Research Process Flashcards
What is the literature review?
Conducting research to gain insight into the topic and see previous research. Helps develop hypothesis.
What is the theory?
Must be supported by tests, realistic, explain real life. Ideas develop from literature review to make predictions.
What is the hypothesis?
Informed speculation set up to test possible relationships between variables.
Predictions made by looking at literature review.
What is the method?
What methods are used, what type of data is wanted, what type of research is conducted etc.
What is the concept?
Definition of relevant concepts must be provided. Must have used the literature review.
What is measuring?
Relevant concepts are chosen and how they will be measured must be clear. Different researchers will have measured data differently, results can vary.
What is sampling?
Must be representative. Smaller group takes from larger population, must have similar results to fi the whole population had been tested.
What is a pilot study?
Stages of operationalisation ( M C M S ) can be conducted small scale to understand the study in full.
What is conducting research?
Collection of raw data from a sample using the operationilsation methods.
What is processing results?
Putting raw data into a format that is easy to analyse.
What is data analysis?
Interpreted data will be used to produce conclusions. Results either prove or disprove the hypothesis.
What is presenting the findings?
Researchers can present via discussion, graphs, published work, scientific journal.