Residency Interview Qs Flashcards
How are you doing today?
Why this program?
Why do you think you can succeed at this program?
How would a best friend a describe you?
What are your hobbies?
Maintaining a well-balanced and exciting personal life outside medicine is important to me. Second to spending time with my wife Francesca, athletics are my favorite way to achieve a work-life balance. I am most passionate about high intensity training and soccer.
I enjoy experiencing different cultures and I have traveled abroad to six countries on four continents. I also enjoy linguistics and continue to expand the understanding I gained while studying it at the graduate level as a senior in college.
Why emergency medicine?
I was naturally attracted to the diagnostic process and management of acute cases. Treating critically ill patients motivates me to perform to the best of my abilities, as patients and their families count on us most during these times. Therefore, I aspire to train in an emergency medicine residency because I am driven to master the clinical diagnostics and management of severe medical problems. I want to be a doctor that resolves pressing situations encompassing every clinical discipline by utilizing everything I know. Learning to confidently handle the exciting and unpredictable challenges of emergency medicine is my highest professional aspiration.
My strong communication skills, expertise in Spanish, and efficient clinical judgment will empower me to thrive in emergency medicine. I am an enthusiastic learner, energetic multitasker, and I enjoy performing hands-on procedures. The nature of emergency medicine speaks to me because I am an active learner. Similarly, I enjoy participating in vigorous athletic activities outside of medicine. I am most passionate about high-intensity exercise and soccer. My travels abroad have also improved my ability to communicate with patients from many cultures.
If you had to pick a profession other than medicine, what would you do?
Tell me about the Binghamton campus at SUNY upstate?
Why do you think you would be a good emergency medicine physician?
I was awarded the opportunity to be a teaching assistant in this course, and I look forward to sharing my knowledge with my fellow students later this year.
Do you have any questions for me?
What is your favorite thing about working here?
What brought you to this program?
I learned this fact on the tour/presentation. Can you tell me a little bit more about it?
I am a fluent Spanish speaker. Is there a large population of Spanish-speaking patients here?
What are the main challenges facing emergency medicine?
What do you know about our city?
Do you work well on teams?
Talk about San Juan Bautista?
Did you face adversity during medical school?
Any red flags I should know about on your application?
What are your strengths?
What are your weaknesses?
Do you feel prepared to enter emergency medicine?
How would you handle conflict between colleagues?
Why would our program want you to be a resident here?
Do you think you’d have any difficulty moving here?
What other specialties did you consider?
What do you do in your spare time?
Did you have any academic difficulties in medical school?
What are your strengths clinically?
How do you handle stress?
If you had to be any animal what would it be?
What’s your favorite color & why?
Where do you see yourself in five years?
Have you considered any specialties in emergency medicine?
What is your general style when doing a history and physical?
I see that you are the professionals and score of one out of five in neurology. Tell me about that?
What rotations have you done an emergency medicine? Any away rotations?
Although I did not technically do any away rotations. I did not do my third year rotations in Syracuse, and I had to adapt to Upstate University Hospital since I trained in Binghamton.
I did I know way rotation in family medicine at home in Albany since my mom was sick.
What sports do you play?
Are you interested in doing research?
Why do you think you’d be a good fit here?
Have you ever done any research?
Prior to entering medical school, I performed clinical research at the Albany Medical Center Emergency Department, under principal investigator Dr. Wayne Triner. This opportunity arose through an emergency medicine clinical research course at SUNY Albany. This course’s competitive selection process considered each student’s CV and interview; I was honored to be selected. Furthermore, I became a certified Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative biomedical researcher during this time.
I worked in several clinical studies. My duties as a researcher entailed enrolling patients, designating treatment arms, and collecting data. I learned how to communicate with patients, developed my bedside manner, and glimpsed into the world of the ED team by shadowing doctors and observing procedures. I also became proficient in using the electronic medical record to screen patients and determine eligibility for our studies. This valuable and fulfilling experience sparked my interest in emergency medicine.
Describe yourself in one sentence.
Carlos is an enthusiastic team player who works efficiently and is empathetic to his patients.
Tell me about Colombia?
Tell me about a challenging patient you had?
What do you know about out program that attracts you to it?
Have you interviewed anywhere else?
Do you have a business card?
Have you ever worked on interviewing before?
Mention that I was an interviewer on admiss committee.
CAR problem solving answer model:
C = Challenge
A = Action
R = Result
Tell me about yourself?
What do you offer this school? Why should we accept you?
Why do you think EM is right for you?
What will you do if you don’t get into any EM programs this year?
Everyone has a defining moment when they realize EM is for them; when was your defining moment?
Tell me something that you are proud of besides academic achievements.
What are you most proud of?
If you were on shift the next day, and one of your friends or family had an emotional breakdown, what would you do?
What is your learning style in general?
How do you study (where, with who, with what tools, when or time of day–weekends, how much in hrs/day, hrs/week)?
What languages can you speak?
English, french, portuguese, spanish
Why are you interested in coming here?
Do you think research is worthwhile if nothing comes out of it?
What do you look for when choosing EM programs?
What is your favorite film and book and the last book or movie you read or saw?
What do you do to relax?
If you were at a party with - guests and you did not know anyone there, how would you behave?
Tell me something that is not in your applicant profile.
Do you have any role models or mentors?
If something happened in your family in residency what would you do? Would it affect your performance academically?
Tell me about a difficult time in your life and how you dealt with it?
What have you learned from traveling all over the world? What was your favorite part of your travels?
How and where do you envision yourself practicing emergency medicine? What sort of patient population do you envision serving?
If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be?
A woman comes to you with a breast lump and you diagnose it as cancerous. What do you do?
If you were in the ER as an attending physician, and a patient came in with a life-or-death situation that you knew exactly how to deal with, but the resident nurse thought that what you were about to do was not right what would you do?
Becoming a resident doctor involves certain lifestyle changes. What are they, and how do you plan to adapt to these sacrifices?
What was a stressful situation or a challenge in your life it and how you handled it and overcame it. What did you learn?
Do you feel truly prepared to handle all the challenges and stresses of life in residency?
What should I tell the admissions committee about why you are better than the other applicants.
What resources do you use when you have to look something up?
Did you volunteer in medical school? What did you get out of it?
What was your most memorable/difficult clinical experience?
Tell me about a job/activity you enjoy and why you like it.
Talk about extracurriculars
I founded the Table Tennis Interest Group after realizing that there were many of my classmates at Upstate who wanted to play Table Tennis in their free time.
Tell me about something not on your ERAS application.
In high school, I owned a small business stringing Lacrosse sticks. I did it mostly for my teammates and the players I coached.