When would you refer for a cold?
Ear ache that is severe
Vulnerable patient groups e.g. very young, very elderly, heart disease, lung disease, severe asthma
Fever and cough that is persistent
Chest pain
Shortness of breath that can’t be explained
When would you refer for a cough?
Longer than 3 weeks and not improving
Chest pain
Shortness of breath
Recurring cough present at night
Whooping cough/croup
Cough or wheezing that may be drug induced e.g. ace inhibitors and beta blockers
Yellow, green, brown or blood stained phlegm/sputum
Offensive or foul smelling phlegm/sputum
When would you refer for a sore throat?
Dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing)
Longer than 7-10 days
Hoarseness persisting for more than three weeks
Sore throat with a skin rash
White spots, exudate or pus on the tonsils with a high temperature and swollen glands
Recurrent bouts of infection
Suspected adverse drug reaction e.g. carbimazole
Failed treatment
Breathing difficulties
When would you refer for ear wax?
Foreign body in the ear
Treatment failure
When would you refer for a headache?
Headache associated with recent head injury/trauma
Children under 12
Associated with stiff neck, fever and or rash
Sudden onset and or severe pain
Suspected adverse drug reaction e.g. oral contraceptive pill
Associated with drowsiness, blackouts, unsteadiness, visual disturbances or vomiting
When would you refer for constipation?
Blood in the stools
Pain on defecation
Suspected drug induced constipation e.g. opiates, antidepressants
With abdominal pain, vomiting or bloating
Weight loss
Failed treatment
Change in bowel habit of more than 2 weeks
When would you refer for diarrhoea?
Persistent change in bowel habit
Recent travel which was abroad
Presence of blood/mucus in the stools
Diarrhoea with severe vomiting and fever
Signs of dehydration e.g. dry mouth, drowsiness or confusion, passing little urine, sunken fontanelle and eyes
Longer than 3 days in older children and adults (longer than 1 day in babies under 1 years and 2 days in children under 3 years and elderly)
Suspected drug induced diarrhoea e.g. antibiotics
Severe abdominal pain
When would you refer for dyspepsia?
Unexplained weight loss
Suspected drug induced dyspepsia e.g. ferrous sulphate, NSAIDs
Persistent vomiting
Persistent symptoms (more than 5 days) or recurring
Black or tarry stools
Severe pain
Pain radiating to other areas of body e.g. arm
Symptoms developing for the first time in patients aged 45 years or over
Dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing)
Failed treatment
When would you refer for haemorrhoids?
Blood in the stools
With abdominal pain or vomiting
Weight loss
Persistent change in bowel habit
Longer than 3 weeks
When would you refer mouth ulcers?
Lasting longer than 3 weeks
Suspected adverse drug reaction e.g. NSAIDS
Crops of 5-10 or more ulcers
With weight loss
Involvement with other mucous membranes
When would you refer for cystitis?
Immunocompromised patient
Elderly women
Vaginal discharge
Haematuria (presence of blood in the urine)
With fever, nausea and or vomiting
Pain or tenderness in the loin area
Recurrent cystitis
Failed treatment
Longer than 2 days
When would you refer for Primary dysmenorrhoea?
Abnormal vaginal discharge
Heavy or unexplained bleeding
Showing signs of systematic infection e.g. fever
Symptoms suggesting secondary dysmenorrhoea
When would you refer for vaginal thrush?
More than two attacks in the last six months
Failed OTC treatment
Vulval or vaginal sores ulcers or blisters
Vaginal discharge that is green-yellow or blood stained
Vaginal discharge that is foul smelling
Under 16 or over 60 years of age
No improvement within 7 days of treatment
Previous history of STD (sexually transmitted infection) or exposure to partner with STD
Abnormal or irregular vaginal bleeding
Any associated lower abdominal pain or dysuria
When would you refer for athlete’s foot?
Not responded to the appropriate treatment
Nail involvement
Spreading to other parts of the foot
Signs of bacterial infection e.g. weeping, pus or yellow crusts
When would you refer for cold sores?
Longer than 2 weeks
Lesions inside the mouth
Eye is affected
Immunocompromised patients
Signs of secondary bacterial infection e.g. weeping, pus, yellow crust
Babies and children
Severe, widespread or worsening lesions
Painless lesion
When would you refer for warts and verrucas?
Anogenital warts
Facial warts
Immunocompromised patient
Bleeding or itching
Changed in size or colour
OTC treatment that has been unsuccessful following 3 months of treatment
What OTC meds should be avoided or used with caution in asthma?
Aspirin and NSAID
Cough suppressants e.g. codeine, pholcodine and dextromorphan
Head lice preparations containing alcohol
What OTC meds should be avoided or used with caution in those with prostate enlargement?
Those that may precipitate urinary retention:
Anticholinergics e.g. sedating antihistamines, Kwells and Buscopan
Decongestants e.g. phenylephrine
What OTC meds should be avoided or used with caution in glaucoma?
Anticholinergics e.g. sedating antihistamines, Kwells and Buscopan
Corticosteroids e.g. Beconase nasal spray
Name some OTC medicines that are prone to abuse
Opioid analgesics Laxatives Stimulants Antihistamines Cough/cold preparations e.g. Sudafed