Research Methods Flashcards
What is meant by a ‘research method’ in Psychology?
A technique for gathering data on the mind and behaviour
What makes an ‘experiment’ different from other research methods?
It involves an IV and a DV.
What is an experimental method?
To identify the effect one variable has on another, so how one variable causes a change in a different one.
What is the independent variable?
The variable in an experiment which is changed or manipulated.
What is the dependent variable?
The variable in an experiment which is measured, to see how it has been affected by the IV.
What’s a control condition?
Provides a baseline measure of behaviour without experimental treatment.
What is the experimental condition?
The researcher has manipulated variables in order to investigate whether there is a difference in behaviour.
What does it mean to ‘operationalise’ a variable?
To make it specific and measurable.
What is an extraneous variable?
Variables, other than the IV, which could have an effect on the DV.
What is meant by validity?
Whether we are measuring what we inteded to measure.
How can the presence of extraneous variables affect the validity of research?
They can reduce the validity of findings, as they mean the experimenter is no longer measuring what they intended (no longer just the affect of the IV on the DV).
What is the difference between situational variables and participant variables? (Types of extraneous variables)
Situational variables are to do with the environment or situation. Participant variables are to do with differences between participants.
What is meant by order effects?
Whereby the order in which participants complete the different conditions of an experiment influence how they behave (this includes gaining practise, becoming tired or bored).
What is meant by demand characteristics?
When participants think they know the aim of the research and change their behaviour, acting in a way that they think the psychologist wants them to.
What is meant by investigator effects?
When the researcher unintentionally gives clues to participants about how they should behave, which then alters their behaviour.
What is a standardised procedure?
Where the procedure of a study is the same across all conditions, and for all participants.
How does counterbalancing and randomisation work?
Counterbalancing: where half of the participant group experience condition A then condition B, while the other half experience condition B then condition A. Randomisation: when participants are randomly assigned to condition A or B as their first or second test condition. Both control order effects.
What does a control condition do?
Provides a baseline measure of behaviour without experimental treatment.
What is an aim?
General statement of what the researcher intends to investigate, essentially the purpose of the study.
What is a hypothesis?
Testable statement predicting the outcome of a study which is made at the start.
What is a null hypothesis?
Predicts there will be no significant difference.
What is an alternative/ experimental hypothesis?
Predicts a significant diference and can be directional or non-directional.
What is a directional hypothesis?
Suitable when background research indicates the probable direction of results in a study. It is made clear what differnece may be seen eg. ‘less’ ‘more.’
What is a non-directional hypothesis?
Used when there is no previous research to suggest the dircetion the results will go in or previous findings have been contradictory.
Template for a non-directional hypothesis
There will be a significant difference in DV measured OPERATIONALISED DV for participants in IV CONDITION 1 compared o those who IV CONDITION 2.
Template for a null hypothesis
There will be a significant difference in DV measured OPERATIONALISED DV for participants in IV CONDITION 1 compared o those who IV CONDITION 2. Any difference will be due to chance.
Template for a directional hypothesis
Participants who IV CONDITION 1 will be more/less OPERATIONALISED DV than participants IV CONDITION 2.
What are independent groups?
Involves multiple separate groups of participants completing only one condition of a study.
What are the strengths of independent groups?
Eliminates order effects
Removes practise effect
Reduces demand characteristics
What are the weaknesses of independent groups?
Weak control of participant variables
Uneconomical with participants
What is random allocation?
- Identify participants by name or number
- Put them in hat/computer
- Assign alternative names/numbers to group 1 and 2
Why is random allocation useful?
Removes researcher bias
Increases validity
Removes participant bias
What are repeated measures?
Involves the same participants completing both / all conditions of a study.
What are the strengths of repeated measures?
Eliminates individual differences
Requires fewer participants and more data is collected from each participant.
What are the weaknesses of repeated measures?
Creates oder effects
Requires counterbalancing (complicated)
Higher risk of demand characteristics
What is randomisation?
When participants are randomly assigned to condition A or B as their first or second test condition. Both control order effects.