Rescue at Height PPE Flashcards
What is the maximum rope lowering distance for the Gotcha Rescue system in “High Anchor”?
Maximum of 17m lowering distance.
Which lanyard is to be connected to the Rescuer on the S.H.A.R.K system?
Attach the rope rider to your harness using the karabiner on the shorter of the two short strops.
What is the procedure upon discovery of unserviceable equipment?
- Withdraw equipment from use IMMEDIATELY.
- Label equipment UNSERVICEABLE using appropriate service form.
- Return equipment to GSE stores.
- Replacement to be ordered through stores.
If the Gotcha was producing a 4:1 mechanical advantage, which mode would it be oriented in?
Low Anchor mode.
What is the purpose of a Secondary Lifeline System?
Purpose of Secondary Lifeline System (SLS);
- Provides a backup lifeline in rescue training situations and forms part of the Tower Rescue Modification Kit.
What does the abbreviation S.H.A.R.K stand for?
Spanset High Access Rescue Kit (SHARK)
What item of Rescue Systems provides an immediate first aid device and helps eliminate the effects of suspension trauma?
Suspension Loop
What checks and inspections is all items of Rescue Equipment Subjected to?
- Pre-Use Checks
- After-Use Checks
- 6 Monthly Inspections
According to AP 600, Chap 7.1.1, what is the target time to complete a rescue?
The target time should be to rescue the casualty in under five minutes.
Explain the installation of a rope within the S.H.A.R.K’s capstan?
- To remove the sleeve on the rope rider, push in the button located at the bottom of the sleeve.
- Rotate the control ring anti-clockwise so that it is now in line with the red dot. The ring can now be pulled down the main shaft. The button must be pushed in to hold the control ring in position.
- The rope can now be fed through the shaft of the rope rider. Ensuring that the strop end is on the red side. Then push the control ring down slightly, this will cause the button to pop out again, the spring will push the control ring back into the up position.
The control ring must be turned clockwise so that the button is in line with the green dot.
Upon rescue, which position should the casualty be placed in?
Into the Recovery Position.
Explain the procedure for any item of Working at Height PPE subjected to a fall?
To be taken out of service immediately.
The equipment is to be quarantined and reported to the Support Authority (SA) in accordance with Chap 1” (JSP 569 Ch4 Pg9 Para33).
In addition, the anchor point to which the equipment was connected is not to be used again until it has been examined and re-certified as serviceable by a qualified person.
What is the maximum rope lowering distance for the Gotcha Rescue System when in “Low Anchor”?
Maximum of 13m lowering distance.
What is the minimum amount of turn required around the capstan for a Casualty Rescue?
Minimum of 2 & 2/3 turns on the capstan is necessary.
What is the minimum turns required around the capstan for a Self-Rescue?
Minimum of 1 & 2/3 or more turns is necessary on the capstan.
Which Joint Service Publication provides policy, guidance, maintenance schedules and demand information for all current in-use Working at Height PPE?
JSP 569: Working at Height PPE
Which item of Rescue Equipment can only be used for descents to casualties?
Spanset High Access Rescue Kit (SHARK)
State the pre-use checks conducted on a Full Body Harness?
- Registered
- Webbing and stitching
- Expiry Date
- Energy Absorber
- Metal Ware
List three features of the Gotcha Rescue System?
- Waterproof Carry Bag
- Gri-Gri
- Gotcha Frog
- 10.5mm Kernmantle Rope
- Polyester Anchorage Sling
- Upper and Lower Pulleys
- Telescope Attachment Pole
Explain the functional checks required on a “TRM” system?
- After installation it is essential to check the TRM functions correctly before use.
- The climber should ascend approximately 2m up the structure, simultaneously the ground operator takes in the slack in the lifeline through the ID descender device and lock the device off when the climber has reached the location.
- The climber is then to slowly transfer their weight onto the lifeline.
- The ground operator then lowers the climber under control using the ID descender device.
- Whilst still suspended, the ID handle is to be released and the climber is not to slip downwards at any point
- If this function cannot be achieved the TRM is to be removed from service.
List four types of Rescue Systems utilised by CITs?
Items of current Rescue Systems (RS) and associated PPE include;
- Sit Harness
- S.H.A.R.K
- Gotcha
- Suspension Loop
- Tower Rescue Modification
- Secondary Lifeline System (SLS)
Explain the “Service Life” of Working at Height PPE?
Maximum ‘In-Use’ life of 5 years and a maximum of 5 years shelf life,
’Total’ life of 10 years from the date of manufacture.
What attachment point on a Sit Harness should be used in conjunction with the S.H.A.R.K?
Center of Gravity (COG) Attachment Point.
What is the purpose of a Gotcha Rescue System?
“Gotcha” Rescue System Purpose;
- Attach a casualty who is suspended by a fall arrest lanyard.
- Raise a casualty in order to release their current lanyard.
- Raise or lower the casualty to a point of safety.
The above capabilities are all achievable without the need for the rescuer to access the casualty.
Under which circumstances should the “TRM” only be used in?
The TRM should only be considered for high-risk operational work, where there is perceived danger to personnel WaH.
State how items of Working at Height PPE should be stored?
- To prevent contact with sharp or abrasive objects
- Away from extreme heat
- Away from harmful
substances (chemicals, acids, alkalis etc.) - Kept in a cool, dry place free from direct sunlight, to avoid the degrading effects of ultra-violet light.
Explain how a functional check is conducted on the S.H.A.R.K system?
- Visually inspect the device then test the sleeve by pulling down and releasing it, the sleeve should return to its original position.
- Attach the rope to a structural anchorage using the karabiner pre-tied into the end of the rope and the purple attachment sling if required.
- Attach the SHARK device to the front (thoracic) link on your harness using the attached karabiner on the short sling.
- Apply your weight to the descender device on the rope, until all body weight is on the device.
According to AP600, Chap 7.1.1, how quickly can death occur if suspended in a full body harness?
Death could occur in as little as 15 minutes.
What colour pulley block will be connected to the strop in “High Anchor” mode?
The BLUE pulley block.