Resp Flashcards
1st palpable spinous process?
Superior angle of scapula?
Inferior angle of scapula?
Surface markings for the lungs?
1 inch above medial end of clavicle. Sternoclavicular joint. Manubriosternal joint (LHS - 4-6 has cardiac notch) Xiphisternal joint - (rib 6 medial border ends) Inferior border cross MCL at rib 6 Crosses midaxillary plane at rib 8 (Posteriorly - crosses scapular line at rib 10)
Where are the hilum of the lungs located?
T4 to t6
Lung marking for superior lobe LHS.
- Apex at 1inch medial 1/3 above clavicle.
- Over sternoclavicular joint. Down right sternal border to R6 (deviation of 2/3cm from r4-6)
- From R6, goes to T3 posteriorly.
THIS IS oblique fissure.
How to draw oblique fissure?
- T3 posteriorly at lung border
2. 6th CC anteriorly. connect 2 lines. Point at MCL 6th rib and R4 MAL
How to draw horizontal fissure (RL)
- 4th CC anteriorly
2. Runs along R4 to MAL to join oblique fissure.
Middle lobe RHS?
- RSB R4
- R4 to R6.
- Follow R6 to MCL.
Inferior lobe RHS?
- R6 MCL to R4 MAL to T3
2. FROM T3 to t10 down. T10 round to R6 MCL.
Describe/demonstrate surface marking of parietal pleura of R/L lung
- Apex 1 inch above medial 1/3 clavicle.
- Over sternoclavicular joint
- Down sternal border to xiphisternal joint (r6)
- R8 at MCL.
- R10 at MAL.
- Up lateral to spine to T1
(LHS has deviation 1cm from r4-6)
Triangle of safety for a chest drain?
Anterior = axillary fold of pec major Posterior = axillary fold of lat dorsi Inferior = 5th ICS at MAL Superior = Below apex of axilla
Place above the superior border of inferior rib to avoid Long thoracic nerve
Mediastinal pleura?
R sternoclavicular joint over RSB to R6, break at sternal angle for lung root
L sternoclavicular joint over RSB to R6, indentation fro r4-r6 of 2/3 cm
Where to percuss on lungs?
Ant = apex, 2nd ICS MCL, (LHS 4th ICS MCL)
Post = 1st ICS medial sternal border, 3rd ICS medial sternal border
Middle = ant= 4th ICS MCL (RHS), 6th ICS MAL
Inf = ant: 6th ICS MCL, 6TH ICS MAL Post = 7th ICS Scapular line
Lungs should sound and trachea should sound?
Vesicular and bronchial