overall scheme for conducting the study
research design
3 research design that researcher may utilize to
historical, descriptive, experimental
selecting and getting the respondents of the study
analyzing the data gathered
quantitative analysis
analysis of data may be?
statistical and deterministic
status of an identified variable
descriptive research design
examples of descriptive research design
-descriptive-normative survey
-correlational research studies
-descriptive-evaluative studies
-assessment/evaluation studies
-descriptive comparative studies
-experimental research design
-historical research designs
not look into the relationship of the variables
descriptive-normative survey
estimate the extent
correlational research studies
to judge the ‘goodness of a criterion measure’
descriptive-evaluative studies
to determine the effectiveness or efficiency of certain practices
assessment/evaluation studies
establish significant differences between groups without any manipulation
descriptive comparative studies
known as longitudinal studies
experimental research design
to collect, verify, and synthesize evidence from the past
historical research designs
it uses secondary sources and a variety of primary documentary evidence
historical research designs
what is the limitation of the historical research design?
it should be authentic and valid.
uses scientific method and presence of control
experimental research design
a factor called_____is introduced into the research investigation
researcher attempts to isolate effects
factors affecting experimental plan
-interaction effects
-measuring instruments
-statistical regression
-differential selection
-john henry effect
subjects may be more aware of the contents of the post test
subjects may drop-out
changes in instruments
measuring instruments
extreme scores
statistical regression
subjects would have different previous knowledge
differential selection
working harder to out form the experimental group
john henry effect
measure without any manipulation to conclude the one is better than the other
descriptive comparative studies
implies without judgement to the subjects
assessment/ evaluation studies
-assessment studies
putting judgement and valuing to the measurements
assessment/evaluation studies
is made to identify the level of performance of an individual
performed to determine the degree to which goals are attained
_____is process oriented
_____is product oriented
administer a survey questionnaire to a small group of people
survey design
small group of people
large group of people
attempts to establish norms or standards based on a wide class of survey data
descriptive-normative survey
the results or findings of the study should be compared with the norm
descriptive normative survey
two research methods of descriptive-normative survey
gathering information and critiquing of the object
to describe the object of the study as it is; is viewed (descriptive method)
gathering information
to identify ways to improve it (normative method)
critiquing of the object
describes the process and impact of the development and implementation of a system
descriptive-evaluative studies