REPUBLIC ACT No. 11036 Flashcards
Act Establishing a National Mental Health Policy for the Purpose of Enhancing the Delivery of Integrated Mental Health Services,
REPUBLIC ACT No. 11036 shall be known as the
“Mental Health Act.”
Strengthen effective leadership and governance for mental health
Develop and establish a efficient national mental health care system
Protect the rights and freedoms of persons with psychiatric, neurologic, and psychosocial needs
Strengthen information systems
Integrated mental health care
Integrate strategies promoting mental health
primary chronic relapsing disease of brain reward,
refers to the person, who may or may not be patient’s next-of-kin or relative
ensuring that all relevant information related to persons with psychiatric, neirologic, and psychological health needs is kept safe
process of transitioning service users
distinction, exclusion or restriction
processes of medical or psychotherapeutic treatment of dependency on psychoactive substances
Drug Rehabilitation
medically-determined inability on the part of a service user
refers to a neurologic or psychiatric condition
Mental Health Condition
an entity or individual providing mental health services
Mental Health Service Provider
refer to psychosocial psychiatric or neurologic activities
Mental Health Service
refers to a trained person, volunteer or advocate engaged in mental health
Mental Health Worker
a condition presenting a serious and immediate threat to the health a
Neurologic Emergency
approach to intervention and treatment centered on the strengths of a service user
recovery-Based Approach
person with lived experience of any mental health condition
Service User
spectrum of informal and formal arrangements or services assisting a service user
act of assisting a service user who is not affected by an impairment
Supported Decision Making
psychiatric, psychosocial, and neurologic services:
Short-term, in-patient, hospital care in a small psychiatric ward
Partial hospital care
Home care services
Coordination with drug rehabilitation center
referral system
This Act was finally passed on
February 12, 2018.