Research and Pharmacology Flashcards
What is the equation for sensitivity and specificity?
Sens: TP/TP+FN
Spec: TN/TN+FP
What is the equation for PPV and NPV?
How do you calculate risk ratio (aka relative risk), relative risk reduction, and absolute risk reduction?
RR= Risk in treatment group/risk in placebo group
RRR= 1-risk ratio
ARR= risk in intervention arm- risk in control arm
How do you calculate NNT?
What are the characteristics of phosgene (carbonyl dichrloide) poisoning?
Cough, dyspnea, noncardiogenic edema after a symptom-free period
Often combined with chlorine- green yellow color with bleach odor. As chlorine is more water soluble, will have more mucus/eye irritation
What lab abnormalities do you see in high dose Vit C/ascorbate?
Elevated POC glucose
How is sulfonylurea overdose managed?
Glucose and octreotide. Glucagon may result in rebound hypoglycemia as it stimulates insulin release
Recall chart to differentiate SS, NMS, MHTN
What are the characteristics of cyanide poisoning?
Metabolic acidosis, lactic acidosis, pulmonary edema, cherry red skin, rhabdo, bright red blood with little difference between venous/arterial oxygen levels. Treat with hydroxocobalamin. Sodium nitrite to induce methemoglobinemia carefully in it’s unavailable to bind cyanide
What go you give patients with rasburicase-methemoglobinemia due to G6PD deficiency?
Ascorbic acid IV. Methylene blue worsens this.
What are the early symptoms of SJS/TEN?
fever, malaise, myalgia with early mucus membrane involvement such as photophobia, orodynia, conjunctival burning
Which sedation med is not sequestered through ECMO circuits?
When patients are well controlled on buprenoprhine and have acute pain, can they receive opioids?
Yes, short acting ones, continue stable dose and adjust for hepatic failure
What should be given after tPA hemorrhage?