Research: Immunotherapy Flashcards
Project Immunotherapy - Isolating PBMC - Isolating macrophages - Differentiation and maturation - Purity test with FACS - ELISA
Blood consists of 55% plasma and 45% blood cells, the most prevalent cell in the cullular population is (1) and can be separated from plasma with (2). The buffy coat is then found at (3).
(1): erythrocytes
(2): centrifugation
(3): thin layer between erythrocytes and plasma
When counting cells in a counting chamber, how is the dilution made when the final dilution is 20x?
10x dilution first, then 1:2 with tryphan blue
> use as little trypan blue as possible as it is expensive
Trypan blue will colour the …. cells in counting
Dead cells
> in cytosol, trypan blue colors proteins
> live cells have an intact impermeable plasma membrane: trypan blue cannot enter the cell
> dead cell: permeable plasma membrane
When using the counting chamber:
> Pipetting
> Counting
> Calculate
- Pipette under glass
- Count 25 squares: 2 rows + 1 square = 0.1 ul
> cells / ml > count in 25 squares * 10000 (0.1 ul to 1 ml) * dilution factor > (in 10^6 cells / ml) - Viability cut-off 70%
- count inside square and two inner borders
Cleaning counting chamber
- Before: alcohol
- After: first demiwater and then alcohol, otherwise cells are stuck (keep glass on)
Why resuspend before pipetting cell suspension into counting chamber
They are heavy and sink to the bottom.
In the practical, dendritic cells were matured with 5 maturation mixes, why?
To test their potential to gain mDCs which promote Th1 response and migration efficiency to LNs
> different maturation mixes lead to different mature DCs
Explain Immunotherapy based on DCs
> Derive and isolate mononuclear cells from blood
> Isolate monocytes (there are very few DCs in blood for immunotherapy)
> differentiate to iDCs (with GM-CSF and IL-4)
> Mature with maturation mixes
> antigen loading: load antigens to MHC-I/II
> injection into patient
DC immunotherapy: functions DCs
Antigen presentation > T-cell activation
Characteristics of DCs for optimal use in Immunotherapy
Characteristics of mDC for functional in immunotherapy
> Correct antigen presentation on MHC-II: activate (CD4+) T-cells
> Express co-stimulatory molecules: CD40
> produce proper cytokines for correct T-cell polarization
> migration capacity of DCs is needed to travel to lymph nodes of T-cells
» in practical: last two tested
MoDCs of patient are used, why
Monocyte Derived dendritic cells (MoDCs)
> from patient: personalize epitope targeting, make therapy more powerful
> reduce risk of rejection
Why Th1 response in immunotherapy? Name the functions.
- Induce CTL response for tumor killing
- Eradication intracellular pathogens by macrophages
Which cytokine is needed for Th1 polarization, and was thus measured in the ELISA
Why is IL-6 measured in ELISA?
To detect the DC activation
> IL-6 as control for any cytokine production
> if no IL-6 produced, then there will be no IL-12 produced.
> IL-6 production without IL-12 production is possible, but then the unwanted CD4+ T-cell polarization is induced by the DCs
Migration capacity of DCs of immunotherapy important, why
They need to migrate to lymph nodes to activate CD4+ T-cells with MHC-II
> certain stimuli can increase migration capacity of DCs
> by stimulating receptor expression in DCs
> Chemokine receptors
» antigen presentation and T-cell activation takes place in LN (whereas in periphery: TLR triggering and antigen uptake)
What if the matured DCs make IL-12 but have no migration capacity
Not functional, cannot reach LNs to activate T-cells
Name the cell types in buffy coat and if they stay above or under Ficoll (higher density) after centrifugation
Lower density: stay above: T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes, NK cells, Monocytes, Thrombocytes/platelets (in PBMC ring fraction)
Higher density: stay under: granulocytes, erythrocytes
> granulocytes lay on top of erythrocytes
Normal fractions in PBMC fraction
Thrombocytes are removed during multiple wash steps
> T-lymphocytes 64%
> B-lymphocytes 8%
> NK cells 8%
> Monocytes 20%
6 steps of Sandwich ELISA (we have done this)
- Coat the wells of a plate with a specific antibody directed against the specific cytokine (or antigen of interest)
- Incubate the culture supernatant in the plate
- Incubate with biotin-labeled detection antibody specifically directed against the cytokine
- Add streptoavidin-HRP (Horseradish peroxidase), binding to biotinylated antibodies
- Add colorless substrate (Tetramethylbenzidine - TMB) which in combination with H2O2 is converted by HRP into a blue compound
- Stop the reaction using H2SO4
Difference between the primary and second primary antibody in Sandwich ELISA
- Different binding epitope on the antigen of interest
- Second primary antibody is bound by biotin at Fc region > Streptavidin-HRP can bind the biotin molecule
In ELISA the color strength represents the …
concentration of antigen of interest
Advantages and disadvantages Sandwich ELISA
- High sensitivity
- High specificity
» Sensitivity: the ability of a test to correctly identify patients with a disease/ true positives. Specificity: the ability of a test to correctly identify people without the disease/ true negatives - Cross-reactivity between the antibodies, which could cause a high background signal (because not washed away!)
- More expensive
- Longer procedure
Direct ELISA
- Antigen of interest is coated to the plate
- Primary antibody with biotin at Fc binds
- Streptavidin-HRP
- TMB and H2O2
- Stop with H2SO4
When is Direct ELISA used?
When only one antibody is available for the antigen of interest
Advantages and disadvantages of Direct ELISA
- Fast and simple
- Less prone to errors
- Less cross-reactivity
However - Less specificity
- Minimal signal amplification (during coating, other antigens not of interest bind to the well and less antigens of interest are able to also bind to the plate)
ELISA when interest in an antibody
Direct ELISA
> plate directly coated with the antibody as well as antigens not of interest
primary antibodies vs secondary antibodies: when used?
Primary: bind the antigen directly (in Sandwich and direct ELISA, can be bound to biotin)
> however, specific antibodies bound to biotin are not always available
> secondary antibody used
Indirect (sandwich) ELISA
When: no biotinylated antibody targeting the antigen of interest is available
( Coating with primary antibody for antigen if sandwich)
- Antigen of interest added
- Primary antibody (with different epitope specificity than coating)
- Secondary antibody specific for primary antibody added which is biotinylated
- add Streptavidin-HRP
- add TMB and H2O2
- stop with H2SO4
Secondary biotinylated antibodies for ELISA bind to:
Fc tail of primary antibodies used
> do not bind one specific antibody, but antibodies of one specific species
Advantages and disadvantages of Indirect sandwich ELISA
- Sensitive
- Cheaper
However - Less specificity
- Cross-reactivity between primary and secondary antibody
- Longer procedure