Rerenga kōrero (Phrases) Flashcards
He aha?
What is it?
What is it?
He aha?
He aha tō mahi?
What do you do for work?
What do you do for work?
He aha tō mahi?
Kātahi te whakaahua ātaahua ko tēnei
This is a beautiful photo
This is a beautiful photo
Kātahi te whakaahua ātaahua ko tēnei
Kia pai tō rā
Have a great day
Have a great day
Kia pai tō rā
Kia pai tō põ
Have a great night
Have a great night
Kia pai tō põ
Ke te hiakai au
I’m hungry
I’m hungry
Ke te hiakai au
Ko wai tō ingoa?
Whats your name?
Whats your name?
Ko wai tō ingoa?
Ko wai ia ingoa?
Whats their name?
Whats their name?
Ko wai ia ingoa?
Kua tiko tō kurī?
Has your dog pooped?
Has your dog pooped?
Kua tiko tō kurī?
Kei hea koe?
Where are you?
Where are you?
Kei hea koe?
Kei runga te kurī it te tepu
The dogs on the table
The dogs on the table
Kei runga te kurī it te tepu
He mihi maioha tō *
Thank you for your *
Thank you for your *
He mihi maioha tō *
Māku e hautū
I’ll drive
I’ll drive
Māku e hautū
He aha koe i haere ai?
Why did you go? (i - past tense)
Why did you go?
He aha koe i haere ai?
He aha koe e haere ai?
Why will you go? why are you going? (e - future or present tense)
Why are you going?
He aha koe e haere ai?
He nui aku mahi
I’ve got a lot on (I have a lot of work) he, describing somethig. Nui, big. Aku (mine, like taku), mahi, work
I’ve got a lot on
He nui aku mahi
He whare
A house (or some houses)
A house (or some houses)
He whare
Te whare
The house
The house
Te whare
Ngā whare
The houses
The houses
Ngā whare
A big, red house
He whare nui, he whare whero
He whare nui, he whare whero
A big, red house
The small, green house
Te whare iti, te whare kakariki
The big, bad houses
Ngā whare nui, ngā whare kino