Research Questions Flashcards
Module 1
A clear and useful research question is:
- well justified
- original
- feasible
- focused
- falls within the area of healthcare treatment
What is the focusing question?
The most important question you discovered from brainstorming, reading, and brainstorming again
What are supporting questions?
Questions that will help you explore the relationships around the focusing question in greater depth
In a preliminary literature review, which publications should be read first?
Recent publications should be read first because they will contain more updated literature
In a preliminary literature review, make sure to read all ___ papers
relevant (or at least most influential)
Whether you have or do not have a research question it is crucial that you…
review the literature in the area first
Why might literature be discarded?
Not relevant/ not important/ not feasible
Name five pitfalls
- Non originality
- Non feasibility
- Too broadly defined research question
- Not well justified
- Not related to treatment
What are three sources of non feasibility?
- Time constraint
- Lack of resources (equipment, patients, etc.)
- Lack of knowledge
An effective literature review outlines…
important research trends
An effective literature review assesses…
the strengths and weaknesses of existing research
An effective literature review identifies…
potential gaps in knowledge
An effective literature review establishes…
a need for current and/or future research projects
Why should you keep and file copies of relevant articles even if you are not sure if you will end up using that source?
Recording where and when you retrieved information and using a citation manager are examples of…
Managing and being organized when searching literature
When getting the big picture, which publications should you read first?
Easier works first
After you have a broad understanding of ___ papers, you can start to see patterns
When narrowing your focus, which material should you start with?
New material to old, general to specific
What is the purpose of reading the abstract?
Deciding whether to read the article in detail
What is the purpose of the introduction of a paper?
- Explains why the study is important
- Provides review and evaluation of relevant literature
When reading methods with a close, critical eye, what should you focus on?
- Participants
- Measures
- Procedures
What questions should you ask when evaluating results?
- Do the conclusions seem logical?
- Is there any bias on the part of the researcher?
When reading a discussion, what should you pay attention to?
Edges are smoothed out, so pay attention to limitations
A good literature review is a(n) ___ that is more purposeful than a simple review of relevant literature
Analysis occurs on what two levels?
- Individual sources
- Body of research