Research Flashcards
What are your plans for your research program?/ What are your research plans?
My research goal at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is to explore the complex relationships between plant-soil feedbacks and the provisioning of ecosystem services.
(i) build a database of below ground traits of species found in rangelands in the Sandhills through literature review and field research; (ii) assess how acquisitive (fine roots) and nonacquisitive (thick roots) belowground compartments relate to aboveground plant biomass and how this relationship changes in response to extreme climatic events and different management strategies, and (iii) model the dynamics of storage compounds at the individual and community level (type and concentration of carbohydrates) in response to environment and management strategies
How do you see your research fitting within our
department and what we already do?
How would you incorporate others in your research?
What plans do you have for future research?
With whom might you collaborate in our department?
What types of interdisciplinary research might you do?
What are your research strengths/weaknesses?
Strengths: I am experienced in all stages of the research process. Since developing and testing new hypothesis, thinking about the sample design, perform the field and lab samples and analysis, to do the statistical analysis and share the results to peers and society. I am proficient in R and have experience with data analysis and data management. It allowed me to be part of many collaborations.
Weaknesses: Knowledge on Nebraska Plant biodiversity, Don’t know the ranchers and field sites in Nebraska.
What funding sources are you aware of that might support your future research?
North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (NCR-SARE) Program grants (develop research-based methods that support sustainable agriculture in the Midwest).
NSF (Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER))
HFSP (Human frontier Science program) Research Grants (Research Grants - Early Career)
Nebraska Department of Transportation
What would be your first extramural grant proposal, including the target agency?
What funding sources are you aware of that might support your future research?
In my first extramural grant proposal I aim to explore the complex relationships between root traits and the provisioning of ecosystem services, particularly carbon storage. Our current knowledge of the mechanisms behind below ground carbon allocation and changes in the environment and management strategies falls short of policy and management needs and stands out as a research priority. This project has potential for funding because of the novelty of the proposal and its focus on climate-ready and sustainable agricultural practices.
Target agencies would be:
NSF (Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER))
HFSP (Human frontier Science program) Research Grants (Research Grants - Early Career)