Research Methods Tests Flashcards
Which tests are parametric?
Independent t-test Paired sample t-test One way ANOVA Repeated measures ANOVA Pearson's Partial correlation Simple regression Multiple regression
Which tests are non-parametric?
Mann Whitney Test Wilcoxon's Matched Pairs Kruskal-Wallis Test Friedman's ANOVA Spearman's Rho Kendall's Tau
Which tests use independent samples and 2 conditions?
Independent t-test
Which tests use paired samples and 2 conditions?
Paired sample t-test
Wilcoxon matched pairs
Which test use independent samples and 3 or more conditions?
One way ANOVA
Kruskal-Wallis Test
Which test use paired samples and 3 or more conditions?
Repeated measures ANOVA
Friedman’s ANOVA
When to use a paired samples t-test?
- One continuous outcome variable (DV)
- One categorical predictor variable (IV)
- Two levels in which the same ps are exposed to both levels
- Parametric
When to use an independent t-test?
- One continuous outcome variable (DV)
- One categorical predictor variable
- Two levels in which different ps are exposed to the separate levels
- Parametric
When to use Mann Whitney Test?
- One continuous dependent variable (DV)
- One categorical predictor (IV)
- Two levels
- Independent group design
- Non parametric
When to use Wilcoxon’s Matched Pairs?
- One continuous outcome variable (DV)
- One categorical predictor variable (IV)
- Two levels in which the same ps are exposed to both levels
- Non parametric data
What are ANOVAs?
- Analysis of variance
- Used to analyse data that includes 3 or more conditions
Solutions to alpha inflation
- Lower alpha but lose statistical power
- Compute an ANOVA
Types of ANOVA:
- One way
- Repeated measures
- Factorial
- Mixed measures
When to use One-way independent ANOVA?
- One continuous outcome variable (DV)
- One categorical predictor (IV)
- Three or more levels in which different ps are exposed to the separate levels
- Parametric
When to use Repeated Measures ANOVA?
- One continuous outcome variable (DV)
- One categorical predictor variable (IV)
- 3 or more levels in which the same ps are exposed to all of the levels
- Parametric
What are Factorial Designs?
Allow researchers to examine the effects of two or more IVs and their interactive influence on one DV at one time
When are factorial designs used?
- Two or more IVs
- Ps are exposed to each IV
What are the 3 types of factorial?
- Independent factorial ANOVA
- Repeated measures factorial ANOVA
- Mixed model factorial ANOVA
What are simple effects?
- For all factorial ANOVAs, an additional test is computed if interactions are significant (simple effects)
- Simple effects: effect of one factor or IV on the DV at the level of another factor (IV)