Research Designs Flashcards
Confounds / Variables extrañas
Factors that undermine the ability to draw causal inferences from an experiment.
Correlation / Correlación
Measures the association between two variables, or how they go together.
Dependent variable / Variable dependiente
The variable the researcher measures but does not manipulate in an experiment.
Experimenter expectations / Expectativas del experimentador
When the experimenter’s expectations influence the outcome of a study.
Independent variable / Variable independiente
The variable the researcher manipulates and controls in an experiment.
Longitudinal study / Estudio longitudinal
A study that follows the same group of individuals over time.
Operational definitions / Definiciones operacionales
How researchers specifically measure a concept.
Demand characteristics / Características de la demanda
When participants behave in a way that they think the experimenter wants them to behave.
Placebo effect / Efecto placebo
A phenomenon in which some people experience a benefit after the administration of an inactive substance or sham treatment.
Quasi-experimental design / Diseño cuasi-experimental
An experiment that does not require random assignment to conditions.
Random assignment / Asignación aleatoria
Assigning participants to receive different conditions of an experiment by chance.