Research EXAMPLES Flashcards
What are research examples for brain localisation?
Phineas Gage (1848) - Localisation of function - (+) Supporting evidence
Herasty et al (1997) - Broca and Wernicke’s area - (-) Individual differences
Saygin et al (2003) - Broca and Wernicke’s area - (-) Functions may not be restricted to localisation
What are research examples for split-brain research?
Szaflarski et al (2006) - Sperry’s findings - (-) Age
What are research examples for brain plasticity?
Kuhn et al. (2014) - Brain plasticity and Maguire - (+) Supporting evidence
Schneider et al, (2014) - Functional Recovery & Neuronal Unmasking - (+) Supporting evidence
What are research examples for ways of studying the brain?
None - SIKEE
What are research examples for circadian rhythms?
Michel Siffre (1975) - Circadian rhythms - (+) Research support
Duffy et al (2001) - Sleep-wake cycle - (-) Individual Differences
What are research examples for infradian/ultradian rhythms?
Trevathan et al, (1993) - Infradian rhythms - (-) Conflicting evidence
Dement and Kleitman (1957) - Ultradian rhythms - (+) Supporting evidence
Describe Phineas Gage (1848)
There was damage to his frontal lobe during an accident which led to a change in personality.
Describe Herasty et al (1997)
Found that women have proportionally larger Broca’s and Wernicke’s area compared to men which may explain why women tend to be better at language skills.
Describe Saygin et al (2003)
Found that some patients displayed symptoms of Wernicke’s aphasia without damage to this area.
Describe Szaflarski et al (2006)
Found that language became more lateralised to the left hemisphere with increasing age in children and adolescents, but after the age of 25 lateralisation decreased.
Describe Kuhn et al. (2014)
Found a significant increase in grey matter in various regions of the brain after participants played video games for 30 minutes over a two-month period.
Describe Schneider et al, (2014)
Suggested the more time brain injury patients had spent in education, the greater their chances of a disability-free recovery (DFR). 40% of patients who achieved DFR studied for more than 16 years, compared to 10% of patients who had less than 12 years of education.
Describe Michel Siffre (1975)
Showed than when Siffre returned from living underground with no clocks or light, he believed the date to be a month earlier than it was.
Describe Duffy et al (2001)
Found that ‘morning people’ prefer to rise early and go to bed early (about 6am and 10pm), whereas ‘evening people’ prefer to wake and go to bed later (10am and 1am).
Describe Trevathan et al, (1993)
Found that in a sample of 29 lesbian couples, most partners exhibited divergence of onset dates for their menstrual cycle, thus there was no evidence of menstrual synchrony.
Describe Dement and Kleitman (1957)
Recorded the sleep patterns of 9 participants in a sleep lab on an EEG, and controlled for the effects of caffeine and alcohol.