Reproductive Systems Flashcards
Tunica Albuginea
(M) Tough, Outer covering of the testis
Seminiferous Tubules
(M) Tubules located w/in loves of a testis;
(M) On sperm, a sac of hydrolytic enzymes that clear a path through the protective layer around the egg
(M) Region of sperm at which mitochondria are concentrated
(M) Region of sperm cell with DNA
(M) Region of sperm cell with flagellum
Sertoli Cells
(M) Support cells that promote maturation of sperm, help create the blood-sperm barrier, and secrete fluid to move sperm through tubules
Interstitial tissue
(M) The tissue in lobules of the testis surrounding seminiferous tubules
Leydig Cells
(M) cells in testis that secrete testosterone; located in interstitial tissue
Myoid Cells
(M) Contractile; help with renewal and maintenance of spermatogonia; located in interstitial tissue
Rete Testis
(M) Network of tubules in the testis that seminiferous tubules feed into
Efferent ductules
(M) Ducts that carry sperm out of the testis
(M) Coiled tube adjacent to testis; site of sperm maturation and storage
Ductus deferens
(M) Tube that transports sperm into the abdominal cavity
spermatic cord
(M) Structure that carries, nerves, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, ductus deferens, and cremasteric muscle from the testis to the abdominal cavity.
Inguinal canal
(M) Passage through the abdominal wall through which spermatic cord travels
Cremaster Muscle
(M) The muscle that is an extension of the external oblique and surrounds the testis; contracts to bring the testis closer to the abdomen for warmth
(M) Enlargement at end of ductus deferens
Ejaculatory Duct
(M) Duct that connects ductus deferens and seminal vesicle to the urethra
Seminal vesicles
(M) Paired structures that secrete seminal fluid into the ejaculatory duct
Prostate Gland
(M) Structure that encircles the urethra and secretes seminal fluid into the urethra
Bulbourethral Glands
(M) Paired structures that secrete seminal fluid directly into the urethra
(M) Structure that separates testis within scrotum