Respiratory Flashcards
The exchange of gases between the alveoli and capillaries in the lungs is?
External respiration
A factor which promotes external respiration is?
A short diffusion distance between alveolus & the capillary
Carbon dioxide is mostly transported in the blood?
As bicarbonate ions
The most powerful respiratory stimulant is?
Rising CO2 in the blood
The test that measures HCO3- and calculates pH, and measures PCO2 & PO2?
Is the arterial blood gas
Haemoglobin releases oxygen more readily to tissues that are?
Low in pH
The airway(s) that dilate under the influence of the sympathetic nervous system are
The bronchioles
The work of breathing is decreased by?
Lungs that are compliant
Quiet exhalation involves?
Elastic recoil of the lungs
What structures make up the upper respiratory tract?
Nasal cavity, pharynx, nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx & larynx
Describe the pharynx?
Pharynx = the throat
Describe the laryngopharynx?
- Passage for food and air
Describe the Larynx?
- Passage way for air
- Contains vocal cords
- Initiates cough reflex
- Mechanisms which control epiglottis
What is the epiglottis?
Held open during breathing and is pulled back during swallowing
What is the Trachea?
A tubular passage for air
What triggers coughing in the trachea?
The mucosa at the carina is extremely sensitive and it triggers coughing when a foreign object touches it
Describe the Bronchi-air conduction
Primary bronchi, secondary bronchi, tertiary bronchi and bronchioles
Describe the Primary bronchi
Rings of C-shaped cartilage prevent the bronchi from collapsing.
Describe the secondary bronchi
Supply the lobes of each lung
• 3 on right
• 2 on left
Rings of cartilage replaced by strips of cartilage
Describe the tertiary bronchi
- Supply the segments within the lobes of each lung
- Strips of cartilage.
Describe the bronchioles
Connect the tertiary bronchi (conduction zone) to the respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts and alveoli (gas exchange).
What does surfactant do?
Prevents a thin watery liquid film lining the surface of alveoli exerting a force called surface tension
Prevents the alveoli from collapsing
What is lung tissue made out of?
Elastic connective tissue
What are the three pleural membranes of the lungs?
Visceral pleura - covers the lung
Parietal pleura - Lines the wall of the thoracic cavity
Pleura cavity - contains serous fluid
The structures that deflect air as it passes through the nose are called:
The anatomical division of the pharynx that is located behind the mouth form the soft palate above to the level of the hyoid bone below is called the:
The structure in the neck known as the “Adam’s apple” is the:
Thyroid cartilage
The eustachian tube connects the middle ear with the?
The small, leaf-shaped cartilage behind the tongue and hyoid bone is the?
The smallest branches of the bronchial tree are?
The function of surfactant is to?
Prevent each alveolus from collapsing as air moves in and out during respiration.
Cellular respiration occurs in the?
The small openings in the cribriform plate function to?
Allow branches of the olfactory nerve to enter the cranial cavity and reach the brain.