Research Flashcards
Internal Consistency
how well a measure measures something i.e. outcome measures consistently measure what is being asked
Cronbach Alpha test
close to 0 = dont correlate
close to 1= correlate
> 90 suggest repetition between items
Test retest reliability
how well an item measures something (performance)
- take berg balance and score 5, next trial you should also score a 5
Reliability measured by
Cohens Kappa (K)
.75 excellent
Removes chance from something happening
Also ICC measure
.75 good
Consistency, Reliability, Validity
How well a test measures what it is intended to measure
- Face- a measure appears what is intended to measure
- less formal than content validity - Content- a measure that covers the broad range of areas within the concept of study
- ex. theatre degree not only covers acting, but stagecrew, lighting etc - Construct- ensures measure is actually measuring what it is intended to measure
- Criterion- GOLD STANDARD
- compares to an estabilished mesaure of the same characteristic or construct
- how does the measure compare to other more estabilished measures
P Value
% that something happens not due to chance
can also show if a finding is significant. usually set at P < .05 for significance. If so, you reject the null hypthesis which states that there will be no chance, so youre saying it is significant or there will in fact be a change.
Confidence interval
Measures reliability- a little better than P value
Ex. 95% CI from 1-5 means 95% chance the value falls within 1-5. Narrower the CI the better
“ estimates of a car- would go to a guy who says costs will be 500-550$ vs 500-1000$”
Effect size
- tells us if a study is important, if it has clinical signifciance not statistical significance
- can measure % of experimental group scores > control group average ( higher the effect size, higher the # >)
Positive likelihood ratio
> 10 good
5-10 moderate
2-5 mild
1-2 small
Negative likelihood ratio
1- sensativity/specificity
Number needed to treat
number of patients needed for a treatment to be effective
- smaller the number the better
- ex. pill needs to be taken by 2 patients to get a postive result vs 1000 to see a positive result
Iontophoresis indication
heel pain
TENS indication
knee OA
US indication
Calcific tendonitis, RA
11/18 pain points (Bilateral)- both axial and appendicular pain > 3 months
(2) - occiput
(2) - lower cervical c5/7 region
(2) - upper traps
(2) - supraspinatus
(2) 2nd rib (anterior)
(2) lateral epicondyle
(2) Gluteal/ SI joints
(2) greater Troch
(2) knees
Myofascial pain syndrome vs fibromyalgia
MPS is more regional and local. Fibromyalgia more global with 11/18 pain points in diff regions of body
MPS follows a characteristic pattern of pain (more trigger points)
- does not follow dermatome, myotomoe or peripheral nerve patterns.
only vestibular HYPERfunction disease. all other vestibular diseases are hypofunction
Dx: dix hallpike
Tx: Eppleys maneuever 80% effective (start by going torwards same side of involvement)
- peform dix hallpike and hold for 30 seconds, then rotate 45 degrees contralaterally, hold for 30 seconds, then have pt rotate body to meet head, hold for 30 seconds, then finally sit them up
Dynamic Gait Index (DGI)
Predicts falls scores <19 predicts falls in the elderly > 22 = safe ambulators 8 items - gait level surface - change in gait speed - gait with horiz head turns - gait with vertical head turns - gait and pivot turns - step over obstacle - step around obstacle - steps
Peripheral Neuropathy CPR
- hyporeflexia
- decrease vibration sense
- decreased proprioception of hallux