Research 2 Exam Flashcards
idea that focuses on more general things
are statements that are taken for granted or considered true, even though they have not been scientifically tested
is a term that abstractly describe and names an object, idea, or phenomenon, thus providing it with a separate identity or meaning
is more comprehensive than a denotative (or dictionary) definition and includes associated meanings the word may have
conceptual definition
broadly explains phenomena of interest, expresses assumptions, and reflects philosophical stance
conceptual model
refers to realties or actual instances-it focus on the particular, rather than the general
concept that have very general meanings
declares that a given concept exists or that a given relationship between concepts occurs
existence statement
abstract, logical structure of meaning, such as a portion of theory, that guides the development of the study, is tested in the study, and enables the researcher to link the findings to nursing’s body of knowledge
rudimentary ideas for the framework of a theory or portions of a theory expressed in an introduction or in a literature review in which linkages among variables found in previous studies are discussed
implicit framework
used to graphically to show the interrelationships of the concepts and relational statements
map or model
are less abstract and narrower in scope than conceptual models. These types do theories focus on answering particular practice questions and often specify such factors as patients health conditions, family situations, and nursing actions
middle range theories
is occurrence or a circumstance that is observed, something that impresses the observers as extraordinary, or a thing that appears to and is constructed by the mind
phenomenon (phenomena)
is a specific philosophical view held by a person or group of people
philosophical stance
are rational intellectual explorations of truth or principles of being, knowledge, or conduct
are even more specific than the middle range theories. They are designed to theoretically propose specific approaches to particular nursing practice
practice theories
(relational statements) can be expressed at various levels of abstraction
clarifies the type of relationship that exists between or among concepts
relational statements
theory that has been repeatedly tested through research with valid and reliable methods of measuring each concept and relational statement
scientific theories
express claims that are important to the theory
theory recognized within a discipline as useful for explain important phenomena
substantive theory
theory that is newly proposed, has had minimal exposure to critique by scholars in the discipline, and had undergone little testing
tentative theory
is defined as an integrated set of defined concepts and statements that present a view of a phenomenon and can be used to describe, explain, predict, and control that phenomenon
at a concrete level these are narrower in their definitions
decision tree that provides a set of rules for solving a particular practice problem. Its development usually is based on research evidence and theoretical knowledge
produced by the conduct and synthesis of numerous, high-quality studies in a health-related area. The best research evidence is generated in that area of health promotion; illness prevention; and the assessment, diagnosis, and management of acute and chronic illnesses
best research evidence
patient care guideline that are based on synthesized research findings from meta-analyses, integrative reviews of research, and extensive clinical trials, supported by consensus from recognized national experts, and affirmed but outcomes obtained by clinicians
evidence-based guidelines
the conscientious integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patients values and needs in the delivery of high-quality, cost-effective health care
evidence-based practice
centers established in 1997 to develop evidence reports and technology assessments on topic relevant to clinical, social science/behavioral, economic, and other healthcare organizations and delivery issues-specifically those that are common, expensive, and/ or significant for the Medicare and Medicaid population
evidence-based practice centers
in this model, nurses identify a practice problems, search for the best research evidence to manage the problem in their practice, and use an evidence-based guideline to manage the problem
groves model for implementing evidence-based guidelines in practice
review conducted to identify, analyze, and synthesize the result from independent studies to determine the current knowledge (what is known and not known) in a particular area
integrative review of research
provides direction for the development of EBP in a clinical agency. In a healthcare system, there are triggers that initiate the need for change and the focus should always be to make changes based on the best research evidence
Iowa model of evidence-based practice
performing statically analyses to integrate and synthesize findings from completed studies to determine what is known and not known about a particular research area
format used to formulate a relevant clinical question for a systematic review. Elements include: Population of participants of interest; Intervention needed for practice; Comparisons of interventions to determine the best for practice; and Outcomes needed for practice
PICO format
process and product of systematically reviewing and formally integrating the findings from qualitative studies
qualitative research synthesis
is the synthesis or summing of the findings across qualitative reports to determine the current knowledge in an area
qualitative meta summary
provides a fully integrated, novel description or explanation of a target event or experience verses a summary view of that event or experience
qualitative meta synthesis
document providing clearly developed steps for implementing a treatment or intervention in practice that is based on findings from studies
research-based protocols
an initial model for research utilization in nursing to promote evidence-based practice for nursing. Provides a comprehensive framework to enhance the use of research evidence by nurses to falicate and EBP
stetler model research utilization to facilitate
involves determining the purpose, focus, and potential outcomes of making and evidence based change in a clinical agency
phase 1 preparation
the research reports are critically appraised to determine their scientific soundness
phase 2 validation
includes 4 parts: (1) substanation of the evidence (2) fit of the evidence with the healthcare setting (3) feasibility of using research finding and (4) concerns with concurrent practice
phase 3 comparative evaluation
Happens in phase III, three decisions are possible (1) to use the research evidence (2) to consider using the evidence, and (3) to not use the research evidence
involves planning for and actual use of the research in evidence practice
phase 4 translation/application
is to evaluate the impact of the research-based change of the healthcare agency, personnel and patients
phase 5 evaluation
structured, comprehensive synthesis of quantitative and outcomes studies in a particular healthcare area to determine the best research evidence available for expert clinicians to use to promote evidence-based practice
systematic review
evolving concept that is defined by the NIH as the translation of basic scientific discoveries into practical applications
translation research
a third dimension of the examination of the quality of care
concept including many aspects, including physical-physiological function, psychological function, and social function
important scientific methodology that was developed to examine the end results of patient care. The stragieties used in outcome research are departures form the tradional scientific endeavors and incorporated evaluation research, epidemiology, and economic theory perspectives
outcome research
expenses incurred by the patient or family or both that are not reimbursable by the insurance company
out of pocket costs
is the major concept of Donabedian’s Theory of Quality Health Care, although he never defines this concept
a norm on which quality of care is judged
standard of care
the elements of organization and administration that guide the process of care
structure of care