Research methods Flashcards
What types of research do sociologists conduct? What types of data do they collect?
Sociologists have developed a range of ways of collecting data about society. They
take advantage of data that has already been collected by other people: secondary
data. Sociology has also made a huge contribution to the development of research
methods which collect primary data.
How useful are questionnaires in sociological research?
Questionnaires are a very useful research tool for sociologists. They allow the
collection of reliable data on a large scale at low cost. However, care needs to be
taken in the design of questions and the way that they are distributed.
How useful are interviews in social research?
Interviews are one of the most important methods for sociologists. There are two
main styles, which range from closed questions in a structured interview to open
and flexible questions in an unstructured interview. Many sociologists, like Oakley
and Dobash and Dobash, have made significant findings through interviews.
What types of observation are there?
Observation is very useful and is the only way that behaviour is seen first-hand.
Several classic studies of observational sociology raise many issues about ethics:
whether the research can be seen as acceptable. The viewpoint of the researcher
might have a great effect on the research, but observation is very useful for
discovering the meanings and motives behind events and situations in society.
How do sociologists use secondary data?
Secondary data can provide sociologists with a wide variety of useful information. It
might provide the means to research an area cheaply and quickly. Sociologists might
find that information has been collected in different ways over time. They might also
be unsure as to the bias of whoever collected or wrote it.
What are ethics in sociological research?
Ethics is an area that researchers need to consider carefully. Researchers who do not
follow ethical guidelines might cause harm to the participants of research. Moreover,
sociologists have a responsibility to think about what the purpose of their research
is. Would it have been reasonable for sociologists to help Hitler work out how to
carry out the persecution of the Jews? Sociology has a responsibility to conduct
research that aims to make society better. It is to help us understand how we live
and work together and improve our lives. Any research that does not do this is
unethical. Sociologists need to take care.
How do sociologists make choices about research?
A range of factors may influence choice of research topic and research method
including the theory of the sociologist and their personal interests and values.
There is also a host of practical issues such as time, funding and access to a
group of people. It is rarely just a straightforward choice for sociologists.
How do sociologists chose a sampling technique?
There are several sampling techniques sociologists can use. The accessibility of
a sample, the cost and the time available might affect their choice. Whether the
research is aiming to provide an exploration of an unknown area or a wider picture
of a more familiar area will also influence this. In addition, the type of data preferred
by the sociologist, or most appropriate to the report, might be important.
How do sociologists plan successful research?
Sociologists need to plan their research carefully. A pilot study is a useful tool
for this. It can reveal practical and technical problems or successes, as well as an
opportunity to reword questions.
Why do sociologists sometimes used mixed methods?
Mixed methods are an increasingly popular way of conducting research. It is costly,
but there are many advantages and some very good examples of research have
come from it. The use of mixed methods gives the advantages of both qualitative
and quantitative data.
How useful is sociological research?
All sociological research needs to be evaluated. Reliability, validity,
representativeness and ethics are the key elements of this. Sociologists should
become used to asking these questions about research.
How do sociologists establish an aim or hypothesis?
The second stage for sociologists after deciding on a topic area is to narrow down
the focus. It is important that research questions are specific and manageable.
Sociologists might start from a hypothesis statement for testing, or a broader
research question, depending on their approach.