrotic centre
What can precipitate latent TB into active TB?
HIV infection
And immunocompromised individuals (+ patients taking systemic corticosteroids)
What is the presentation of primary TB?
Fever Malaise Cough Wheeze Erythema nodosum Conjunctivitis
What is the presentation of post-primary TB?
Fever/night sweats Malaise Weight loss Breathlessness Cough Sputum Haemoptysis Pleuritic pain
What is shown in a CXR for TB?
Peripheral consolidation
Hilar lymphadenopathy
What is shown in a CXR for TB?
Peripheral consolidation Hilar lymphadenopathy Upper lobe shadowing Calcification Pleural effusion
What diagnostic tests are performed to confirm TB?
Sputum acid-fast bacilli smear
What is the management of TB?
Rifampicin – Orange body fluids, enzyme-inducing
Isoniazid (+pyridoxine) – Pyridoxine deficiency, peripheral neuropathy
Ethambutol – Optic neuropathy
Pyrazinamide - ↑ Urate/arthralgia, hepato-toxicity
Streptomycin – Only for highly resistant organisms
What are the side effects of Rifampicin?
orange body fluids
What are the side effects of isoniazid?
Peripheral neuropathy
Pyridoxine deficiency
What are the side effects of pyrazinamide?
Increased urate/arthralgia - hepato-toxicity
What are the side effects of ethambutol?
Optic neuropathy
What is bronchiectasis?
Lung airway disease characterised by chronic bronchial dilation - impaired mucociliary clearance
What is the aetiology of bronchiectasis?
Severe inflammation in the lung, fibrosis and dilation of bronchi
Pooling of mucous - predisposition to infection, damage, and fibrosis of bronchial walls
Which host defence defects are associated with the development of bronchiectasis?
Cystic fibrosis, immunoglobulin deficiency, yellow-nail syndrome, and Kartagener’s syndrome.
What is the presentation of bronchiectasis?
Productive cough with purulent sputum
Breathlessness, chest pain, malaise, fever, weight loss
What are the examination findings of bronchiectasis?
Finger clubbing
Coarse basal crepitations
Wheeze rhonchi
What type of crepitations are associated with bronchiectasis?
Coarse basal crepitations
What common organisms are associated with bronchiectasis?
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Haemophilus influenzae, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumonia, Klebsiella, Moraxella catarrhalis, Mycobacteria.
What does a CXR reveal in bronchiectasis?
Parallel lines radiating from the hilum to the diaphgram (tramline shadows)
What is the gold-standard investigation for diagnosing bronchiectasis?
High-resolution CT
What does a high-resolution CT reveal in bronchiectasis?
Dilated bronchi with thickened walls
Signet ring sign
Signet ring sign on a CT suggests what diagnosis?
What investigation is performed in CF?
Sweat electrolytes
What is the management of bronchiectasis?
Treat acute exacerbations with IV ABx (Amoxicillin, flucloxacillin ,doxycycline)
Airway clearance therapy - Oral hydration
Bronchodilators - Salbutamol, ipratropium
Mucoactive agents - Nebulised hypertonic saline
Inhaled corticoteorids (fluticasone)
What is COPD?
A chronic progressive lung disorder that is characterised by irreversible airflow obstruction, encompassing both chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
What is chronic bronchitis?
Chronic cough and sputum production involving hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the mucous glands
What is emphysema?
Permanent destructive enlargement of air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles.
What genetic deficiency is associated with COPD?
Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency
What is main cause of COPD?
Bronchial and alveolar damage because of environmental toxins (cigarette smoke).
What is the presentation of COPD?
- Chronic cough with sputum production
- Breathlessness
- Wheeze
- Decreased exercise tolerance
What are the examination findings for COPD?
Signs of respiratory distress, use of accessory muscles, cyanosis
Barrel-shaped overinflated chest
Percussion: Hyperresonant chest
Auscultation: Quiet breath sounds, prolonged expiration wheeze, rhonchi and crepitations
Signs of CO2 retention: Bounding pulse, warm peripheries, flapping tremor
What investigations are performed in diagnosing COPD?
PFTs and spirometry
What do PFTs reveal in COPD?
• Decreased FEV1: FVC ratio
Mild = 60-80%
Moderate = 40-60%
Severe = <40%
What is the characteristic feature for COPD when compared with asthma in terms of bronchodilator?
No bronchodilator reversibility
What is seen on a CXR for a patient with COPD?
- Reveals hyperinflation (>6 anterior ribs, flat hemidiaphragm).
- Decreased peripheral lung markings
- Elongated cardiac silhouette
What type of respiratory failure is associated with COPD?
Type 2 respiratory failure
What is the lifestyle management for COPD?
Smoking cessation
What is the first-line management for COPD?
Salbutamol or ipratropium bromide
If there are more than 2 COPD exacerbations per year what is the step-up management for COPD?
Long-acting bronchodilators
Describe asthmatic features/steroid responsiveness
Previous diagnosis of asthma/atopy
Raised blood eosinophil count
Substantial variation in FEV1 over time
Substantial diurnal variation in peak expiratory flow
What is the long-term management for COPD?
SABA as required
What is the long term management for asthma-COPD overlap?
SABA or SAMA as required
What is the management for acute exacerbations of COPD?
increase frequency of bronchodilator use and consider giving via a nebuliser
give prednisolone 30 mg daily for 5 days
They recommend giving oral antibiotics ‘if sputum is purulent or there are clinical signs of pneumonia’
the BNF recommends one of the following oral antibiotics first-line: amoxicillin or clarithromycin or doxycycline.
What is asthma?
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease characterised by reversible airway obstruction
-Initial trigger releases inflammatory mediators
Lumen is reversibly folded due to smooth muscle bronchoconstriction and mucous hypersecretion
What are the cardinal features of asthma?
Atopy/Allergen sensitization Reversible airflow obstruction Airway inflammation Eosinophilia Type 2 lymphocytes
Wheeze/+- dry cough on exertion worse with colds and allergen exposure
What type of immune reaction is associated with asthma?
Type 2 immunity in allergic asthma
What cytokines are released in Asthma?
- IL-5 – Responsible for the maturation and release of eosinophils in the bone marrow.
- IL-4 is a prominent immune mediator that supports the activation of B-cells into plasma cells to release IgE.
- IL-15 is a central regulator in IgE synthesis, goblet cell hyperplasia, mucous hypersecretion, and airway hyperresponsiveness.
What roles does IL-5 have in asthma?
Maturation and releases of eosinophils in the bone marrow
What does role does IL-4 have in asthma?
A prominent lumen mediator that supports the activation of B-cells into plasma cells to release IgE
What effect does IgE have in asthma?
Mast-cell degranulation leading to the release of histamines and cytokines
What blood test is used to test for allergic sensitiation?
Blood test for specific IgE antibodies to allergens
What are the risk factors for asthma?
Family history
Atopy (Tendency for T lymphocytes to drive production of IgE exposure
What environmental factors are associated with asthma?
- House dust mites
- Pollen
- Pets
- Cigarette smoke
- Viral respiratory tract infections
- Aspergillus fugimatus spores
- Occupational allergens
What is the presentation of asthma?
- Intermittent dyspnoea
- Wheeze
- Cough (worse in the morning and at night) + sputum. DIURNAL pattern of symptoms.
- Nasal polyposis
When is the asthma cough worse during the day?
Worse in morning and at night
What is the pattern of symptoms for asthma?
What are the precipitating factors for asthma?
• Cold air – Induced bronchospasm
• Viral infection
• Drugs (E.g., beta-blockers, NSAIDs)
• Exercise
• Emotions
• Allergens – House dust mite, pollen, fur, pets – query.
• Smoking/passive smoking
• Pollution
• Ask if symptoms remit at weekend – may be triggered at work.
N.B: Check for history of atopic disease (Allergic rhinitis, urticaria, eczema).
What are the examination findings for asthma?
- Tachypnoea
- Use of accessory muscles
- Prolonged expiratory phase
- Polyphonic wheeze
- Hyperinflated chest
- Hyper-resonant percussion notes
- Reduced air entry
What defines a moderate asthma attack for PEFR?
PEFR > 50-75% predicted.
What parameters are associated with a severe asthma attack?
- PEFR 35-50% predicted
- Pulse > 100/min
- RR > 25/min
- Inability to complete sentences.
What parameters are associated with a life-threatening asthma attack?
- PEFR < 33% predicted
- Silent chest
- Cyanosis – PaO2 < 8 kPa, normal/high PaCO2 > 4.6 kPa, low pH <7.35.
- Bradycardia
- Hypotension
- Confusion
- Coma
What investigations are performed for the diagnosis of asthma?
Fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO)
Spirometry with bronchodilator reversibility test
Peak Expiratory flow rate
What does a FeNO test reveal in asthma?
Confirm eosinophilic airway inflammation to support an asthma diagnosis in patients
Adults >40ppb
>35 ppb in children
What does a FeNO test reveal in asthma for adults?
> 40 ppb
What does a FeNo test reveal in asthma for children?
> 35 ppb
What does a FeNo indicate in a patient with diagnosed asthma?
A non-invasive biomarker of the airway (Type-2 inflammation) – can be used to determine adherence and steroid response. An elevation in NO is indicative that the asthma is not adequately controlled or unresponsive to steroids.
What does a spirometer with a bronchodilator reversibility test reveal?
FEV1/FVC ratio <70%
Defined improvement >12%
What is the defined improvement with the administration of a bronchodilator in asthma?
> 12%
What does an FBC reveal in asthma?
What are the atypical signs associated with mycoplasma pneumonia?
Transverse myelitis (inflammation of spinal cord)
Erythema multiforme (round lesions with bullseye appearance)
Associated with autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
What does erythema multiforme look like?
Round lesions with bullseye appearance
What atypical pnuemonia organism is associated with erythema multiforme?
Mycoplasma pnuemoniae
On inspection what signs are seen in pnuemonia?
Respiratory distress
On palpation what is seen in pneumonia?
Reduced chest expansion
On percussion what is seen in pnuemonia?
Dull percussion over areas of consolidation
What is auscultated in pnuemonia?
Basal coarse crepitations
Bronchial breathing
Increased vocal resonance
What is the most common cause of CAP?
Streptococcus pneumoniae
What is the most common cause of atypical pneumonia?
Legionella pneumophilia
Chlamydia psitacci
What is the most common cause of HAP?
Staph Aureus
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Which pnuemonia is associated with pet birds?
Chlamydia psitacci
Which pnuemonia is associated with air conditioning?
What atypical signs are associated with legionella pneumonia?
Abnormal LFTs
Hyponatremia is associated with what type of atypical pneumonia?
What bedside test is used in diagnosing pneumonia?
Sputum MCS
What blood tests are used in diagnosis pnuemonia?
FBC (high WCC)
CRP (high)
ABG (Type 1 resp failure)
What invasive tests are used in diagnosing pneumonia?
Pleural fluid MCS via thoracentesis
What investigations are performed in diagnosing atypical pneumonia for mycolplasma?
Blood film
Red cell agglutination with cold agglutinin
What blood film result i associated with mycoplasma pneumonia?
Red cell agglutination with cold agglutinin
What tests should be performed in legionella?
Urinary antigens
What is lobar pnuemonia?
Consolidation is confined within one lobe
What is bronchopneumonia?
Consolidation all over the lungs
A score of 1 in CURB-65 =?
GP and oral ABx
A score of 2 CURB-65=?
A&E and IV ABx
A score of >3 CURB-65 =?
Hospital admission +IV ABx,consider ITU
How is confusion assessed in CURB-65?
What RR CURB-65?
30 breaths per minute
What systolic BP in CURB-65?
<90 mmHG
What Abx is used for typical organisms in pneumonia?
Co-Amoxicillin if severe
What Abx is used for atypical pneumonia?
If a patient has a penicillin allergy what Abx is given in pneumonia?
What pneumonia is associated with HIV patients?
Pneumocystis jiroveci
Which Abx is given in pneumocystis jiroveci?
Co-trimoxazole (trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole)
What type of resp tract infection is associated with acute bronchitis?
Upper respiratory tract infection
What are the typical organisms associated with acute bronchitis?
Rhinovirus Parainfluenzae Influenza A or B RSv Covid-19
What are the risk factors for acute bronchitis?
Cystic fibrosis
What type of cough is associated with acute bronchitis?
Non-productive cough
Lasts weeks
How is the diagnosis of acute bronchitis made?
Based on clinical presentation
What is the management of acute bronchitis in healthy patients?
Paracetamol and ibuprofen as required
What is the management of 2 week persistent cough in acute bronchitis?
Inhaled corticosteroids
In wheezy acute bronchitis what is the management?
Inhaled SABA
What should be given in acute bronchitis and history of lung pathology (COPD, asthma)?
Doxycycline if penicillin allergy
Define a PE
A blockage in one of the pulmonary arteries in the lungs
What type of chest pain is associated with a PE?
What is an acute massive PE?
Sudden complete occlusion of pulmonary artery
What is the presentation of an acute massive PE?
Central crushing pain
Severe dyspnoea
What ECG changes are found in a PE?
S1Q3T3 pattern
Sinus tachycardia
What sign is seen on a CXR for a PE?
Westermark’s Sign
What is an acute small PE?
Sudden incomplete occlusion of pulmonary artery
What is the presentation of an acute small PE?
Pleuritic chest pain
What is a chronic PE?
Chronic occlusion of the pulmonary microvasculature
What is the presentation of chronic PE?
Exertional dyspnoea
What is S1Q3T3?
S wave in Lead 1
Q wave in Lead 3
Inverted T wave in lead 3
What causes Westermark’s sign?
Hypovolaemia distal to the pulmonary artery that has been occluded by the PE. Blood cannot reach this region causing ischaemia and infarction - this increases transluceny of the region
What score is associated with a CTPA referral in PE?
> 4 (or equal)
What Well’s score is equal to low-risk PE?
A score more than 4 warrants what investigation in suspected PE?
What mnemonic is associated with Well’s score?
Alternative to CTPA in pregnant PE?
VQ scan
What defines define haemodynamic stability?
SBP >90 mmHG
In a haemodynamically stable patient what anticoagulant is used?
Fondaparinux/heparin for 5 days
Warfarin for 3 months
What is the first-line management for a massive PE in haemodynamic unstable patients?
Thrombolysis with respiratory support
-Use IV alteplase
What thrombolytic therapy is used in PE?
Alteplase (IV)
What is the second line management for PE if thrombolytic therapy fails?
What pharmacological prophylaxis is given for PE?
Tinzaparin - low molecular weight heparin
What is traumatic pneumothorax?
Damage to the parietal pleura
What i the normal intrapleural pressure?
-5to-8cm H2O
Which pleural is affected in spontaneous pneumothorax?
Damage to the visceral pleura
What is the main risk factor for a primary pneumothorax?
Young thin male
What are associated with secondary pneumothorax?
Pre-existing lung pathology, CF and COPD
What is the management of primary pneumothorax >2cm or SOB?
Needle aspiration (Consider chest drain if unsuccessful)
What is the management for a secondary pneumothorax >2cm or SOB?
Chest drain
What happens in a tension pneumothorax?
A one-way valve is created, inspiration causes continuous accumulation of air in the pleural space
Which type of pneumothorax is associated with tracheal deviation?
Tension pneumothorax, away from the side of the lesion
+ Reduced expansion
-Hyper-resonant chest
Mediastinal shift
Why is tension pneumothorax an emergency?
The mediastinal shift causes hypotension and tachycardia
What is the management for a tension pneumothorax?
Insert large bore cannula in 2nd ICS MCL, place above the third rib to avoid the neurovascular bundle
What is the definition of ARDS?
Non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema
Which criteria is used to assess and define ARDS?
Berlin Criteria
What is the Berlin criteria?
No alternative cause for pulmonary oedema - cardiac failure
Rapid onset <1 week
Bilateral signs on CXR
What are the causes of ARDs?
ARDs is caused by hypoaxemia acute lung injury
Sepsis Pneumonia Ventilation Severe burns Acute pancreatitis Transfusion reactions Drug overdose COVID-19
What happens in ARDs?
Pulmonary alveolar oedema and eventual lung collapse
What CXR findings are seen in ARDs?
Bilateral diffuse opacities
What is the management of ARDs?
Proning - alveolar recruitment ICU Ventilator Diuresis Drainage of effusion
What is the most common cause of bacterial community acquired pneumonia?
Streptoccocus pneumoniae
Which atypical organism is associated with faulty air condition systems?
Legionella Pneumophilia
What scoring system is used to assess CAP severity?
What non-invasive bedside tests can be used to identify the causative organism?
Sputum culture
Urinary antigen testing
What is pneumonia?
Infection of the lung parenchyma
What are the risk factors of pneumonia?
Old age
Chronic lung condition (Asthma/COPD)
Aspiration risk
What two categorises are CAP divided into?
Typical and Atypical
What are the common typical organisms for CAP?
Strep pneumoniae
Haemophlius influenzae B
Staphyloccous aureus
Klebsiella pneumonia
Moraxella catarrhalis
What are the common atypical organisms for CAP?
Mycoplasma pneumonia
Legionella pneumonphilia
Chlamydia psitacci
Coxiella burnetti
Pneumocystitis jirovecii
What are the common causes of HAP?
Pseudomonas aeurgonosa
What bacterial organism is associated with COPD and bronchiectasis?
Haemophilus Influenzae
What bacterial organism i responsible for causing cavitating lesions and abscesses in typical CAP?
Staphyloccous aureus
Which type of pneumonia is common amongst chronic alcoholic patients?
Klebsiella pneumonia
What dermatological presentation is associated with mycoplasma a pneumoniae?
Target skin lesion
-Erythema multiforme
What electrolyte imbalances are associated with legionella?
Hyponatremia and abnormal LFTs
What causes Parrot fever?
Chlamydia psittaci
Which pneumonia is associated with HIV (AIDs)?
Pneumocystitis jirovecci
Which bacteria can cause cavitating lung lesions?
Staph aureus
What are the common causes of cavitating lung lesions?
Malignancy (Squamous cell carcinoma)
Wegener’s granulomatosis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Septic embolic
What kind of bacteria is strep pneumoniae?
Gram-positive (Diplococci)
What type of bacteria is Haemophilus influenzae, klebsiella pneumoniae and pseudomonoas?
What are the clinical symptoms pneumonia?
Pleuritic chest pain Productive mucopurulent cough (Green sputum) Fever/Rigors Shortness of breath Confusion (Elderly patients)
What are the common causes of pleuritic chest pain?
Pneumothorax Pulmonary embolism Pericarditis Pneumonia Pleural effusion
What symptoms are associated with atypical pneumonia?
Dry cough (Inflammation spares the alveoli)
Low grade fever
What are the clinical signs of typical pneumonia?
Reduced chest expansion (asymmetrical) Dullness to percussion Cyanosis Respiratory distress Coarse basal crepitations Bronchial breathing Increased vocal resonance
What observations are evident in pneumonia?
Tachycardia Tachypnoea Low blood pressure indicating sepsis Reduced peripheral oxygen saturation Raised temperature
What imaging modality is gold-standard for pneumonia?
Chest X-ray
What investigation is performed to diagnose for legionella pneumonia?
Urinary antigen testing
What two organisms are assessed for urinary antigen testing?
Streptococcus pneumonia
What investigations are performed to confirm mycoplasma pneumonia?
What are the common features of pneumonia on a CXR?
Alveolar opacificaion
Air bronchograms
What are air bronchograms?
Bronchi being filled with air surrounded by alveoli that are filled with pus
What does diffuse patchy infiltrates reveal on XR (Pneumonia)
Interstitial pneumonia (PCP)
CURB-65 0 - 1 =
treatment as outpatuent
CURB-65 2 =
Consider admission to hospital
CURB-63 3 =
ICU admission
What 3 ABx are indicated for CAP management?
What ABx should be prescribed for typical pneumonia (Allergic to penicillin)?
What ABx is administered for pneumonia in the community (CURB-65 =1)?
What ABx is administered for CAP with curb-2?
Amoxicillin and clarithroymycin
What ABx is prescribed in CAP with CURB-65 >3?
IV co-amoxiclav and clarithryocmyin
What ABx should be prescribed in pregnancy for CAP?
First-line ABx for HAP?
ABx for MRSA HAP pneumonia?
IV Vancomycin
ABx for pseudomonas HAP?
IV Tazocin + gentamicn
ABx for aspiration pneumonia?
ABx for PCP?
What CXR findings are observed in PCP?
diffuse patchy infiltrates
What is bronchiectasis?
Chronic lung condition defined as the abnormal irreversible dilation of the bronchi and bronchioles
What are the two common causes of bronchiectasis ?
Cystic fibrosis
What are the risk factors for bronchiectasis?
Post-infection - TB
Chronic aspiration - GORD/dysphagia
Chronic inflammation
Congenital - Cystic fibrosis
What is the triad of Kartagener’s syndrome?
Situs inversus
What is the presentation of bronchiectasis?
Chronic daily productive cough (>8 weeks)
Large amounts of mucopurulent sputum
Foul-smelling Green/yellow - otherwose mucoid Haemoptysis Dyspnoea Weight-loss Non-pleuritic chest pain
Recurrent pneumonia/chest infections
What examination finding in the hands are associated with bronchiectasis?
What are the respiratory causes of clubbing?
Bronchiectasis Lung cancer Pulmonary fibrosis TB Cystic fibrosis Empyema Lung abscess
On auscultation what is heard in bronchiectasis?
Coarse crackles the lower ling zones
What sputum is produced in bronchiectasis?
Beside investigation for productive cough?
Sputum culture - HIB, Pseudomonas aerugonisa, strep pneumoniae
What sign is seen in XR for bronchiectasis?
What is the gold standard investigation for bronchiectasis?
High resolution CT
Bronchiectasis + IgE + Eosinophilia is =?
What investigation i performed for diagnosing cystic fibrosis?
Sweat test
Which serum marker is raised in ABPA?
Serum IgE
What findings are seen in HRCT in bronchiectasis?
Signet ring sign
What is the conservative management for bronchioectasis?
Chest physiotherapy and airway clearance
- Postural drainage
- Nebulised hypertonic saline
What is the pharmacological management for bronchiectasis?
What Abx is used to treat Psueodmonas resp infection?
What complication is associated with ciprofloxacin?
Achille tendon rupture
What is the surgical indication for localised resection of bronchiectasis?
For localised disease
Indicated in massive haemoptysis
What part of the lungs does TB affect?
Upper lobe
What bacterium is associated with TB?
Mycobacterium tuberuclosis
What is latent TB?
Contained in caseating granulomas (not transmissible)
Caseating granulomas in the lung indicate what pathology?
Rfx fr TB?
What are the signs and symptoms of TB?
Productive cough Dyspnoea/SOB haemoptysis Pleural effusion ] FLAWS - low grade fever weight loss
Erythema nodosum
What skin manifestation is associated with TB?
Erythema nodosum
Lupus vulgaris
What TB disease complication affects the spinal cord?
Pott’s disease
-osteomyelitis of the spine
What are the endocrine complications of TB?
Addison’s disease
Sterile pyuria
Bed side investigations for TB?
Sputum culture - acid-fast bacilli stain (Ziehl-Neelsen)
What staining is done for TB?
acid-fast bacilli stain (Ziehl-Neelsen)
What imaging is performed in tb?
CXR - revealing bi-hilar lymphadenopathy
What CXR finding is found with TB?
bi-hilar lymphadenopathy
Upper lobe scarring
Cavitating lesions
What does a lymph node biopsy reveal in TB?
Caseating granuloma
What test is used to determine whether a patient has latent TB?
Mantoux test - Tuberculin skin test
-Immune reaction = latent
+ Interferon Gamma Release Assay
What is miliary TB shown on CXR?
Nodular shadowing
What is miliary TB?
Lymphohaematageous dissemination of TB
What are the four drugs in TB management?
Which TB drug is associated with peripheral neuropathy and vitamin b6 deficiency?
Which TB drug causes gout?
Which TB drug causes optic neuritis?
What are the two types of lung cancer?
Small cell lung cancer
Non-small cell lung cancer
What type of cells are associated with small cell carcinoma?
Endocrine cells (Kulchitsky)
What are the three types of non-small cell lung cancer?
Adenocarcinoma (Goblet cells)
Squamous cell carcinoma
Large cell carcinoma
What is the most common type of lung cancer?
Non-small cell lung cancer
What 3 paraneoplastic syndromes are associated with small cell lung cancer?
ACTH -Cushing’s
Lambert Eaton Syndrome
What cells are associated with adenocarcinoma?
Goblet cells
Where do adenocarcinomas arise from in the lung?
Squamous cell carcinomas secrete what type of peptide?
Central lung
What is the largest risk factor for lung cancer?
What are the primary symptoms of lung cancer?
Cough (Dry or productive)
What signs are seen in lug cancer?
Tar staining of fingernails (Smokers)
Dull percussion
Stony dullness
Increased vocal resonance
What syndrome is associated with a Pancoast tumour?
Horner syndrome
What chain is compressed in Horner syndrome?
Cervical sympathetic chain
What is the triad of horner syndrome?
Partial Ptosis
What is the presentation of an apical lung tumour (Pancoast)?
Horner syndrome
Brachial plexus compression - paraesthesia
Recurrent laryngeal nerve compression - hoarse voirce and bovine cough
What sign is sign in a tumour in the right lung apex? (SVC)
Pemberton’s sign
Pooling of blood - oedema
What bloods are performed for lung cancer?
Calcium - bone mets and PTHrp
ALP - bone mets
LFTs - liver mets
What is the first-line radiological investigation for lung cancer?
What scan is used to stage lung cancer?
CT chest, abdomen and pelvis and PET
How is biopsy performed for lung cancer?
Bronchoscopy with transbronchial resection
Or transthoracic needle
How does lung cancer mets reveal on CXR?
Cannon ball mets
What is a mesothelioma?
Malignant neoplasm of mesothelial cells of the pleura
What is the biggest risk factor for mesothelioma?
Asbestos exposure
What is the presentation of mesothelioma?
Dry cough FLAWS -SOB -Weight loss -loss of appetite -Night sweats
Signs - pleural friction rub
On auscultation what does mesothelioma sound like?
Pleural friction rub
What are the invasive investigations for mesothelioma?
Pleural fluid cytology via thoracentesis (Pleural tap)
What X-ray features are associated with a mesothelioma?
Pleural thickening
Pleural plaques due to asbestos
Pleural effusions
How is mesothelioma diagnosed?
Thoracoscopy and histology
What spirometry findings are associated with asthma FEV1/FVC?
FEV1/FVC <70% with bronchodilator reversibility
Which cells are implicated in the pathophysiology of asthma?
Mast cells and basophils
- IgE mast cell degranulations
- Eosinophil
What is the four pathophysiology steps in asthma?
Epithelial airway damage
Vascular smooth muscle hypertrophy
Airway hyperrresponsiveness
Mucous plugging
Reversible airway obstruction with intact lung parenchyma
What is the presenting complaint for asthma?
SOB Dry cough Chest tightness Variability of symptoms Diurnal - worse at night Wheeze Atopic (Food allergies, eczema and hayfever)
When are asthma symptoms worse during the day?
During the night
What are the signs of asthma?
Expiratory polyphonic wheeze
Work of breathing
Nasal polyps
What is the triad of atopy (asthma)?
Hay fever
Food allergy
Which conditions make asthma worse?
GORD -reflux exacerbates asthma
What questions asked for suspected asthma?
Are the problems always there?
Do you wake up at night breathless or coughing?
Are there noises when they breath?
Any triggers? Dusty environment, pets, smoking, exercise
Previous hospital admission and care?
What test is used to assess asthma control?
Asthma control test (ACT)
What is the FEV1/FVC ratio or asthma?
What two investigations are indicated for the diagnosis of asthma?
Spirometry (FEV reduced)
Bronchodilator reversibility >12%
By what % does bronchodilatory reversibility increase FEV1 in asthma?
FeNO result in adults?
> 40 ppm
What is the first-line management for asthma?
Salbutamol (SABA)
Address triggers, smoking cessation and mediation adherence
What colour is a reliever inhaler?
Reliever- SABA -Blue
What colour is a preventor inhaler?
Brown - Low dose ICS
What are the management indications for beginning Low Dose ICS with SABA?
Not controlled on previous step
Newly-diagnosed asthma with symptoms >= 3 / week or night-time waking
What medication is added if Low Dose ICS and SABA is unresponsive in asthma?
Leukotriene receptor antagonist (montelukast)
What class of drug is montelukast?
Leukotriene receptor antagonist
Name an ICS?
beclometasone, budesonide, ciclesonide, fluticasone, and mometasone
Name a LABA
Name a SAMA
What is the step-up management despite the use of LTRAs?
What is the step-up management despite the LABA SABA ICS?
Why is MART effective in asthma?
ICS suppresses inflammation and LABA short-acting to relieve symptoms
What is occupational asthma?
Common industrial lung disease, due to inhaled particulates at work
-Symptoms improve during work cessation
What is COPD?
Small airway obstruction
Goblet cells hyperplasia - more mucous
-Irreversible airway obstruction
What is the biggest risk factor for COPD?
What is the presentation of COPD?
Dyspnoea (persistent)
- Exercise induced
- Progressive
Chronic cough +/- sputum
Concurrent wheeze
Increased respiratory effort - Flared nostrils, accessory muscles
Hypercapnia - Co2 retention flap and bounding pulse
Barrel chest - loss of percussion dullness over heart and liver - resonance
-Reduced cricosternal distance
Cor pulmonale - RV heave, JVP elevated and ankle oedema
Hoover’s sign
What is the gold-standard investigations for COPD?
Spirometry - post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC <0.7 with no bronchodilator reversibility
Low oxygen saturations
CXR - hyper-expansion, air trapping
Exclude anaemia
What test assesses COPD impact on quality of life?
What is the first step of COPD management?
Smoking management
-Offer pneumococcal and influenza vaccines
What is the first-line pharmacological management for COPD?
SABA (as required) or SAMA
LABA LAMA regularly
What is the long-term management for COPD is there are asthmatic features?
What are asthmatic features in COPD?
FEV1 variability, high eosinophils, peak flow variability
Diagnosis: dextrocardia or complete situs inversus bronchiectasis recurrent sinusitis subfertility (secondary to diminished sperm motility and defective ciliary action in the fallopian tubes)
Kartagener’s syndrome
What type of crepitations are associated with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis?
Bibasal Fine end inspiratory
What is idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis?
Lung scarring of an unknown cause
-Fibrosis of the parenchyma stats around the pleura - predominantly in the basal and intersitital pneumonia pattern- subpleura
What is the epidemiology of IPF?
Older male >65 years
Smoking and FHx
What are the symptos of IPF?
Progressive SOB Exertional dyspnoea Dry cough Weight loss, fatigue and malaise Slow insidious onset
Bi-basal fine end inspiratory crepitations
What is the gold-standard investigation for IPF?
High-resolution CT to show pattern of fibrosis
What does spirometry reveal in IPF (restrictive)?
FEV1/FVC >70%
What is DLCO?
Diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide
-Suggests alveolar pathology
Which drugs can cause IPF?
Amiodarone, nitrofuratoin and methotrexate
What is the definitive management for IPF?
Pulmonary rehabilitation
Consider pirfenidone (an antifibrotic agent) -If FVC is between 50-80%
What skin features are associated with sarcoidosis?
Erythema nodosum bilaterally on the shins
Lupus pernio
What X-ray features are associated with sarcoidosis?
Bilateral hilar lymphandenopathy
What is the presentation of sarcoidosis?
acute: erythema nodosum, bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy, swinging fever, polyarthralgia
insidious: dyspnoea, non-productive cough, malaise, weight loss
skin: lupus pernio
hypercalcaemia: macrophages inside the granulomas cause an increased conversion of vitamin D to its active form (1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol)
What is epidemiology of sarcoidosis?
Afro-Caribbean female with cough and skin patch on her shin
Infections like TB
Females 20-40
What is the pathology of sarcoidosis?
Non-caseating (Non-necrotic) granulomas deposited around the body
What is the presenting complaint of sarcoidosis?
- Chronic dry cough
- Progressive shortness of breath with exertional dyspnoea
- Disproportionate chronic fatigue
Eye problems - photophobia, red painful eye/blurry vision
What skin lesions arise in sarcoidosis?
Lupus pernio (Rash on face, nose and ears)
What eye features are associated with sacoidosis?
Red painful eye
Blurry vision
Anterior or posterior uveittis
What respiratory signs are associated with sarcoidosis?
What is Lofgren’s syndrome?
Pulmonary manifestation of sarcoidosis
- Bilateral hilar lymphandeophathy
- Erythema nodosum
- Arthralgia
- Fever
What is stage 1 sarcoidosis?
Bilateral hilar lymphandenopathy
What is stage 2 sarcoidosis?
Bilateral hilar lymphandenopathy
+ pulmonary infiltrates
Sarcoid deposits in the parotid gland results in what?
Parotid enlargement manifesting as facial nerve palsy
What cardiac complication is associated with sarcoidosis?
Restrictive cardiomyopathies
Why is calcium raised in sarcoidoiss?
1-alpha-hydroxylase. -vitamin D elevated due to macrophage release
And high ACE enzyme
What electrolyte imbalance is associated with sarcoidosis?
Which enzyme is elevated ins sarcoidosis
What blood test results are consistent with sarcoidosis?
High calcium and high serum ACE
low PTH in response to high calcium
At what stage of sarcoidosis is prednisolone indicated?
Stage 2/3
What is the definitive management of OSA?
CPAP at night
What is the presentation sleep apnoea?
Loud snoring
Daytime sleepiness
Restless sleep
What questionnaire is performed for sleep apnoea?
STOP-BANG sscore
What are the parameters assessed in the STOP-BANG score?
Observed apnoea
Pressure (BP)
Age >35
Neck circumference >40cm
Gender -male
What is the diagnostic investigation for sleep apnoea?
-Apnoea and hypopnoea index
What is the management for asymptomatic and mild sleep apnoea?
Intra-oral mandibular advancement device
What are the indications for ABx therapy in acute bronchitis?
have a CRP of 20-100mg/L (offer delayed prescription) or a CRP >100mg/L (offer antibiotics immediately)
What is coal workers pneumocoinosis?
Exertional dyspnoea and cough
Coal deposits in the lungs
Progressive massive fibrosis
+/- black sputum
What does a CXR reveal in coal worker’s pneumoconiosis?
Large round fibrotic masses in the upper lobes
What is the presentation of silicosis?
Upper lobe fibrosis masses with hilar egg shell calcification
What X-ray features are found in silicosis?
‘egg-shell’ calcification of the hilar lymph nodes
What occupations are associated with silicosis?
What characteristic radiographic findings are associated with asbestosis?
Pleural plaques - Thickening and calcification of the pleura visible
-Causes occasionale exertional dyspnoea
Asbestos bodies
What are the features associated with asbestosis (presentation)?
Progressive dyspnoea
Dry cough
FLAWs - haemoptysis
Clubbing reduced expansion Bibasal crackles RHF Asbestos warts
What is extrinsic allergic alveolitis?
Inhaled microscopic allergens that deposit in small airways and alveoli - leads to allergic response in small airways and alveoli
-Farmer’s lungs
-Bird fancier’s lungs
Maltworker’s lung
What is the presentation of extrinsic allergic alevolitis?
Cough +/- sputum
What HRCT findings is associated with EAA?
Ground glass appearance
Management for EAA?
avoid precipitating factors
oral glucocorticoids
Name a cause of transudative pleural effusion?
Protein level <30g
Nephrotic syndrome
Heart failure (Congestive)
PE cirrhosis
What is a respiratory complication of pancreatitis?
What are the clinical features of ARDS?
elevated respiratory rate
bilateral lung crackles
low oxygen saturations
Definition of ARDS
non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema.
In what patients is Klebsiella pneumonia common in?
Klebsiella pneumonia is more common in diabetics and patients with a history of alcohol excess. It is also frequently caused by aspiration.
Red/Jelly-like sputum is associated with what type of pneumonia?
A negative spirometry testing indicates what further investigation in asthma management?
Fractional exhaled nitric oxide
What are the common causes of exudative pleural effusion?
Connective tissue disease
Hyperventilation causes what blood gas result?
Respiratory alkalosis
What is the management for an acute exacerbation of asthma?
Oxygen Salbutamol Hydrocortisone Ipratropium bromide Theophylline Magnesium sulphate
Are pleural plaques in asbestos-related lung disease concerning?
No - are benign and therefore do not require monitoring
What are the common causes of upper zone fibrosis?
C- Coal worker's pneumoconiosis H - Histiocytosis/ hypersensitivity pneumonitis A - Ankylosing spondylitis R - Radiation T - Tuberculosis S - Silicosis/sarcoidosis
What parameter is used to assess for COPD severity?
What is auscultated for a malignancy of the bronchus?
Monomorphic wheeze
What type of pleural effusion is malignancy?
Exudative pleural effusion
What is the parameter for exudative pleural effusion?
> 30g/L