Resin-retained Bridges Flashcards
Name the 3 types of resin-retained bridge support?
Impant supported
Tooth supported with minimal prep
Tooth supported with heavier prep
Describe the advantages of resin-retained bridgework?
- Minimal, preferably no
tooth preparation - High quality frameworks
- High prosthodontic
standards - Controlled adhesive
Name the 3 principles to bridges?
Area of coverage
Thickness of retainers
Control of the occlusion
Name 3 types of bridges needing little to no tooth prep?
Describe what is a Cantilever bridge?
1 or 2 abutments
indicated for short spans generally anterior
all-ceramic resin-retained bridges
Requirements for a Fixed-Fixed bridge prep?
Framework design must have a retainer thickness of 0.7mm
Control of the occlusion
Approximal guide planes
Maing use of relative axial tooth movement
Occlusal considerations may impact the design
Does tooth prep improve outcome of bridges?
No evidence has been found
When is tooth prep necessary?
when creating guide planes to allow connector height
Describe the framework coverage for resin-retained bridges?
Coverage from incisal
edge up to the wall
apical to the cingulum
* Extension into the
approximal areas
* Maximum mesio-distal
* Minimum 0.7 mm
Name the best bridge style for post-ortho retention?
fixed-fixed designs for maximal coverage
- cantilevers will not be stable
Proximal contacts will
not provide post-orthodontic stability
What is the classical design for posterior tooth replacement?
Classical design:
180 degrees axial coverage
Rest seats adjacent to the pontic area
Tooth preparation to create guide planes nearly
always essential
Guide planes close to parallel - 6-10 degrees
Occlusal coverage - 0.7mm - provides greater security
Making use of relative
axial tooth movement
What to treate the fitting surface of the bridge with?
Sandblasting with either Ni-Chr or Chr-Co alloys
When to do finishing of the bridge?
only at cermentation visit
if possible delay finishing with roatry instruments for at least 24hrs
What is the definition of a bridge?
A prosthetic tooth replacement that is fixed to at least one natural tooth or dental implant
Name the 4 components of a fixed-fixed conventional bridge?
Abutment tooth
Name the 5 aims of restorations?
Occlusal stability
Describe a resin-bonded bridge?
Retainer is a metal wing
Conventional cantilever
Resin retained cantilever bridge
Describe the retainer for conventional bridge?
Retainers are usually a full coverage crown
Indications for removable denture (contraindications for fixed protheses)?
Many missing teeth (multiple or longspan) simplifies treatment
Prognosis of remaining teeth
Young patient
Sports player
Gross alveolar resorption
Lack of suitable abutments for bridgework
Midline diastema
Poor patient motivation
Name 5 reasons for a fixed rather than a removable prosthesis?
More acceptable
Does nor cover the gingival margin
Directs forces axially
Restores the occlusal anatomy
Prthodonric retention or periodontal splinting
Describebthe conventional cantilever bridge design?
Pontic is connected to the retainer at one end only
A single retainer more conservative than 2
Leverage imposed on abutment teeth
Suitable for limited span length
Not for use with heavy occlusal forces on the pontic
Name the indications for conventional cantilever?
Short spans generally anterior