Research-Related Flashcards
Whitney Disk
Given a pair of intersection points x, y in Talpha, Tbeta, a Whitney Disk between x and y is a continuous map u: D to Symg such that u(-i)=x and u(i)=y.
D is the unit disk in C
Symmetric Product
For a genus g surface, symmetric product
Sigma_g * … * Sigma_g mod Sg, the symmetric group on g.
It consists of unordered g tuples of points in Sigma_g
It is a smooth manifold
Morse function
f: Mn = R is a morse function if all the critical points are non-degenerate
(Hessian is non-singular).
Index of critical point
The index of a critical point is the number of negative entries in the diagonal of the hessian once diagonalized.
Thought of as the number of directions of flow from a critical point.
Handle Cancellation
A (k-1)handle h_k-1 and a k-handle hk can be cancelled provided that the attaching sphere of hk intersects the belt sphere of h(k-1) transversally in a single point.
n dimensional k-handle
A copy of D^k * D^(n-k) attached to the boundary of an n-mfld X along d(D^k)*D^(n-k)\
0-handle attached by disjoint union
Core/Cocore of a handle
For a handle D^k * D^(n-k) the core is D^k * 0 and the cocore is 0*D^(n-k)
Attaching Sphere
For a handle D^k * D^(n-k) the attaching sphere is d(D^k) * 0
Belt Sphere
For a handle D^k * D^(n-k) the belt sphere 0*d(D^(n-k))
Handle slide
Given two handles h1 and h2 attached to d(X) a handle slide of h1 over h2 is where we isotope attaching sphere of h1 in d(X cup h2) by pushing it through belt sphere of h2.
Geometrization Conjecture
Every closed 3-mfld can be canonically decomposed into pieces that have one of the 8 types (Spherical, Euclidean, Hyperbolic
Correction Term
d(Y) = minimum dimension of any homogeneous element of HF^+ from HF^infinity.
This is an invariant for homology three-spheres
Equivalence classes of intersection points. They are in affine correspondence with H^2 = H_1. There are p-many Spin^c structures for p/1 surgery on L.
Holomorphic Disk
A complex differentiable function. M(phi) = equivalence classes of holomorphic representatives of phi in pi_2(x,y). The massive grading is expected dimension of M(phi).
We only look at disks that have holomorphic representatives.
Seifert Surface
A surface (2-mfld) whose boundary is the given knot or link.