Research for Cog 1 Flashcards
Who did research on babies at 2-3 months old and found out they have a cognitive bias towards correctly configured faces?
Fantz 1961
Yin (1996)
Showed that facial recognition is slower and less accurate in inverted faces
Who proposed Holistic Form theory and in what year?
Bruce and Young (1986)
Who proposed that there are two separate components to grasping?
Jeanneord (1997)
Witt et al 2005
Participants judged the distance of targets which were presented just beyond arms reach and asked to reach towards them. Participant judged the targets as closer if they were holding a body extending tool such a baton.
who proposed that around 1/23 of us are S’s
Simner et al 2005
what year was Jeanneord’s research published?
What year was Simner’s research published?
What year was Witt’s research published?
What year was Yin’s research published?
What Year was Fantz’s research published?
Nunn et al 2002
fMRI scans showed that S’s have more activity in the region V4 (specialised for colour vision) when hearing a word spoken.
What year was Nunn et al’s research published?
Posner (1980)
developed an experimental cueing task, which involved valid, neutral and invalid trials with participant’s reaction times being recorded. Participants had to hit a button whenever they saw a target on the screen and there would be one of the three cues on the screen
beforehand hinting at where the target might appear. It was shown that the response time was longer in the invalid trials (where the target appeared somewhere other than where the cue would have suggested). This research suggests that invalid cues are of cost to the brain as they require more attention than valid cues.
What year was Posner’s research published?