Respiration Flashcards
O2 is utilised by
Co2 is released during
Commonly known as
Is for
Organisms to indirectly break down of nutrient molecule like glucose
And derive energy
During catabolic reactions
This process of exchange of O2 from the atmosphere with CO2 produced by cells
Energy liberation
Mechanism of breathing vary
Animals in which respiration takes place by general body surface
Mainly on their habitats and levels of organisms
Respiratory organs
Earthworm Annelida
Insect ( cockroach, silkworms)
Aquatic Arthropoda
Arachnida eg spiders
Moist cuticle
Book lungs
Respiratory organs
Gills ( ctinidia )
Body surface
Lungs / skin / buccopharyngeal cavity
Respiratory organ
______________ opening out above upper lips
It leads to , through
Nasal chamber opens into ( character )
_________ opens into ———through larynx region
External nostrils
Leads to nasal chamber , through nasal passage
Into pharynx which is common passage for food and air
Pharynx , into the trachea
Larynx is , help , hence
Epiglottis (covered by)
Cartilaginous box , help in sound production hence called sound box
During swallowing glottis can be covered by thin elastic cartilaginous flap
Prevent entry of food into larynx
False vocal cords provide
True vocal cards helpful
Trachea is straight tube extending
Moisture to true vocal cords
In phonation
Up to the mid thoracic cavity,
Divides at level of 5 th thoracic vertebra into right and left primary bronchi
Secondary, tertiary bronchi formed by
Also gets formed
——supported by
Each bronchi undergoes repeated divisions to form
Bronchioles ending up in very thin terminal bronchioles
By incomplete cartilaginous rings
Tracheae , primary,secondary,tertiary bronchi,initial bronchioles supported by
Alveoli is
What gives rise to alveoli
_______ comprise the lungs
Very thin ,irregular walled , vascularised bag like structure
Each terminal bronchiole gives rise to a no of
The branching network of bronchi , bronchioles , and alveoli
Conducting part
Exchange part / respiratory system
Presence of C shaped cartilaginous rings
Starting with external nostrils up to terminal bronchioles
Transports air to alveoli,clears it from foreign particles,brings air to body temperature
Alveoli and their ducts
From trachea to initial bronchiole
Pulmonary ventilation, alveolar ventilation reason
No of lobes in right left lung
Covered by , with
Due to anatomical dead space 150 ml , pulmonary»» alveolar
Right = 3 lobe , left = 2 lobed
Double layered pleura with pleural fluid between them
Double layered pleura fn
Outer pleural membrane contract with
Inner membrane
Pressure ( intraplural/pulmonary)
Reduce friction on the lung surface and act as shock absorbers
With the thoracic lining
With the lung’s surface
Intraplural «< pulmonary
Lungs are situated in
Setup is such that
Such arrangements is essentially for
Thoracic chamber
An air - tight chamber
That any change in volume of thoracic cavity will be reflected in lung ( pulmonary cavity)
For breathing, as we cannot directly alter the pulmonary volume
The thoracic chamber is formed
Dorsally, vertebral column
Ventrally by sternum
Laterally by ribs
On lower side by dome shaped diaphragm
Mammalian lungs are
Structural and Functional units of lungs
I size fn
Solid and spongy without muscles
Power of self contraction and self relaxation is not present
Two type = pneumocytes
Pneumocytes I Smaller,help in gaseous exchange
II larger , secrete phospholipid lecithin
Lecithin fn in alveoli
On the outer side of alveoli ( tissue)
Total no of alveoli +nt in both the lungs
As a surfactant reduces the surface tension of alveoli
Keep alveoli always remain open for efficient gaseous exchange
Yellow fibrous ct
Is 300 million
Exchange part is the site
Atmospheric air is drawn in and co2 alveolar air given out ( process)
________ across alveolar membrane
Transport of gases by
Of actual diffusion of O2 and CO2 b/w blood and atmospheric air
Breathing or pulmonary ventilation
Diffusion of gases ( o2 and co2 )
By blood
Diaphragm structure , separate
Muscles called
Main fn
At the time of inspiration
Muscular structure which separate thoracic cavity from abdominal cavity
Radial muscle
Principal muscle of breathing and aid in ventilation
Diaphragm contracts and becomes flattened
Inter coastal muscles
Ghan average, a healthy human breathes
Time inspiration
Space b/w two pair of ribs ( muscles)
External intercoastal muscles ( EICM)
Internal icm
12 - 16 times / minute
2 sec
3 sec
Inspiration in which
Expiration in which
Movement of air is carried by
Energy process inspiration
Atmospheric air is drawn in
Alveolar air is released out
By creating a pressure gradient b/w lungs and atmosphere
Active process
Passive process
Inspiration pressure comparetion
Inspiration is initiated by
Atmospheric pressure»_space;> intra pulmonary pressure ( negative pressure +nt in lungs )
Intra pulmonary pressure»_space;> atmospheric pressure
Contraction of diaphragm which increases volume of thoracic chamber in antero - posterior axis
Contraction ______ ( not diaphragm) in inspiration
⬆️⬆️ similar
Of EICM lifts up the rib. And sternum
Increase in volume of thoracic chamber in dorso ventral axis
Increase in pulmonary volume
As increase in pulmonary volume decreases the intra pulmonary pressure
Dia phrogm, _____ muscle return the,
Ability with help additional muscles in abdomen
Relaxation, inter costal muscle return the diaphragm and sternum to their normal position
Reduce thoracic volume
Increase, intro pulmonary »» atmosphere pressure
To increase the strength of inspiration and expiration
Tidal volume
Amount , whole air
Healthy man can inspire / expire
Inspiratory reserve volume
Amount of air inspired / expired during normal respiration
500ml , doesn’t reach up to lungs
6000 to 8000 me of air per minute
Can inspire by forcible inspiration on over tidal volume
2500 to 3000 ml
Expiratory reserve volume
Residual value
Expired over tidal volume bg most forceful expiration
1000-1100 ml
Air that remains inside lungs often forceful expiration
Can not be given out of lungs
1100-1200 ml
Inspiratoty capacity
Expiratory capacity
Total volume of air aperson can inspire after a normal expiration
Total volume a person can expire after a normal inspiration
T.V+ERV= 1600ml
Functional residual capacity (FRC)
Vital capacity
Normally remain inside lungs after normal expiration
ERV+ RV= 2200 to 2500ml
Expirated air by most forceful expiration after a deepest inspiration
IRV+ERV+TV = 4300 to 4800
Total lung capacity
Total volume of air that can accommodate in lungs at end of forceful inspiration
IRV+TV+ERV+RV=6000 ml
Primary site for exchange of gas
Also occur
Is done b/w
Done by
B/w blood and tissue
Alveolar air and deoxygenated blood
Simple diffusion
Partial pressure
O2 and Co2in atmospheric air
Deoxygenated blood
Oxygenated blood
Diffusion pressures for every gas ( in blood or in air)
carrying oxygenated blood from alveoli to heart
----|- in heart
Pulmonary veins
Systematic arteries
Left side
Carrying deoxygenated blood from heart to alveoli
In heart
Pulmonary artery
Systemic veins
Diffusing capacity depends on
Co2 O2 diffuse comparison
Times solubility
Solubility of gas, thickness of respiratory membrane,partial pressure difference
CO2»_space;» O2 diffuse through the diffusion membrane per unit difference in partial pressure
Solubility of CO2 is 20-25 times higher than that of O2
Diffusion membrane 3 layers
Thin squamous epi of alveoli
Endothelium of blood capillaries
Basement substance in b/w them
Gaseous exchange takes place at alveoli on respiratory surfaces because
____________ medium of transport for O2 and Co2
Of rich supply of capillaries at alveoli
Of large surface of alveoli
Of very thin respiratory membrane ( appr less than 1 mm)
O2 transport by RBC (%)
CO2 transport by RBC
70% of it carried it as
3 %
O2 bind with ( manner , form )
Haemoglobin is a
Hb made up of ,each unit has
Each Hb molecule can
Hb In a reversible manner to form oxyhaemoglobin
Hb4 + O2 →( reversible) Hb4O8
Red coloured iron containing pigment present in RBC
4 units , 1 Fe in +2 states
Can carry a maximum of 4 molecules of oxygen
1 gm of Hb transports
100ml ( 1dl) blood contains normally
100 ml blood transport
Oxygen doesn’t ________ Hb
1.34 ml of o2
15 gm of Hb
Approximately 20 ml of oxygen
In a _________ cycle blood gives its ____ O2 to tissue
Every 100 ml of oxygenated blood can deliver ( tissue)
Binding of oxygen is primarily related to
Conducting cycle,25%
5 ml of O2 to tissue under normal physiological conditions
Partial pressure of 02
Binding of oxygen is primarily related to
Other factors
Partial pressure of 02
hydrogen ions concentration
Oxyhemoglobin reaches up to tissue it
O2 freed from it
In place of it
Internal respiration
Also done by
Goes into tissue fluid from blood
Co2 from tissue fluid comes into blood
Gaseous exchange b/w blood and tissue
Simple diffusions
Oxygen dissociation curve
Dissociation curve is
Useful in studying
A graph is plotted b/w O2 concentration and percentage saturation of Hb witH this curve
Sigmoid shape
Factors like H+ concentration
Temperature on binding of O2 with Hb
Shift to left means
Shift to right means
Oxygen dissociation curve x axis
Y axis
Increase in affinity b/w O2 and Hb
Decrease in affinity b/w O2 and Hb and dissociation of oxyhemoglobin
Partial pressure of o2 ( mm hg)
Percentage saturation of Hb with o2
In tissue favourable conditions for dissociation of o2 from oxyhemoglobin
Low Po2
High PCO2
High h+ concentration
Low ph
Higher temperatures
In alveoli factors favourable for formation of oxyhemoglobin
High PO2
Low PCO2
Lesser H+ concentration
Lower temperature
High ph
P 50 value
Higher P50
A rise in PCO2 H+
Bohr effect
During heavy exercise 100 ml
Hb is 50% saturated with O2
Lower is affinity of Hb for o2
Increases the value of P50
Dissociation of oxyhemoglobin due to high Co2 concentration in tissues
100 ml blood delivered 15 ml O2 to muscle
2,3 BPG( full form, substance
Î 2,3 BPG will cause
The sigmoid curve is because
Î reason will increase
2,3 bisphosphoglycreate , a substance formed during glycolysis
Dissociation of oxyhemoglobin
Of binding of O2 to Hb
The affinity for second molecule of O2 to bind attract more oxygen
Some air always remain in lungs which can never be ( reason )
Transport of co2 3 ways
Expelled because there is a negative intra plural pressure pulling at lungs wall
Oxidised Hb
Dissolved = plasma 7%
Carbominohaemoglobin = 20-25 %
In form of bicarbonate =70% by plasma as bicarbonate
As carbamino haemoglobin
Carbonic acid formation
This reaction catalysed by
______ contains very high concentration of this enzyme
And minute quantity in
20-25% react with amino group of Hb and formed carbamino Hb and transport by Hb
CO2 produced by tissue diffuses into RBC where it reacts with water to form (H2CO3]
Enzyme carbonic anhydrase
The majority of bicarbonate ions HCO3 formed within erythrocytes
In —— HCO -3 combine with ,to form
Chloride shift / hamburger effect
Thus ______ is maintained
Diffuse out into the plasma along a concentration gradient
In plasma , with Na + to form sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
In response to HCO3 chloride ions diffuse from plasma into erythrocytes to maintain ionic balance
Electrochemical neutrality
When deoxygenated blood reaches the alveoli of lung, then ___ ( reason )
This dissociation stimulated by , freed Co2 from blood goes to
Effect ( name , definition)
Strong acid is , i.e
Carbaminohb , sodium bicarbonate dissociated cause PCO2 is low and PO2 is high in alveoli
By oxyhaemoglobin ,to atmosphere
Haldane effect = effect of oxyhaemoglobin on dissociation of these compounds
Oxyhaemoglobin, frees H+ in medium
What is done by neural system
Respiratory rhythm centre ( primary responsible for this regulation
Pneumotaxic centre
_____ signal from centre can ____ the ,,,,,, there by
Maintain and moderate respiratory rhythm to suit the demands of body tissues
A specialised centre +nt in medulla region.
Another centre +nt in pons region of brain
Neural,reduce,the duration of inspiration, alter the respiratory rate
Chemosensitive area
Increase in these substances can
Signal the rhythm centre are
The role of
100ml deoxygenated blood delivers
Situated adjacent to rhythm centre highly sensitive to CO2 and H ions
Activate this centre
Resceptors associated with aortic arch and carotid artery also recognise changes in CO2 and H+ ions
Of oxygen in regulation of respiratory rhythm is quite insignificant
Around 4 ml CO2 to alveoli
Asthma is
Chronic disease
Major cause î
Inflammation of nasal tract
Difficulty in breathing causing wheezing due to inflammation of bronchi and bronchioles
Emphysema , alveolar walls damaged due to which respiratory surface is decreased
Cigarette smoking
Characterised by
Occupational respiratory disorder industries
Long exposure can give rise to
Disorder of bronchi in which there is regular swelling and itching of bronchi
By regular coughing
Grinding or stone breaking
Inflammation leading to fibrosis ( proliferation of fibrosis tissue
Tissue favourable for
Alveoli favourable for
20-25% co2 react with
For dissociation of oxyhemoglobin
For formation of oxyhemoglobin
Amine group of hb