required docs Flashcards
Federalist 10
- a strong, united republic is more effective than the individual states at controlling factions
- a large republic will help control factions because when more reps are elected, there will be a greater number of opinions. Therefore, it is far less likely that there will be one majority oppressing
the rest of the people.
Brutus I
- an Antifederalist series of essays designed to encourage New Yorkers to reject the proposed
Constitution - the immense power of the federal government requires the people to sacrifice their liberties
- a bill of rights was necessary to protect the people from the government
- Congress possesses far too much power: taxation, standing army, taxes, Elastic Clause
- a free republic cannot exist in such a large territory as the United States
- Judicial authority will broaden federal gov’t’s power (thus, tyranny)
Declaration of Independence
- All people created equal (Natural Rights of Life, Liberty, Property)
- Governments are created to protect these rights
- If Gov’t does not protect these rights, then the People have the duty to change/destroy
- Imperfect gov’ts should not be destroyed, only ones that seek to subject the People to Tyranny
(destruction of Natural Rights) - explains why colonies are separating from GB
Articles of Confederation
- Confederation of states, with an extremely limited central government.
- limitations placed upon the central government rendered it ineffective at governing the continually
growing American states - Each state remains sovereign
- Unicameral legislature, each state one vote
- No President, No Judiciary
- Could not force taxation; No standing Army
- first constitution of the us
Constitution (+ Bill of Rights and other amendments)
- Outline of federal gov’t structure, powers, and limits to those powers
- Three branches (L, E, J) [Sep. of P’s] that can limit each other [Ch & B’s]
- Federal system of government
- Constitution as Supreme Law
- Bill of Rights
o 1-8: Individual Rights
o 9: Rights not listed are NOT denied to the People
o 10: Powers not given to Federal Gov’t nor denied to the states are State Powers - Other Amendments
o Generally, amendments are expansions of Peoples’ rights
o 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 22, 24, 26
Federalist 51
- Proposes a government broken into three branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial.
- Each branch should be self-sufficient, but each should have some kind of power over the other in order
for them to keep each other from taking over the government. - The Legislative branch needs to be split further into the House of Representatives and the Senate
because it’s the most powerful branch, and members of the Judicial branch need to be chosen by the
President with the Senate’s approval because they want qualified candidates for a position that lasts
for life. - This style of government also helps keep down the power of factions, a recurring theme from
Federalist 10.
Federalist 70
a unitary president is necessary to:
- ensure accountability in govt
- enable pres to defend against legislative encroachments on presidential power
- ensure energy in the exec
Federalist 78
- As “the weakest of the three departments of power,” the Judiciary needs strengthening.
- Without an independent judiciary, any rights reserved to the people by the Constitution “would
amount to nothing,” since the legislature cannot be relied upon to police itself. - lifetime appointments, guaranteed “during good behavior” to insure that judges can resist
encroachments from the legislature (to which presumably they would be vulnerable by means of
bribes or threats)
Letter from a Birmingham Jail
- King argues duty to fight for justice
- oppressed must demand equality
- segregation is immoral in gods eyes
- white americans who say they agree with desegregation but criticize the manner in which civil rights activists go about achieving it are the biggest obstacle standing in the way of racial equality- white moderates
-the civil rights movement will be successful bc the goal of america is freedom