Requirement that no Defense Exist Flashcards
- Absense of Mutual Assent
- Absence of Consideration
- Public Policy Defenses - Illegality
- Lack of Capacity
- Statute of Frauds
- Unconscionablilty
Ways to have Absense of Mutuality
- Mutual mistake as to existing facts
- Unilateral Mistake
- Mistake by the Intermediary (Transmission)
- Misunderstanding - Ambiguous K languange
- Misrepresentation
Mutual mistake as to existing facts
- if both parties are mistaken about existing facts (not future) then the K may be voidable if:
- mistake concerns basic assumption on which K was made
- the mistake has a material effect; and
- the party seeking avoidance did not assume the risk
- this occurs where the party asserting the mistake assumed the risk because he was in a better position to better know the risk than the other party
- Mistake in value is generally not a defense, because parties usually assume the risk that their value is wrong
Unilateral Mistake
If one party was mistaken the mistake will not prevent formation of the K unless the nonmistaken party knew or had reason to know of the mistake - then the K is voidable
Mistake by Intermediary (Transmission)
the message “as transmitted” is operative unless the other party knew or should have known of the mistake
Misunderstanding - Ambiguous K Language
Ambiguouty is the one area where subjective intent is taken into acct
If a term has two possible meanings, result depends on the parties awareness of the ambiguity:
- neither party aware
- no K unless both parties intended same meaning
- both parties aware
- no K unless both parties intended same meaning
- One party aware
- binding K based on what the ignorant party reasonably believed to be the meaning of the ambiguous words
Types of Misrepresentation & Remedy
- Fraudulent Misrepresentation (Fraud in the Inducement) - K Voiadable
- Nonfraudulent Misrepresentation - K voided if Material
Innocent party can rescind K and recover all available remedies
Fraudulent Misrepresentation (Fraud in the Inducement)
If inducing party through fraud (asserting info you know is untrue) the K is voidabl by the innocent party if she justifiably relied upon the fraudulent misrep.
This is fraud in the inducement
Fraud can also be inferred from conduct
Nonfraudulent misrerepsentation
Even if not fraudulent, K can be voidable if innocent party justifiably relied on misrepresentations and they were material. MAterial if:
- would induce a reasonable person to agree
- the maker knows it would induce, even if a reasonable person would not
Public Policy Defenses - Illegality
If the consideration or subject matter of the K is illegal, it is void. Exceptions:
- P is unaware of the illegality while D knows the illegality
- one party is not as culpaple as the other; or
- the illegality is a failure to obtain a license when the license is for revenue raising purposes rather than for protection of the public
If the only purpose to the K is illegal, the K is voidable by a party who was:
- unaware of the purpose; or
- aware but did not facilitate the purpose and the purpose does not involve serious moral turpitude
Defenses based on lack of capacity:
- Legal Incapactiy to K
- Duress and Undue Influence
Types of Legal Incapacities to a K
- Contracts of Infants (Minors)
- Mental Incapacity
- Intoxicated Persons
Contracts of Infants (Minors)
Infants (under 18) generally lack capacity to enter into K binding on themselves.
However contractual promises of an adult made to an infant are binding on the adult
Dissaffirmance by infant
An infanct may choose to disaffirm a K any time before (or shortly after) reaching the age of majority.
If an infant chooses to disaffirm, she must return anything that she recieved under the K that still remains at the time of disaffirmance.
However, no obligation to return any part of the cinsideration that was:
- squandered
- wasted
- negligently destroyed
Exceptions to Dissafirmance
- student loans
- insurance Ks
- agreements not to reveal an employer’s proprietary information
Necessaries are items necessary for the minor’s substinence, health or education.
A minor may dissafirm a K for neccessaries but in most states will be liable in restitution for the value of benefits recieved.
Affirmance upon attaining majority
An infant may affirm (choose to be bound) a K upon reaching majoirty.
He can affirm expressly or by conduct
- failing to disaffirm within a reasonable time after reaching majority is sufficient conduct to affirm
Mental Incapacity
one whose mental incapacity is so deficient that he is incapable of understanding the nature and signifigance of a K may disaffirm or affirm when lucid or by his legal representative.
In otherwords, the K is voidable.
Liable for quasi-k for necessaries furnished to them.
Intoxicated Persons
One who is so intoxicated that he does not understand the nature and signifigance of his promise may be held to have been made only a voidable promise.
Intoxicated person may affirm upon recovery
Duress & Undue Influence
Ks induced through duress and undue influence are voidable and may be rescinded as long as not affirmed.
Generally taking advantage of a persons econ needs is not duress. However withholding something someone wants or needs will be econ duress if:
- the party threatens to commit a wrongful act that would seriously threten property or finances; and
- there are no adequate means avaiable to prevent threatened loss
Elements of Undue Influence:
- undue susceptability to pressure by one party; and
- excessive pressure by the other party
Often arises in the context of a confidential or caregivier relationship
Statute of Frauds Requirements
- Writing
- Signed
Statute of Frauds - Writing Req
- reasonably ID subject matter
- indicate K made between the parties
- state with reasonable certainty the essential terms
Electronic Record satisfies writing
Signature Req for Statute of Frauds
- any mark or symbol made with the intention to authenticate the writing as the signers - it need not be handwritten - Party’s initials or letterhead or electronic signature is sufficient
- only the party to be charged must sign
Statute of Frauds applies to:
- Executor or Administrator Promises Personally to Pay Estate Debts from his own funds
- Promises to Pay Debt of Another (Suretyship Promise)
- Promises in Consideration of Marriage
- Interests in Land
- Performance not within 1 year
- Goods priced at $500 or More
What interessts in land need to be signed and what does not?
- leases for more than 1 year
- easements of more than 1 year
- mortgages
- fixtures; and
- minerals or structures if they are to be served by the buyer
- contracts to build buildings or to find a buyer or seller (brokers K)
Performance Not Within One Year
- by its terms cannot be performed within 1 year
- date runs from the date of the agreement and not from date of performance
- Promise to “employ till i die” is not within statute because capable of being performed within a year, even if he lives longer than a year
Good for $500 or more
Needs to be in writing
Terms can be vague, but the K is not enforceable if the quantity term is not shown
When is Writing Not Required for Goods over $500
- Specially manufactured goods
- Admission & Pleading in Court
- Payment or Delivery of Goods
Merchants - Confirmatory Memo Rule
If one merchant send the other written confirmation sufficient to bind the sender under SOF, it will bind the receipient as well if:
- he has reason to know of the confirmation’s contents; and
- he does not object to the writing within 10 days of receipt
Effect of Noncompliance with SOF
Renders K unenforcable at the option of the party to be charged.
If statute is not raised as a defense, it is waived
Situations in which the K is removed from SoF
- Performance
- Equitable or Promissory Estoppel
- Judicial Admission
Remedy if K is w/in the SoF
Reasonable value or restitution
Expecatition damages if suing under part performance
Instances of Procedural Unconscionability
- inconspicuous risk-shifitng provisions
- exculpatory clauses (releasing contracting party from liability for his own intentional wrongful acts)
- litiations of remedies which fails its essential purpose
Equitable Defenses
- Unclean Hands
- other party is guilty of wronddoing in the same transaction
- Laches
- delay has prejudiced the defendant
- Sale to a BFP