Republican Conservatism Flashcards
When did warren Harding win the election
When was the teapot dome scandal
Give an example of how Harding helped people from the Ohio gang who helped him rise to power
Daugherty, attorney general
Who did warren appoint as secretary of treasury
Carnegie Mellon
When was the fordney mccumber act
Who took over after Harding died in 1923
Calvin Coolidge
What good things did Harding do
Supported anti lunching law, FP achievements, budget reform
What did Coolidge introduce as part of small govt big business
1924 revenue acts - big cuts on income taxes
Mellon & the Mellon plan
What was Britain’s forced to do after the Wall Street crash
Abandon the gold standard
What were the shanty towns known as
Under liaised faire in the 1920s, how many banks were failing every year
Around 600
What did hoover introduce to help farmers after WSC, how much did this give in fed loans
Agricultural marketing act and federal farm board, $47 million
What did hoover introduce that had a negative effect, reducing agricultural prices even more
1930 grain stabilisation corporation
Due to dust bowl conditions, what percentage of farmers lost their land by when
25% 1932
The hawley smoot tariff act raised import duties on how many good s
By late 1931, due to hoover opposition to relief schemes, how many were unemployed
7 million
What did the reconstruction finance corporation do
Emergency loans to banks and corporations
What did the revenue act do
Increased taxes, unpopular with businesses
Bonus march - how many people, what year, where, hoovers response
15k veterans, 1932, Washington DC, refused to meet them
What was one of al smiths weaknesses in 1929 election
Catholic - rejected by Protestants