Research Definitions Flashcards
page number
location in the upper right hand corner of every page
person who compiles a book by other authors
includes the authors name, date and course
works consulted
a listing of all the works used by the writer in the context of the paper
a listing of all works reviewed by the author
works cited
putting into your own words
preliminary source of all information
source cards
putting into your own words
a listing of all the works used by the writer in the context of the paper
works consulted
document or physical object which was written or created during the time under study
primary source
the order in which info is presented in a paper
works cited
a listing of all works reviewed by the author
word for word what the source says, enclosed in quotations
direct quote
the order in which info is presented in a paper
person who compiles a book by other authors
direct quote
word for word what the source says, enclosed in quotations
in-text citation
acknowledging a sources information with poarenthesis
guidelines used by writers to ensure consistency in the format and writing of research papers
a collection of shorter works within one volume
a collection of shorter works within one volume
block quote
a lengthy passage set off from the rest of the text, which does not need to be enclosed
the breakdown of one topic into various others
information you should/already know
general knowledge
general knowledge
information you should/already know
includes the authors name, date and course
systematic method for recording and recognizing researched info
note cards
the breakdown of one topic into various others
used to tie details of writing together so they read smoothly
the wording used by a writer to communicate ideas
preliminary plan of the papers organization prior to the actual writing of the paper
an effort within a paper to recognize a source for the info
an overused word or phrase that springs quickly to mind
guidelines used by writers to ensure consistency in the format and writing of research papers
identifies the focus of your writing
signal phrase
includes the source by naming the author
outside sources
information and ideas presented by other people
often relying on text from another author
source cards
preliminary source of all information
identifies the focus of your writing
the wording used by a writer to communicate ideas
an overused word or phrase that springs quickly to mind
a lengthy passage set off from the rest of the text, which does not need to be enclosed
block quote
used to tie details of writing together so they read smoothly
location in the upper right hand corner of every page
page number
an effort within a paper to recognize a source for the info
acknowledging a sources information with poarenthesis
in-text citation
primary source
document or physical object which was written or created during the time under study
includes the source by naming the author
signal phrase
note cards
systematic method for recording and recognizing researched info
often relying on text from another author
information and ideas presented by other people
outside sources
preliminary plan of the papers organization prior to the actual writing of the paper