Research and Method Exam 1 Flashcards
Before the advent of computer programs for qualitative analysis, what was mainly used to manage qualitative data?
conceptual files have printed paper with codes in the margin
What is open coding
the capture of what is going on in the data such as actual words.
What are the criteria for enhancing trustworthiness in qualitative inquiry
credibility dependability transferability authenticity confirmability
What is Credibility ?
Confidence in the truth value of the findings
What is Dependability?
stability or reliability of data over time and conditions
What is confirmability
The objectivity of the data data is congruence between 2 or more independent people
What is transferability
Findings can be transferred or applicable in other settings
What is authenticity
Researchers fairly and faithfully show a range of realities
What are methods of enhancing credibility
- prolonged engagement
- persistent observation
- reflexivity
- triangulation methods
- member checking
- search for disconfirming evidence
- researcher credibility
- Peer debriefing
When a researcher brings an independent person not an expert at the study ( unbiased ) with other members of the study to look at the data or your overall research is What ?
Peer debriefing
What brings confirmability to the data? What are the the two trails?
- Audit trails: provides in-depth steps on how they collect the data , what was the coding process
- Inquiry audits: having a researcher outside of the data collection and data analysis examine the processes of data collection, data analysis, and the results of the research study
What is a strategy for enhancing quality during the coding and analysis of qualitative data?
Investigator triangulation 2 or more people focus on analyzing and interpreting the code
When collecting on the same phenomenon in multiple times ? What type of triangulation
What triangulation used different data source to validate their conclusion ?
What triangulation collects data in multiple different settings ?
What triangulation collects data from different people
What triangulation used different methods of collecting data
There is widespread agreement that qualitative researchers need to devote time and energy to analyzing and documenting their presuppositions, biases, and ongoing emotions. This represents a commitment to:
In order to make meaning of their qualitative data, researchers interpret, analyze, and then live with their data. What is this process called?
Incubation : process of living with the data
During a qualitative study the researcher returned to three study participants to have them verify their data and the emerging themes. This is called:
member checking
What are the methods of enhancing dependability ?
- Replicate the findings
- Team coding : make sure more than one person code
What are the methods of enhancing transferability?
Thick and rich description
What methods would enhance authencity?
Convey the feeling tone of participants
develop heightened sensitivity of the issue and individuals being depicted
True or False It is typically appropriate to have a hypothesis for a qualitative study.
Many qualitative studies can be described as
What does grounded theory analysis use
Constant comparison
What is the first stage of constant comparison
Open coding
Describe the three levels of open coding
Level 1 ( invivo) : get the participants exact words
Level 2: it becomes broader
Level 3: becomes the most abstract
What is a pattern of behavior that is relevant for participants
The main theme
Core category
What is BSP
it is based on core category when one core variable that evolves into 2 or more
Theoretical coding
broken pieces come together participants experience resolving a problem
In which specific level of ethnographic data analysis are cultural themes uncovered?
Theme analysis
In which specific level of ethnographic data analysis focus on the units of cultural knowledge find meanings of symbols or terms
In which specific level of ethnographic data analysis focus on organizing domains
Taxanomic analysis
In which specific level of ethnographic data analysis finds data similarities and differences among cultural terms in domain
Componential analysis
When does ethnographic data analysis typically begin?
The moment the researcher sets foot in the field.
Qualitative research makes the assumption that:
Multiple realities exist
Quasi-statistics are sometimes used in qualitative research to:
tabulate frequency of themes or insights in the data.
What is the count of times a theme has appeared
Content Analysis
How are most qualitative data are reported as
Themes : meaning patterns in data
What are description data analysis
use of participants words and action
What are interpretation of data analysis
focus on broader meaning and search for underlying ideas
What is dwelling
they spent alot of time with the data
How is data management ?
Reductionist approach data smaller, manageable pieces ( codes )
What is data Analysis? Constructivist
grouping codes into categories , identify relationships , exploring themes
What is Grounded theory - You would not see themes instead core categories
- it is discussing the process of social behavior
Ex: how parents go through the process of an ill child
How someone go through grief
What are codes that develop into categories
Secondary coding
What are the 2 different ethnographic perspective ?
etic : outsider view
emic: insider view ( M FOR ME)
What is snowballing sampling
one person recruit another person
Who typically does each of the following, the researcher or the participant? Think-aloud method? Field notes? Diary? Audit trail?
Think -aloud method : Participants
Filed notes : Researchers
Diary : Participants
Audit trail : Researchers
In participant observation what are the roles of the observer?
Participant observation participate in functioning of the social group under investigation and strive to observe info that is important to group members
What is a focus group?
a group of people assembled for a discussion interviewer moderate the discussion
What is a semi-structured interview?
Researchers prepare a written topic guide list areas they want to ask questions about
What is log or field diary
a diary record of events and conversations in the field how the researcher spent time with the participants
What are the field notes
the observer’s effort to record data and synthesisze and understand the data exact things they said to the participants nd their answers including nonverbal behaviors
Thick Descriptions is the goal
Qualitative studies often use an emergent design. When does the research design evolve?
In the field while collecting and analyzing data.
Data saturation is sampling to the point at which
no new information is obtained and redundancy is achieved.
What type of qualitative self-report data is being used when respondents record and maintain ongoing records about some aspect of their lives?
What type of qualitative self-report data is being used when respondents record and maintain ongoing records about some aspect of their lives?
Grounded theory
What are the major ways in which unstructured observational data are most commonly recorded?
Logs : daily record of events in the field
or field notes : more indepth of conversation and observation of the participant
In what type of interview are detailed chronological narratives about personal life experiences most likely to be elicited?
Life history interviews
What interview involves real time data of people solves problem or make decision
think -aloud
What is critical incidents technique
gathering in-depth information about specific incidents experienced by participants
What are oral histories
historical researchers gather personal recollection about events or issues
What type of researcher often uses key informants who serve as guides and interpreters of the culture?
What are windshield surveys
interview exploring the community such as churches public transportation
TRUE or False Field notes are both descriptive and reflective
What is the difference between descriptive vs reflective notes
Descriptive: objective descriptions of observed events like actions and dialogue
Reflective: researcher’s personal experience
Reflexivity is an important concept in qualitative data collection. What is reflexivity?
Awareness of the part the researcher plays in the study and the effect they have on data
Phenomenologists typically sample around _______ individuals meet the criterion of having lived the experience under study?
11 -15
What type of sampling is when a study is based on the experiences of people with frequent nightmares, might recruit sample members by placing a notice on a bulletin board or on Internet sites requesting people with frequent nightmares to contact us
Convenience Sampling Volunteer people deciding move forward participate
What is snowballing sampling
When participants from the study end up referring other people to join the study
Qualitative researchers often begin with a sample where potential participants come forward and identify themselves. What type of sample is this?
What do ethnographers strive to acquire?
Emic perspective of a culture