Research Flashcards
Believing your own perception of the world is exactly how it actually is
Naïve Realism
Only looking for information that confirms your own beliefs
Confirmation Bias
Using one case to make general assumptions about the rest of a group
Pluralism of Anecdote
Believing you predicted an outcome; “I knew it all along!”
Hindsight Bias
Being overly confident in your own abilities
Dunning Kruger Effect
The examination of an individual, can be fruitful, but does not allow for generalization
Case Study
Observing behavior in a natural environment, you can only describe your own observations, can be very revealing because participants are random and do not know they are being analyzed
Naturalistic Study
When two traits being studied are related to each other
Two variables increase and decrease together
Positive Correlation
One variable increases or deceases and the other variable does the opposite
Negative Correlation
Perceiving a pattern that does not actually exist
Illusory Correlation
One causative variable is manipulated to determine its effects
Experimental Study
The variable in an experimental study that is measured and the sample is random
Dependent Variable
Study in which one group cannot be randomly sampled, specific people must be chosen (ex: those with a certain condition)
Pseudo Experiment
Case in which doctors sampled a woman’s cancer cells, keeping some in to continue their study without her knowledge or consent. Although their research led to massive breakthroughs, neither her nor her family made any profit.
Henrietta Lacks