What is definition of Oil formation volume factor?
Oil formation volume factor (Bo) is defined as the ratio of the volume of oil at reservoir (in-situ) conditions to that at stock tank (surface) conditions.
What is Porosity definition?
Porosity is ratio between pore volume that can be filled by fluid with total sample core volume.
What is the different between Abandon and Plugging?
Abandonment is a closing well process, Plug is cementation activity to close the well.
Mention 3 Reserve Types!
Proven, Probable, Possible
What is Plateu Time definition?
Plateu Time is time range while gas was produced or gas rate is constant.
What is the definition of Recovery Factor?
Recovery factor is ratio between Cumulative Production of Oil or Gas with Initial Oil or Gas in Place.
What is the definition of DCQ or Daily Contract Quantity?
The maximum rate at which the buyer can ask the seller to deliver is a function of the DCQ.
What is different between Clean Rock and Dirty Rock?
Clean rock is reservoir rock that contains less clay, silt and shale
Dirty Rock is reservoir rock that contains more clay, silt and shale
Mention Pore size Categories!
Macropores, more than 10 micro
Mesopores, 2 to 10 micro
Micropores, less than 2 micro
Mention Clay Types in pore rock!
- Kaolinite
- Chlorite
- Illite
What is relationship between porosity with Capillary Pressure?
Relationship between porosity and Capillary Pressure are :
- If porosity is small so capillary pressure is high.
- Or the opposite
Natural reservoir fracture is reservoir that has natural fracture. Mention types of natural reservoir fracture :
- Reservoir with vugs, matrix pores and fracture channel
- Reservoir with matrix pores and fracture channel
- Reservoir that only has fracture channel
Mention types of porosity base on connection!
- Absolute Porosity : Porosity that count all rock pore volume that isolated and connected.
- Effective Porosity : Porosity that only count connected pore volume. So can be inferential that connected pore volume same as accumulating hydrocarbon, because in isolated pores is impossible to contain hydrocarbon and only fill by water.
What are factors that influence porosity?
- Grain shape (angularity and roundness) : if grain is roundness so generally, porosity will be high.
- Grain Packing : if grain packing is neat so porosity will be high.
- Grain size distribution : if Grain size distribution more higher so porosity will be higher too.
- Cementation number : if cementation number is smaller so porosity will be higher.
- Vugs : if vugs is high, so porosity will be high too.
- Depth : Deeper reservoir is smaller porosity because Overburden pressure that was received is higher so pores is closer.
Mention types of porosity base on formed!
- Primary Porosity is Porosity which formed since rock formed
- Secondary Porosity is porosity which formed because diagenetion.
How to measure porosity?
There are two ways to measure porosity :
- Measurement in Laboratory using core sample.
- Measurement by Logging Interpretation using density log or neutron log or sonic log.
What is Permeability?
Permeability is rock ability to flow a fluid.
What is Relative Permeability?
Permeability relative is ratio between permeability effective with permeability absolute.
When the number of permeability is one?
Permeability is one when flow rate is 1 cc/second and viscosity is 1 centipoises and area is 1 cm2 and Pressure differential is 1 atm
What is absolute permeability and absolute permeability to gas?
> Absolute permeability is the ability of rock pores to flowing the fluid in effective pores.
> Absolute permeability to gas is the ability of rock to flowing the gas when rock pore only fill by gas.
What are Darcy Conditions?
- Laminar flow and Isothermal
- One phase fluid in pores.
- Newtonian fluid (viscosity is not influence by stress strain)
- Incompressible fluid
- Inert fluid (is not reaction with rock).
What is Saturation?
Saturation is ratio between saturated volume of fluid that fill pores with pore volume its self.
What is Vugs? Mention types of Vugs?
Vugs is rock pore that greater because dissolve process some rock grain.
There is two type of Vugs :
- Separate Vugs is 2 vugs or more that separate by pore throat
- Touching Vugs is 2 vugs or more that interconnected
What is Liquid Permeameter?
Liquid permeameter is the device to measure rock permeability to liquid. Liquid that was used is brine or 2% NaCl or KCl. Using brine in order to clay in core doesn’t swell.
What is Gas permeameter?
Gas permeameter is the device to measure rock permeability to gas. Gas that was used to measure permeability is Helium.
What is the meaning of Anisotropy Permeability?
Anisotropy Permeability is the differential of permeability due to differential of flow direction
Why does Anisotropy Permeability occur?
Anisotropy Permeability occurs because of :
Sedimentation environments differential
Type of bulk material
Accompanying water flow direction
Differences in the process of digenesis
All the causes of differences in grain composition, grain size and pore connectivity.
What is the relationship between porosity and permeability?
The relationship between porosity and permeability is the greater of number of porosity, makes greater number of permeability.