Research Methods Flashcards
Advantages of Questionnaires
- Highly replicable
- Time and Cost efficient; Large sample, more data
- Less investigator effects; Researchers don’t need to be present, improves validity
Disadvantages of Questionnaires
- May modify their answers, reduces validity
- Biased towards more literate people; reduces population validity
- Participants are unable to ask for help with unclear questions
Advantages of Interviews
- Appropriate for dealing with sensitive topics
- Since researcher is present, any issues can be cleared up
- Lots of data gathered
Disadvantages of Interviews
- Time consuming to prepare, conduct and analyse
- Demand characteristics/ Social Desirability bias, reduces validity
- Low inter-rater reliability between interviews
Case Study
An in depth study of just one individual.
Allows researchers to investigate unique cases in a lot of detail.
Advantages of Case Studies
- Rich and Interesting Data
- Unique cases can challenge existing ideas and theories
Disadvantages of Case Studies
- Only a limited number of people are investigated
- Difficult to generalize and replicate
- Data may be unrealiable due to subjective/ biased recall by the researcher
Advantages of Observations
- High ecological validity
- Allows researchers to investigate topics that might be unethical to experiment
Disadvantages of Observations
- If participants are aware, behaviour might be unnatural; Lacks ecological validity
- Ethical issues ( Informed consent, Confidentiality, Right to Withdraw)
- Low reliability; difficult to replicate
Advantages of Content Analysis
- Easy to replicate; findings are reliable
- High ecological validity because it’s based on results gathered in natural settings
- Easy to present qualitative data in an easy way
Disadvantages of Content Analysis
- Low validity
- Extremely time consuming
- Ethical issues
Disadvantages of Correctional Analysis
- Can’t establish cause and effect between variables
Advantages of Lab Experiment
- Controlled environment so it’s easy to replicate; check reliability
Disadvantages of Lab Experiment
- Demand characteristics
- Cannot be applicable to real life situations; Highly artificial
Advantages of Field Experiment
- Higher ecologility validity due to real life setting; Generalisable
- Low demand characteristics