required cases Flashcards
FEC v. United
1st amendment (they wanted to deny votes to hillary)
Baker v carr
equal protection clause
shaw v reno
equal protection clause
marbury v madison
14th amendment (judicial review)
mapp v ohio
4th amendment
miranda v arizona
5th amendment
obergefell v hodges
due process and equal protection???
new york times v sullivan
1st amendment (new york times ruined sulivans reputation and sued) -because they didnt have the knowledge that it did harm his reputation
johnson v texas
gibbons v ogden
commerce (congress has the authority to regulate interstate commerce- crossing state lines)
dred scott v sandford
1st (slaves)
mcculoch v marlyland
necessary and proper (federal law was stronger than state law. state could not tax a federal bank)
united states v. lopez
commerce (congress overstepped and states have control of this issue)
engel v vitale
establishment clause (no coercion)
tinker v des moins
1st (clear and present danger)
new york times v us
1st (clear and present danger)
schneck v us
1st (shneck lost his case because wartime allowed a country to impose greater restrictions on free speech)- was about the draft
mcdonald v chicago