Reproductive system in humans/vertebrates Flashcards
What is sexual reproduction?
Sexual reproduction is the fertillisation of an egg cell by a sperm cell to create a new generation.
Different vertebrates have different reproductive strategies. Each specie has adapted to maximise reproductive success.
Define the term reproduction? (1.1)
Reproduction is the biological process whereby a living organism produces a new individual or individuals
what is meant by the term reproductive strategy (1.2)
it is a structural, functional or behavioural adaptation that increase the chances of fertilisation and survival of offspring
Why do animals need to use reproductive strategies (1.3)
animals use different reproductive strategies to increase their reproductive success in different environments
Define courtship as a reproductive strategy in animals (2.1)
It is the behavioural patterns of male and female animals, leading to matting and ultimately resulting in fertilisation.
Define the term fertilisation (2.2)
Fertilisation is the fusing of the haploid male gamete (sperm cell) with a haploid female gamete cell (egg cell) to form a diploid zygote.
What is a zygote?
A fertilised egg cell
What is a embryo?
The zygotes, which divides by mitosis into many cells
What is a foetus?
An embryo of a mammal that has developed organs and organ systems.
What is the placenta and what are the functions
An organ with a rich blood supply that provides food and oxygen to the embryo and removes waste products from the embryo.
What are the 3 types of development strategies
1) Oviparous- lays eggs on land with a shell or without a shell in water. (external fertilisation)
2) Ovoviviparous- live birth from eggs (seahorses, snakes and sharks)
3) Viviparous- live placental birth.
What is meant by extra- embryonic membranes? 4.3
It is membranes outside of the embryo
What is described by the development strategy precocial development 5.1
Young hatched when almost fully developed. Open eyes, have hair and feathers Active/ mobile Chicks leave nest soon after hatched Not confined to nests Energy goes into prenatal development
What is described by the development strategy Altricial development 5.1
Born/hatched when not-well developed Are blind at birth Often naked or lacking hair/ feathers Cannot walk or fly. Need to be looked after by parents for along time (fed and kept warm) Confided to a nest or burrow
What is the function of the umbilical cord in the amniotic egg?
Connects the embryo with yolk and allantois.
What is the function of the Blood vessels in the amniotic egg?
Carry blood between embryo, yolk and allantois.
In an unfertilised chicken egg, what is the function of the albumen calza
Holds the yolk and embryo in place and absorbs shock.
What is the function of the Double membrane in the amniotic egg?
Protection against infection
What is the function of the Albumen in the amniotic egg?
Major source of protein for developing young.
Define parental care 7.1.1
It is any behavioural pattern where parents spend time or energy on the feeding and protection of their offspring/young
Name 5 examples of parental care 7.2
Guarding eggs Keeping young warm Protection of predators Hatching of eggs Feeding of young
What is fertilisation
When an egg cell fuses with a sperm cell to form a diploid zygote.
Give the function of the Bladder?
Stores urine until urination.
Give the function of the ureter?
Transports urine from the kidney to the bladder.
Give the function of the Seminal vesicles?
Secretion of nutrients to keep sperm alive. Secretion of fructose + globulin as food for the sperm and increase mobility of sperm. The secretions are alkaline.
Give the function of the Prostate Gland?
Adds fluid to the sperm mixture. Secretes milky alkaline substance- active sperm cells to greater mobility and to neutralise acidic medium in vagina.
Give the function of the Ejaculation Duct?
Eject semen along urethra to outside.
Give the function of the Cowper’s Gland?
Secretion activate the sperm cells to greater mobility. Adds fluid to the semen that neutralises the acidic urine in urethra.
Give the function of the Urethra?
Carries urine and semen to the outside.
Give the function of the Vas Deferens?
Transport sperm cells by peristalsis from testis to urethra. carries sperm.
Give the function of the Epididymis?
Temporary storage and ripening of sperm cells. secretion and peristalsis helps movement of sperm.
Give the function of the Testis?
Produce sperm cells by spermatogenesis and produces testosterone.
Give the function of the Scrotum?
Temperature regulator for the production of sperm.
Give the function of the Penis?
Transfers sperm to vagina of a woman.
What is the functional difference between the ureter and urethra?
Ureter- Transports urine from the kidneys to the bladder.
Urethra- Common tube that transports both urine and semen to the exterior.
Is it possible for a man to urinate during ejaculation. Explain?
No, there are sphincters that prevent urine and semen being released simultaneously.
Define puberty
Period (10-12 years) when a boy/girls sex organs develop and produce gametes and hormones that result in secondary sexual characteristics.
What is the difference between sperm cells and semen.
Sperm cells are the male gametes in the semen.
Semen is the combination of sperm cells and fluid secreted by the mucous membranes of the ducts as well as the accessory glands.
Name the organ where testosterone is produced. (1)
Give TWO functions of testosterone. (2)
Testosterone is responsible for the development of male
secondary sexual characteristics and it stimulates the
maturation of sperm cells
Name all the parts of the sperm cell that are responsible for movement. State what the function of each part is. (4)
Mitochondria in the middle piece of a sperm cell provide energy for swimming.
Tail moves in a whip-like fashion to propel the sperm cell
towards the egg cell.
Explain the role of the nucleus of the sperm cell in fertilisation.
The nucleus contains 23 chromosomes (n), and fuses
with the nucleus of an egg cell, which also contains 23 chromosomes (n). The result is a zygote with
46 chromosomes (2n).
What is the function of the nucleus in a sperm cell?
The nucleus contains a haploid set of chromosomes from the father, which contains the DNA and heredity characteristics from the father of the sperm cell.
What is the function of the Acrosome in a sperm cell?
The acrosome contains enzymes that dissolve the outer layer of the egg so that the sperm contents can penetrate the egg.
What is the function of the Middle piece in a sperm cell?
The middle piece contains many mitochondria to provide energy needed by the tail to help it move towards the egg cell for movement.
Give the function of the Ovaries in the female reproductive system?
Oogenesis and maturation of primary follicles to a graafian follicle. Releases an egg cell/ova. Secretes oestrogen and progesterone.
Give the function of the Fallopian tubes in the female reproductive system?
Fertilisation takes place here. Development of a zygote into a embryo. Passage for egg cell/ embryo to the uterus.
Give the function of the Uterus in the female reproductive system?
Implantation of the embryo and the development of the embryo and foetus. Maintains pregnancy. Assists in childbirth. Passage for the sperm between the vagina and the fallopian tube. Protects the Foetus / Prevents infection (cervix form a mucus plug)
Give the function of the Vagina in the female reproductive system?
The vagina is the birth canal for the birth of new born babies. Allows for the passage of Blood/ Endometrial lining and amniotic fluid from the foetus just before labour. Facilitates sexual intercourse / receives semen. Secretes an acid that prevents infection.
In older men, the prostate gland sometimes enlarges , causing constriction of the urethra. what problems would result.
No urination.
What are the hormonal changes in males and female during puberty.
Puberty is controlled by the action of hormones, there is a increase in the secretion of the growth hormone (causes a growth rate in males and females). The pituitary gland in the brain secretes the hormones LH and FSH, which affects the testes (in males) and the ovaries( in females) to produce other hormones. (Testosterone, Oestrogen and Progesterone).
What is the function of the sertoli cell in spermatogenesis
Feeds sperm.
What is the function of the cells of leydig
The cells of leydig secrete testosterone.
What happens to the primary oocyte after puberty?
The pituitary gland secretes the hormone FSH which stimulates the development of a primary follicle into a graafian follicle. the graafian follicle secretes the hormone oestrogen, the secretion of oestrogen inhibits the secretion of FSH. On the surface of the ovary fluid gathers up and bursts the secondary oocyte is released (ovum), which is ovulation. Ovulation is stimulated by the LH in the hypophysis on day 14 of the ovarian cycle.
What happens to the primary oocyte after puberty?
The pituitary gland secretes the hormone FSH which stimulates the development of a primary follicle into a graafian follicle. The graafian follicle secretes the hormone oestrogen, which inhibits the secretion of FSH. On the surface of the ovary fluid gathers up and bursts the secondary oocyte is released (ovum), which is ovulation. Ovulation is stimulated by the LH in the hypophysis on day 14 of the ovarian cycle.
What happens to the Graafian follicle after ovulation
After ovulation the graafian follicle that is released as a secondary oocyte develops under the influence of LH into a solid body called corpus luteum, which secretes the hormone progesterone. No other egg cell can be formed or released and if the egg is not fertilised the corpus luteum disintegrates and the levels of progesterone decrease therefore menstruation occurs.
Describe the process of fertilisation
copulation takes place ( semen with sperm cells are deposited into a womans vagina)
sperm cells move to the uterus and enter the fallopian tubes.
the secondary oocyte that was released during ovulation is there waiting for the sperm cell.
many sperm cells gather around the ovum and attach itself.
the acrosome on the sperm cell secretes lytic enzymes that break down the corona radiata of the ovum. the nucleus of the sperm cell fuses with the nucleus of the ovum. fertilisation has taken place and a diploid zygote is formed.
What is the importance of the amnion with amniotic fluid
1) Shock absorber
2) protect the foetus against injuries
3) Maintain a constant temperature
4) prevent foetus from drying out
5) Medium for movement of foetus.
What are the functions of the Placenta
Provide nutrients from maternal blood into the foetus.
Gaseous exchange
Excretion of nitrogenous waste products produced in the embryo diffuse into the maternal bloodstream.
Secretion of hormones /endocrine gland.